9th Games - 'Grandparent'

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This year's Games had the oldest victor at age 19. The victor was also widely regarded as the grandparent of the group due to the younger tributes calling them that.


District 10 had a Reaping Ceremony that wasn't chaotic and was relatively somber after Leslie's death the year prior. The girl chosen was 18 year old Kiara Rivulet. Kiara began to walk up shakily. As she finished her walk up there, the boy chosen was 16 year old Bolt Jameson. Bolt swallowed and held back a sob. He gloomfully walked forward. The pair were then escorted to the train.

As Kiara and Bolt met Jonathan, he smiled and dubbed the pair as potential Victors in order to lighten the mood.

As District 7's Reaping Ceremony started, the girl chosen was 12 year old Leara Leaf. Leara whimpered as a boy volunteered, him being 18 year old Axel Marcus. As the pair began to run to the train, their parents shouted their goodbyes to them.


As the gong sounded, Leara bumped into Tiara (1) who ended up dying at her hands. Once the bloodbath began, Axel ran in to grab an axe and dodged a throw from Glittero (1), hitting the boy from 5 instead. As day 1 started, Kiara hid in the tunnel as Bolt joined her. However, the pair from 4 and Tiara and Glittero (both 1) were fighting in the stands nearby. As they fought, the girl from 4 was first killed by her district partner slash brother. Then, Tiara was killed by Glittero. As the boys ran away, Axel started to run for the stands as well. Once he got there, he saw Kiara and decided to ally with her. That night, the Fallen were shown to be Tiara (1), the girl from 4, the boy from 5 and Leara (7).

As Day 2 began, the boy from 4 and Glittero were ambushed by John and the girl from 5. As the boy from 4 died, the girl from 5 stabbed Glittero, shouting 'you killed my boyfriend you a**hole!' As Axel walked around, he felt someone jump on top of him. Then, two cannons sounded. As the boy from 8 attempted to attack Axel, the girl from 3 threw one into his head, sounding his cannon. Then, he stabbed the girl from 3. As Axel got up, plenty of cheers were heard. That night, the Fallen tributes were shown to be Glittero (1), the girl from 3, the boy from 4 and the boy from 8.

On Day 3, it was shown that Bold and Weapona (both 2) began to fight each other in the Arena. Yet, no cause as to why the fight began has ever been revealed, only that their siblings would be chosen two years later. Axel spotted Livera (6) behind them and she managed to stab both tributes in the head. Axel muttered 'damn' under his breath as Livera's district partner Driven had exploded into several pieces. As the pair got to know each other, they began to smile and joke around as if they weren't in the Arena at all. As the girl grabbed Axel's hand, they seemed to flirt and get along well with each other.  The last cannon belonged to Olivia (12), who had collapsed from thirst and had died within minutes of entering the tunnel's deepest and hottest parts. The fallen tributes were shown to be Bold and Weapona (both 2), Driven (6) and Olivia (12). As Livera fell asleep after the cannon of the boy from 11, Axel walked over to the others and killed two of the biggest players, Boarder (3) and the girl from 5.

As Kiara stood there, she saw her district partner Bolt laugh at the boy from 11 as he slit his throat. Kiara shouted at Bolt to look out. However, Bolt ignored her advice as she stabbed him from behind. He coughed and began to collapse shortly afterwards. Kiara smirked and muttered, 'you're an asshole Bolt. Don't fuck with a Rivulet.' As he continued mocking her, she stabbed him. His cannon sounded as Daisy (11) stumbled upon Board (9), who killed her instantly. As Day 4 continued, Axel and Livera stared at each other for a bit. However, Netty (8) killed Livera after she missed hitting Board in the head. Board was able to kill Netty shortly after. As Livera collapsed in Axel's arms, they muttered that they loved each other. John (12) and the girl from 9 stabbed each other to death. However, Axel killed Board out of rage. Killing was banned until the next day. That night, the Fallen were shown to be Boarder (3), the girl from 5, Livera (6), Netty (8), Board and Clara (both 9), Bolt (10), the pair from 11 and John (12).

On the final day, Axel and Kiara stared at each other. However, Axel took the first swing but missed and as Kiara hit Axel in the side, she demanded a double victory. This caused Axel to get the upper hand and jab her as well. As Kiara made one last swipe, just by her luck, she went straight through the head of Axel, crowning 18 year old Kiara Rivulet from District 10 as the Victor.


After winning, Kiara got married to her boyfriend in District 7, changing her birth district to District 7, indirectly causing her to be known as a District 7 Victor. She eventually adopted a daughter, Starlight, and was known for generations as the 'grandparent' of her Games.

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