51st Games - Deadly Driver

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Reader discretion is advised. This year's Games consist of dissociation episodes.

Reaping Ceremony

District 2 had a typical ceremony with the mud pit being used again for both male and female tributes. Event it got down to 18 year old Blacksmith Sonofsam, 16 year old Agony Wells and 17 year old Hathor Creangă. Agony managed to take out the other 2, earning her the title of female tribute this year. The guys had eighteen volunteers. However, it eventually went down to 17 year old Roman Sonofsam, 16 year old Khesfu Cosmos, and 18 year old Night Shade. Night earned the role of male tribute, surprising many.


When the gong sounded, Glittery (1) and Shimmer (1) ran from the bloodbath with only a few knives. As Agony and Night pounced onto Light (3) and her district partner Tab, viewers noticed a fit of rage in the pair that wasn't there during the interviews. As Agony killed Tab (3), sounding the first cannon this year, Light bumped into Geo (4) and Marina (4). As she did so, she ended up grabbing the steering wheel and rotating the ship, causing everyone to fall over (except for Tab, who was already dead). This led to Mega (5) and the boy (6) sliding into the water and drowning as neither one of them knew how to swim. As three cannons sounded, the bloodbath concluded. Viewers were shocked and deemed this one as "bloodless so far." This led to Glittery and Shimmer going around to try to find Mind (5) who was quietly minding his own business. The girl (6) was walking around as Light quietly giggled like a little kid. Light went "this is fun to play with. I like this steering wheel." The girl (6) immediately caught on to what was happening with Light. However, when Smith (7) approached the girl, she whimpered and tried to pull away. However, he gently approached her and said "hi." She responded with "Hi. What's your name? Where am I? I'm really scared." Smith hugged her and rubbed her back, which seemed to calm her down. He told her "my name is Smith. I'm from district 7. I know the host and the protector. We met during training. Do you have a journal on you?" Citizens were confused as to what was happening. However, Cornelius seemed to have an idea but didn't say it as he was afraid of losing his job due to a medical policy in place that doesn't allow private medical information about someone to be released to the public (which is otherwise known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Light pulled out her token (a small piece of paper with wire all over it) and he pointed at something and asked if "this was what was happening." She nodded as he responded "What do you want to do? We can go out on the front and you can use the steering wheel, I can try to find you something to eat or drink. Whatever you want." Cornelius wiped away a tear as he turned away. When Light asked if they could go looking for food, Smith told her that they could do that and proceeded to walk around. As they eventually found some fish, he checked the expiration date and saw that it was expired and could potentially get them sick. He quietly asked sponsors if they could have some food and drinks in order to keep going and "for you guys to see more interactions between us." As sponsors sent down gifts for most tributes, one generous sponsor (whose identity was never reavealed) had sent them both a huge buffet of food and a ton of water to keep their energy up as they had a sibling with a similar condition. Smith heard the beep from sponsor gifts and gently asked her what she thought the beeping was from. She asked if it was a gift to her to which he responded that it was. She opened it to see a lot of food and said "Smith, I found some food!" He then saw a sponsor gift for himself containing a ton of water and a really sweet note that made him tear up. The note stated 'you got this. Good job on helping Light through this. As he told Light that he had got a lot of water from a sponsor, she looked at it and went "whoa. That's a lot of water." That night, as the Horn of Plenty began to play, he hugged her and told her that it was alright as the portraits of Tab (3), Mega (5), and the boy (6), leaving 21 tributes remaining.

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