48th Games - 5's 1st Male

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Reaping Ceremonies

District 1 was rather quiet as the mentors this year were fearful of losing another tribute (or tributes). The girl chosen was 18 year old Diamond Mine. Diamond swore under her breath as she stared at her younger sister Ruby who wasn't old enough to be reaped yet. The boy chosen by Basil was 17 year old Gala Kai. Gala cursed under his breath and walked forward. They nodded and shook hands, sighing at the prospect of doing this.

District 3 was much calmer as the mentors were sitting there, anticipating the names. The girl chosen was 15 year old Itree Eleedee. Itree looked a lot like her sister Cirque who nearly won her games but lost to Beetee. She gave a dirty look and stared directly at Beetee as the boy was chosen. It was revealed to be 16 year old Electric Current. They shook hands after giving each other a dirty stare.

District 9 was relatively calm with the girl chosen having been 17 year old Lunar Cycle. However, another girl volunteered in her place. She revealed herself to be 18 year old Tess Array. Tess' little brother hugged his sister's leg and muttered "don't go." However, she hugged her little brother as he sobbed. Capitol citizens laughed at the name as it sounded like 'tessarae'. The boy chosen was 16 year old Rae Mound. Rae swallowed and walked forward as his brothers cheered in the background, shouting out "Rae! Rae! Rae! Rae! Rae! Rae! Rae! Rae!" The pair shook hands and went to the train.


This year's arena was the rubble of the CDC (so original Capitol. Where do you come up with this stuff). When Diamond and her district partner Gala looked around, viewers noticed that James (5) and his district partner Jackie looked at each other with a look that could only be described as "lust filled". Itree and Electric frowned, seeing that this was not as creative as the other arenas in the past that were based off of landmarks. When Tess and Rae looked around the arena, they saw that the arena had been blown up. They correctly guessed that there were still more explosives that were lying underneath the rubble. During the countdown, they all waited and stared at James, hoping he would stumble as he had scored the highest that year. As the gong sounded, Lemonee (11) went hunting for other tributes. As soon as James ran in, he killed Holt (10) and Trotta (10) was killed by his district partner using rubble. When Lemonee escaped with the rubble, she bashed in the head of the girl (12), destroying the alliance between the pair from 12 and Tess. As Tess smashed the boy (12) against the ground, Rae killed the boy (2) who was singled out as a strong player like James was. However, a loud beeping was heard after a few more seconds. When Electric shouted that it was an explosive, he then screamed out "who stepped on it?" As the person looked down to see it, Jenner (11) shouted "son of a bi-" before lifting his foot up and causing another explosion. His legs were blown far off into the sky, grossing out many tributes. As nine screams were heard, James seemed to be the first one to stand up, screaming out "Jackie!" However, by that point, Jenner had died and his cannon had sounded, making him the first casualty of the explosion. As Jackie slowly tried to stand up, Aeswi cursed under her breath, knowing that she wasn't gonna make it. As the 18 year old looked down to notice a leg was missing, she cried in pain as the blood loss was becoming too great for her. She then whispered a few inaudible things to James that the microphone couldn't pick up. When her eyes finally closed, James dropped to his knees and cried after kissing her on the cheek. As Jackie's cannon sounded, Diamond and Gala looked for any survivors. When they saw eleven tributes lying under the rubble (seven were dead already), they walked past the seven dead bodies they saw with Diamond apologizing to all of them even though she didn't kill most of them and proceeded to break her pearl necklace which consisted of exactly 24 pearls and gave one pearl to each tribute who had already died. After walking around for a bit, they first killed Itree, who whimpered a very quiet "please, don't do this. I'm too young to die. If you do end up killing me, make it quick." As they stabbed the girl multiple times, Itree's cannon sounded, causing tears to form in Diamond's eyes. She then gave her 8th pearl to Itree. When Tess and Rae woke up from the explosion, they noticed how the girl (6) got stuck under the rubble with her body being crushed. Tess grabbed a rather heavy piece and dropped it on to the girl's head, sounding her cannon as her brains went everywhere. Diamond ran over, causing Tess and Rae to sprint away from the area and gave her a pearl. As Rae comforted Tess, who was sobbing uncontrollably at this point, Electric coughed and stood up, staring at the "couple" (both 4). He walked over, grabbed some rubble and apologized as he smashed it against their heads, sounding their cannons simultaneously. This concluded the bloodbath and caused 11 cannons. As Diamond put two more pearls into the hands of the pair from 4, she continued crying. When Gala asked what was wrong, Diamond just hugged him tight. Gala told her that "everything is gonna be alright. I've got you girl. There we go. Let it out." As she screamed in his chest, he then whispered "I know girlie, I know." After an hour of crying, Gala told her to "get her emotions together." As soon as he said this, James sobbed over losing his partner, screaming out "Jackie!" with an incredibly emotional tone. As he spotted the girl (2), he tossed a piece of rubble to the back of her head, causing her to collapse and split her head open as she hit another piece, sounding her cannon. Diamond noticed this and Gala put a pearl in her hand. It was noted by Cornelius Flickerman that "the 1s seem to be a lot gentler this year than they have been in the past. Poor Diamond seems to be traumatized by the explosion." His partner, Jonathan Templesmith agreed stating that "Gala seems to be a good guy this year. Neither one of them wants to shed any blood from other tributes. Look at the way they hesitantly kill Itree." As Electric walked around the arena after the 11 cannons sounded, he noticed that the boy (6) was approaching him. He then grabbed a piece of string, (which he brought that as his token to the arena), and proceeded to strangle the boy, whispering "this is what you get for bullying my district partner you coward!" As the boy's neck finally snapped, the 13th cannon sounded. Gala walked over and put a pearl in the boy's hand. When the tributes calmed down, Tess and Rae walked around to try to find the remaining careers. That night however, the fallen tributes played. They were revealed to belong to the boy (2), the girl (2), Itree (3), the boy (4), the girl (4), Jackie (5), the boy (6), the girl (6), Holt (10), Trotta (10), Jenner (11), the boy (12) and the girl (12). This left 11 tributes remaining by the second day. However, since Diamond and Gala slept in different parts of the arena, Diamond apologized to her family as she took a piece of rubble that was sharp enough to kill someone and slit her wrists. As she did so, she then proceeded to swallow the rubble. She then put the leftover pearls to the side and wrote a message. The message stated the following.

'Forgive me District 1. I know I seem like a coward now but those tributes you killed will come back to haunt you. Depression came back and I couldn't take it anymore. There's so much I want you guys to do. I really want you guys to take care of Ruby and Emerald. Keep an eye on their kids too, ok? I hope they can forgive me and understand one day why I did this. - Diamond'

Eventually, blood started to pour out from Diamond and she smiled, chuckling and stating "no more crying myself to sleep at night. I'm so sorry Capitol." As sponsors watched this scene, James woke up when he saw Diamond bleeding out. He ran over to the girl and tried to wrap up her arms but Diamond refused to let him do that. As he read the note, he whispered "I will keep that promise for you. I'll stay next to you during the night, ok?" Diamond nodded and cried. James sang a quiet lullaby and comforted her. As day 2 rolled around, Gala roamed the arena until he grew tired. However, when he saw Diamond's note, he cursed and ran over to grab the pearls next to the message. As he saw James next to her, Diamond's cannon sounded. When he saw a slight smile on her face, Gala stabbed James with a knife. However, James stabbed Gala in the head, killing him instantly. When sponsors stood there in shock, he went "I know you told Jenner to run into the bloodbath. This is for killing my girlfriend you cold hearted bastard." As he left, he grabbed the pearls and placed two in Diamond's hand and none in Gala's. Just then, Electric woke up to see Lock and Oak (both 7) approaching him. As Electric got an explosive ready, he chucked it at the pair, causing them to fall backwards and stab their backs in the rubble. As they began bleeding, James dropped pearls in both tributes' hands, as Electric was coming back with the knife he grabbed from the bloodbath. He then stabbed Lock and Oak (both 7), sounding their cannons. As Lemonee walked around and saw Electric was still alive, Tess and Rae apologized before killing Electric and Lemonee. Yet, just as those two cannons sounded, the final five all met back where the explosion occurred: the cornucopia. Tess and Rae were the first two to enter, killing Rosie (8) before also killing Stamp (8) by stabbing both of them with rubble. As James ran in, he saw that the other two were covered in blood and began to run away. However, what he noticed was that Rae was about to stab Tess. As Tess dodged his weapon, she eventually knocked him unconscious with the shrapnel from the explosion. When Rae tried to wake up, James began to punch and beat him, knocking him unconscious and sounding his cannon. Adam cursed under his breath as this would cause a rivalry between the two most famous families of the district. However, when it came down to Tess and James, both districts cheered for their tributes. As James tried to throw a piece of rubble towards Tess, she dodged it with ease as she swiped his scythe at him. However, when James stabbed her with his knife, he threw pearls at the tributes who had died before they got picked up, whispering "wasn't gonna let Diamond not finish what she started." As Tess stared at him, she slashed across his legs, causing him to yell in pain. Yet, he stood up in pain and slashed Tess in the throat with his knife. As Tess stumbled backwards, she chuckled as she continued to cough up blood. When she fell back, James walked over, placed the second to last pearl in her hand, and stabbed her once again as she whispered out "these kills will haunt you Jameson. Holt from 10, the girl from 2, Gala from 1, Rae from 9, and me. We will haunt you James. We will haunt you until your last dying breath." James then leaned over and whispered "over my dead body you prick." As he stabbed her again, her cannon sounded as it was announced that 18 year old James Logan was the winner of the 48th hunger games. Aeswi muttered "wow. My son just won. He's the first male victor from District 5. Good for him."


After winning, James slowly became an alcoholic as Tess' statement was correct in that the tributes would haunt him. His little brother would go into the 53rd hunger games and would be the runner up. He had three kids, with all three of them entering the 71st, 73rd, and the 74th hunger games with all of them volunteering to go in. He volunteered for the games almost 30 years later and would pass away.

Games 1-100Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon