45th Games - Tactical

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This year's Games featured a relatively new tactic that hadn't been used before in the games. This would lead to the victor getting a teaching stint at different academies.


This year's games took place in a winter wonderland themed arena. It featured cocaine bears for a small surprise and plenty of supplies in the cornucopia as usual. As all of the tributes looked around, Mary and Joseph stared at the pair (2). As Marker and Wired stared at each other, the gong sounded. Mary went in and grabbed a sword, slashing down the pair (4) as Joseph fought the boy (5). However, Blight (7) jammed an axe into the head of Joseph, causing his district partner to sob in pain as Blight ran away. She then made it her plan to get revenge on him for the death of Joseph. As Limbo (7) escaped, the boy (6) attempted to tackle her, but in the end, Mary tackled Limbo and killed her as the girl (8) killed the boy (6). When Mary saw this, she jumped onto the girl as the pair (2) were killed by Bee and Pollen. As Bee ran from the bloodbath after killing them, Pollen stayed behind and stabbed the boy (8), ending the bloodbath as the rest of the tributes ran away. When the eight cannons from the bloodbath sounded, Mary got distracted during the fight after hearing Joseph's cannon. This eventually led to Mary having her eye scratched out by the girl (8) who limped away in pain after having her leg slashed open by Mary. As the other tributes all went to different hiding places, Marker and Wired stayed in areas far away from each other while the pair (5) kept walking around, trying to hunt down any tributes. However, the girl (6) stumbled upon a sight that would later be known as "the most gruesome animal death." As she walked around, she saw that the girl (9) had stumbled upon a bear and while trying to kill it, the bear bit down onto her skin. As she screamed in pain, the bear brutally ripped the girl apart. However, as she screamed, viewers turned away in disgust as the girl continued to be ripped apart. After a while, the girl (6) managed to kill the bear as the cannon of the girl (9) tlrang out theough the arena. As most of the remaining tributes were freezing to death, Blight got up and moved around sniffing the air and muttering "that's a cocaine bear if I ever saw one. Ew." As he saw that the girl (6) was about to bite into a piece if the near that she had made, Blight tried to stop her. However, she took a bite and ignored his warnings. As the protraits were shown, almost nobody had a reaction. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Joseph (1), the girl (2), the boy (2), the girl (4), the boy (4), the boy (6), Limbo (7), the boy (8), and the girl (9), leaving 15 tributes remaining. When Limbo's portrait was shown, viewers noticed that Blight swore to himself and vowed to win for his cousin.

The next morning, Bull (10) woke up to hear March (9) crying and asked him what was wrong. He stated that the bears killed his district partner yesterday and that he was pissed off at himself. However, when Mary heard March crying, she attempted to kill him. However, it was stopped by a wrenching sound. Viewers noticed that the girl (6) was throwing up the bear she ate the night before. As Buffalo (10) tried to comfort the girl, she stabbed him, sounding his cannon. As the girl continued throwing up, Mary shouted "fuck you bitch!" and threw a knife at her, hitting the girl in the head while Bull muttered "damn, Buffalo was cute." As the girl (12) stumbled upon this scene, her district partner pointed out Marker. As the pair continued shivering, sponsors sent down a gift for a tribute. It was revealed that the gift belonged to Blight who read a message that stated 'win for Limbo and the others you lost. - T. M.' Blight then saw that it was a strange brown liquid which was revealed to be hot chocolate. Blight drank some of it and stated "this isn't bad. Now if we had a little coffee here, then maybe it would be a billion times better." Citizens laughed at this remark until they heard a loud snap followed by two screams. They looked up to see Marker and Wired almost unconscious on the ground. As the pair (12) snuck up on them, Marker begged and pleaded with them to stay alive. However, the girl (12) stated in response "this is what you get for Party killing my cousin 11 years ago, bitch." The girl then shot an arrow at Marker's head, sounding her cannon as Wired was stabbed to death by the boy (12). As Blught fell asleep, he whispered "I gotta win for Limbo. I'm not letting her down in any way, shape or form. No chance in hell." As the fallen tributes appeared, they were shown to be Wired (3), Marker (3), the girl (6), and Buffalo (10), leaving 11 tributes remaining. Bee and Pollen were asleep during the second day.

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