6th Games - 'Old Era'

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This year's Games were not as well liked due to the Victor killing a Capitol favorite tribute and a sibling of a deceased tribute went in. Of course, this didn't stop them from winning without help as she proved how independent she could be.

The Reaping Ceremony in District 8 was calm and filled with purple outfits. The Female tribute was 13 year old Silky Smooth. Silky screamed and tearfully walked forward. Her District partner was 14 year old Mull Berry. Mull swallowed as he was taken to the cattle cars and shackled up next to his District partner. He made an alliance with the tributes from 1 & 2. Meanwhile, Silky created an alliance with the pair from 7 who were well-versed in axes.

District 6 was the one where all the youths had begun drinking and woke up with hangovers. The girl chosen was 17 year old America Ferrari. America whimpered but graciously walked forward. The boy chosen was America's cousin 17 year old United Ferrari. United was cheered by his friends who were all under the influence. The pair made separate alliances. America allied with Shimmer (3) and her district partner allied with the pairs from 9 & 4.

District 3's Reaping Ceremony was filled with sparks. The first name to be drawn by Joslyn was 17 year old Shimmer Powerhouse, Elektra Powerhouse's little sister and the Mayor's youngest daughter. She had a 6 year old son Rian at home. Shiny gasped and begged his friend's sister to not walk forward. However, she mumbled that she was ready to avenge Elektra and that was that. The Male chosen was 16 year old Micro Soft. Micro walked forward, stumbling due to being under the influence. Micro decided to work alone during the Games and Shimmer decided to work with America (6). However, what they didn't know was that Shimmer was dating the bad boy of her district.


As the gong sounded, all 24 tributes ran in with the Careers immediately turning on each other. As Jem (1) stabbed Lucas (2), Shimmer saw Jolie (5) attempt to stab America. However, Jolie got stabbed by Shimmer first, muttering 'you classist asshole.' As Jem killed her District partner Brazil, Silky stabbed Micro (3) as she saw him as more of a threat than Shimmer. Ivory (7) snuck up behind Paul (5) and killed him instantly. As 5 cannons sounded, Shimmer and America hid away from the camera. As United searched for his allies, he suddenly saw Shelly (4) collapse.

During the first day, Shelly (4) suddenly collapsed from afar. However, some viewers had spotted Shimmer wielding a knife which had killed Shelly, mistaking her for Jem. Shimmer whispered 'shit', which caused laughter from America. However, as Trina (9) and Fisher (4) were caught making out, Tony (9) set odd explosives that caused them to die. He mumbled 'whoa. What the fuck? I didn't think it was gonna be that much more powerful than a normal firecracker.' However, he also accidentally killed Walnut (7). The Fallen were Brazil (1), Lucas (2), Micro (3), Fisher & Shelly (4), Paul & Jolie (5), Walnut (7) and Trina (9).

On Day 2, Shannon (2) and Jem were arguing while a rogue knife she threw hit Shannon in the chest. She threw one at America but missed and killed United instead. United muttered 'win for me, little cuz'. America told him that she would fight for not only him but for their family. United's cannon sounded shortly afterward. America grabbed her sword and shouted 'not my cousin, you bitch!' Jem tried to run but America repeatedly stabbed her before she got the chance. As Jem's cannon sounded, Shimmer pulled her away from Jem's body and comforted her. America fell asleep in her arms. As Tony died from the poison he was given by Marcel (12), the Fallen played, showing Jem (1), Shannon (2), United (6) and Tony (9), leaving 11 tributes remaining.

On Day 3, Shimmer heard a loud scream from afar. She stared down in shock as Melinda (12) grabbed Georgio (11) by the neck, shouting 'this is what you get for your brother killing my boyfriend 3 years ago you asshole!' Shortly afterwards, Melinda stabbed him as his cannon sounded. Then, Melinda and her District partner Marc got into a fight that ended in both of them dying. As the Fallen played, this left 8 tributes remaining. These 8 were Shimmer (3), America (6), Ivory (7), Mull and Silky (both 8), Marsha and Manure (both 10) and Berry (11).

The next day, Shimmer and America spotted out Marsha and Manure fighting with Manure ultimately winning. The pair kissed for a while as they managed to walk over to Manure's position. However, just shortly after they stopped kissing, Shimmer shouted to Manure 'hey dickhead! Your brother killed my best friend last year. Any remorse or are you just gonna laugh and poke fun of him?' Manure shouted back 'my brother was not a killer! He just had a bad day.' This verbal fight went on until she said 'I can't take this shit front your mouth.' She stabbed him with a knife, causing outrage in the Capitol. As Mull got into a fight with Berry (11), Mull managed to win. However, he bled out from Berry's injuries she managed to give him. During the final four, America managed to kill Ivory while Silky was killed by Shimmer. However, Shimmer started bleeding out. America rushed forward and grabbed Shimmer before she hit the ground. Yet, Shiny gasped in shock as Shimmer slit her own throat, sounding her cannon instantly which gave the crown to 17 year old America Ferrari from District 6.


After winning, America eventually got married and had several children, many of whom who would go into future Games, such as Brianna (24th Games), Teslana (25th Games), Boston (26th Games) and Shimmer (27th Games). Several children and grandchildren would go in too and produce most winners of District 6.

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