12th Games - 'Hometown Hero'

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This year's Games were popular for the way the victor had won. This method would be used once in a blue moon and it also featured no events this year. It also had an iconic final 2.


District 11 was a major talking point this year because instead of wearing neutral clothes, they all wore lime green clothing. The girl chosen was 17 year old Mint Aroma. Mint smiled as she walked forward with her braids swaying gently and her dress flowing in the wind. The boy chosen was 17 year old Moss Swamp. Moss had his hair cropped close and wore lime green shorts. He went topless, showing off his abs. Many Capitol girls swooned once they saw him. Many deemed him a favorite at the Reapings.

District 7 had a generic reaping. The girl chosen was 17 year old Asha Soot. Asha mumbled something to herself that was in a foreign language to the other citizens but what she said was in hindi and translated to 'do not panic, Asha. Just breathe.' The boy chosen was 15 year old Marcel Ale. Marcel shouted 'FUCK!' As Marcel walked forward, he shook Asha's hand.

District 5 had their moment in the spotlight after a fight at the reaping ceremony. The girl chosen was 17 year old Clara Wildheart. However, another girl volunteered. Clara whimpered as the girl revealed herself to be 17 year old Mechanica Wildheart. However, when the pair stared at each other, a third girl joined in, knocking them both out cold. The girl was 18 year old Techa John. After all hell had broke loose and ended, Joslyn pulled out a name. The boy chosen was 15 year old Adam Baker. Adam's mother cried as she hugged her son. He shrugged and walked forward. As all the tributes waited, the podiums rose.


As the podiums rose up and showed off the arena of a sunflower field, it was revealed that Luxor (1) had snuck a knife into the arena and threw it straight at Marcel. However, he dodged the knife as it hit Flour (9) in the head. Luxor was surrounded by agitated glares. Techa swore under her breath as she stared at Adam who rolled his eyes. Then, Luxor exploded. As the bloodbath began, everyone ran away from there, picking off body parts from Luxor and throwing them in the center. As day 1 began, viewers were intrigued by the people, specifically Angeles (6) who was in a fight with Radius (12). Angeles came up on top and stood up covered in Radius' blood. Rubius (2) slit his throat, sounding his cannon a few hours later. Moss and Techa spotted each other without the other noticing. However, Techa swallowed as the two cannons went off as Moss choked on some water. Adam laid down and stared at Asha, who she didn't see. Asha walked until she saw a clearing with nobody there. Marcel hid as the cannons went off whilst Mint jumped in fear. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Luxor (1), Rubius (2), Flour (9) and Radius (12).

During the night, Mint woke up to a scream nearby her hiding spot. It turned out that Pointek (8) had managed to make a makeshift spear with the stems of the sunflower which he used to kill the boy from 3. Mint proceeded to find a different hiding spot. Moss also heard a scream as two cannons went off almost in unison. The camera then moved to Adam as he mumbled 'someone fell for a trap. Yes, I am still awake.' This was revealed to belong to Meringue (9), who got a landmine after rummaging through the supplies of the boy from 3. However, she accidentally detonated it. Techa and Marcel also heard one, except it sounded like a war cry. The war cry belonged to Angeles who killed Limerick (4).

During the second day, Adam saw Liara (2) and threw his spear straight at her. It hit her in the shoulder. However, Adam was hit in the heart with her knife which sounded his cannon instantly. Techa woke up to hear the cannon and saw Adam being picked up. She stabbed Liara in the head with her nails, sounding her cannon instantly. Techa cried after seeing Adam be picked up. Asha heard the boy from 10 and threw a grenade straight at him. He stared at the girl and heard the explosion as it hit him in the chest sounding his cannon. Marcel was slowly losing strength from thirst. However, Moss seemed to be fine and Mint wasn't disturbed. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Liara (2), the boy (3), Limerick (4), Adam (5), Meringue (9), the boy (10).

On night 2, Pointek ran into his district partner who killed him with a trap. Techa spotted the girl from 8 as she killed Pointek. Techa chased the girl from 8 and tackled her. The pair got into a fight that lasted until the beginning of day 3. During the fight, Mint ran in between the pair who fought each other. As the girl from 8 threw her knife, she ducked as it hit Moss (who was right behind her) in the shoulder. Mint swallowed as she knocked the girl from 8 unconscious, allowing Techa to run free. As a second cannon went off, the trio halted all swearing at each other. The second cannon was revealed to have belonged to Marcel who had succumbed to thirst. Asha remained hidden until she saw the fallen tributes. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Marcel (7) & Pointek (8).

On day 4, Techa, Mint and Moss woke up to two cannons. Asha started wandering around the Arena for the first time in a while. She saw the girl from 8 and waited to attack, hiding near where Los (6) was. Angeles and Ria (10) were in a fight that lasted for 5 minutes as both of them sustained fatal wounds with Angeles going out first followed by Ria shortly after. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Angeles (6) and Ria (10).

During the fourth night, Los stumbled upon the girl from 8 who slashed him to death. Mint stopped in the middle of making something when she heard the screams from Los. His cannon sounded moments later. As some tributes ran to the cornucopia, the bags rose up. Shortly afterwards, the feast began. After the bags rose up, both Moss and the girl from 8 sprinted in. The girl from 8 was tackled by Moss as both of them entered the center of the arena. Then, Mint used three syringes she had prepared the night before and chucked one at Lexi (1). She pushed it in as Lexi choked on blood as her cannon sounded. Techa was the unfortunate victim of the second syringe after being mistaken for Hawaii (4). Once Mint pushed it in, she gasped and apologized as Techa's cannon sounded. Asha snuck past and grabbed her bag which contained fruit and water. Mint opened both bags to see armor in them. A few moments later, the girl from 12 was stabbed to death by Moss. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Lexi (1), Techa (5), Los (6), the girl (8) and the girl (12).

On night 5, Moss was sleeping as he felt something hit him. He stared at Hawaii who stared back at him in silence. She then threw her trident at his head, waking up Asha and Mint. Mint spotted her on day 6 and shot a syringe into her brain and pushed it in. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Hawaii (4) and Moss (11).

As Asha woke up, she saw Adrienne (3) who had snuck up behind her. However, Asha grabbed her sword and as the three girls reached the cornucopia during the sixth night, Adrienne was slashed in the stomach by Asha. However, she weakly shot an arrow at Asha's head, sounding Asha's cannon instantly. As Adrienne collapsed, Mint grabbed the girl's hand and smiled, mumbling that she was pretty smart for sneaking out last minute. She smiled, revealing that Mint had just won.


Mint returned home to District 11 to her overjoyed brother and eventually got married and adopted three kids who would not be chosen in future Games. She was known for her kind demeanor as a mentor and eventually after somebody won, she mentored District 12 in order for them to have their first victor. She was known as the 'Hometown Hero'.

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