35th Games

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This year's Games featured a surprising victor as she seemed rather sweet and calm. However, her revenge at the end was what made her known.


The reaping ceremony in district 10 was calm but rather emotional. The girl chosen was 13 year old Emily Rations. However, a girl volunteered, which upset Michelá Luther as it was revealed that the girl who volunteered was 14 year old Emmeline Luther, her daughter. Emmeline hugged the girl and told her it was ok. This inspired Emily's cousin, 18 year old Butch Sanchez to volunteer for his husband, 17 year old Luther Sanchez. Emmeline was visited by her girlfriend and the pair kissed for a while. Emmeline wiped a tear from the girl's eye and promised to return home. Emily hugged her as Emmeline whispered "sweetie". Butch and Luther hugged and as they separated, viewers were saddened by this and rooted for him to return. Other viewers rooted for Emmeline to return home.

District 5 was rather calm as Seeder entered the district. As Seeder grabbed a piece of paper, it was revealed to be 18 year old Carol Jameson. Carol cursed under her breath and as she was walking up to the stage, she grabbed one of the male youths and threw him on to the stage. Aeswi looked at her mother and whispered "shit". When the boy was asked his name, he responded that it was 12 year old Ed Martins. Carol then shouted out "Fuck! Wrong one!" Carol was visited by her brother who hugged her and cried during the visit. Ed was visited by his family who was proud of him for being brave enough to go through the games and asked him to win alongside his brother giving him some chocolate.

District 1 was quiet as this year, they had many female youths do different talent displays in order to see who would win the role of female tribute. When it came down to three females left, the females were revealed to be 16 year old Melinda Richness, 17 year old Chanel Coco, and 18 year old Vuittona Fabric. Vuittona ended up winning the role of the female tribute by only a small margin. The males were much less competitive as 18 year old Ross Highend had managed to score the role of male tribute rather easily. Vuittona was visited by her family who swore at her for volunteering. Ross was visited by his girlfriend who supported his decision and told him to come home.


Emmeline and Butch stared at each other from afar while Carol and Ed looked around the farm for Piscine and Rick (both 4). Vuittona and Ross stared at each other from afar as they noticed that the pair (2) stared at each other in fear, due to their low "points" which were classified to only high capitol officials. When the countdown began, Ross and the girl (2) made eye contact with their district partners. Ed and Carol rolled their eyes as the pair looked away from each other. Ed was shown to have bruises on his wrists while Carol didn't. Emmeline and Butch set their eyes on machetes. When the gong sounded, Emmeline grabbed a machete and ran while Butch stabbed the girl (2), earning the first kill of the year within 10 seconds of the games beginning. Emmeline shouted at Ed to run and as he did so, he bumped into Nette (8). As the pair fought, much to everyone's surprise, Ed managed to fend off Nette and tossed her into the wall on accident, causing her to bump her head. However, Carol stabbed her and caused her to bleed to death. As Nette's cannon sounded, Butch slashed Gamma (3) as this death concluded the bloodbath. Ross grabbed some food and water while Vuittona stabbed Jasmine (7) and Carol. On day 1, Butch rested on the ground as he was covered in blood. Emmeline looked at the bodies from the bloodbath and said to the world "damn, they're really taking out the girls this year." Ed cried at the sight of the body of his district partner. He then vowed to kill whoever killed his district partner. Vuittona and Ross looked at each other with fear while mumbling to themselves about their next kills. As a cannon sounded, it was revealed to belong to Vehicula (6), who had died from a fight with Rice (9). As Vehicula and Rice fought over who was responsible for the death of their ally Jasmine, it turned physical with Rice slashing Vehicula across the chest but before Vehicula collapsed, she slashed Rice across her stomach, causing her guts to fall out in a rather gruesome scene that was censored in future replays. When Rice collapsed, Weaver (8) walked up to her sadly. As she faintly whispered for him not to kill her, he whispered for her to close her eyes and apologized. Rice apologized to her family and whispered "I'll see you soon aunt Merie. We're reuniting after 20 long years." As he stabbed her in the chest, he sobbed, apologizing as her cannon sounded. When the tributes were about to rest for the night, Ross and Vuittona went hunting for others while Ed crawled into a tiny hiding spot. Emmeline and Butch fell asleep in their hiding areas as well. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the girl (2), Gamma (3), Carol (5), Vehicula (6), Jasmine (7), Nette (8), and Rice (9), leaving 17 tributes remaining.

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