42nd Games - "Copycat"

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This year's Games were rather scandalous.

Reaping ceremonies

Alex sighed as they entered district 11 after a long and scandalous reaping in district 12. When the youths of the district saw his red eyes, one of them asked if he was ok, to which he told her that London was in the hospital after collapsing during one of the preactivities before the reaping ceremonies, and that he was scared about performing the ceremonies. Alex composed himself before drawing out the first name. They pulled out the paper which revealed the name of 13 year old Nectar Lipton. Nectar cursed and began to walk away from the area. However, the other youths watched as she was dragged up by her mahogany dreadlocks while her cousin, 18 year old Holt Twisted had decided to volunteer. He had cropped hair and blue eyes like his cousin Akuol.

District 7 had an upsetting reaping ceremony for one family. London pulled out the name of the female tribute, revealing it to be 15 year old Tea Steepness. Tanashiri's wife passed out as she stared at her sister with udder sadness. Tea walked forward, her long brown hair flowing down her back as she swore in a different language. Some recognized it as Lakotan. The boy chosen by Alex was 16 year old Sap Martinez. His sister Melanie whimpered.

District 2 had a somber reaping as the girl chosen was 13 year old Alicia Mason. Alicia didn't cry but watched as her father shook his head in sadness as he told her in her native tongue to "come back home." She responded that she would. However, the boy chosen by Alex was 14 year old Samurai Martyr. Alicia broke down in tears on the stage. Samurai hugged his partner and told her it would be ok


This year's Games took place on Mount Rushmore. However, the gamemakers decided to be cruel with the supplies. They decided to make some weapons fake and others were real. It was the tributes' job to figure out which were fake or real. Most of the tributes looked at each other in udder confusion as they thought they would get a better arena. Nectar and Holt nodded as if they had an agreement on something. This confused Min (12) who looked around at the others in fear. Her district partner Error told her to calm down but this helped very little. Tea and Sap stared at each other from afar as Tea whispered something in Lakotan. When the countdown began, Alicia and Samurai eyed some knives and got ready to grab them. When the gong sounded, only Cotton (8) ran away from the bloodbath. Min was the first one to enter and with only a few seconds before Gina (1) could grab some supplies, Min chucked a knife and hit Gina in the shoulder. As Gina roared in pain and pulled out the knife, she chucked it back at Min who dodged it. This caused a fight between the two girls. However, as Gina stabbed Min, no blood came out from Min. Rather, Min stabbed Gina in the eye, killing her. Nectar escaped after grabbing a packet of fake blood and some prosthetics. Holt grabbed a sword and after seeing Nectar run with supplies, he escaped as well as his pursuer Samurai was busy fighting Javo (3). Tea grabbed her axe and attempted to kill the girl (10). However, Sap had managed to stab the boy (9), sounding his cannon instantly. The duo fled the cornucopia as Alicia and Samurai sprinted in. Alicia grabbed a spear and stabbed the girl (10), sounding her cannon. Samurai attempted to pursue Holt but failed as Javo (3) stopped and tackled him. Javo eventually got the upper hand and killed Samurai using a piece of the head of George Washington. As Alicia screamed his name, he shouted at her to "run like the wind!" As the gore came to a halt, four cannons sounded. Tears were heard from Alicia as she was the only other career remaining. She whimpered in sadness at the fact that she lost her friend. As Tea heard her crying, Tea asked the younger girl what was wrong. Alicia hugged her and shouted in her chest "IT'S NOT F***ING FAIR! MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD! WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE? FUCK YOU JAVO! FUCK YOU!" with the last word being drawn out. As Tea knelt down to comfort the crying girl, Sap saw this and called Tea a "traitor." Sap eventually ran from her as he saw Min and Error fall off of the mountain, splitting their heads open. Sap whispered "ooh, that had to hurt." Nectar opened up her bag of prosthetics. She went "ooh, these should come in handy." As Nectar put them on, she saw her first target, the boy (6), a cocky and overweight guy around her age. She then pretended that she was dead. As he approached and attempted to grab her supplies, Nectar stabbed him in the neck with a knife. As he coughed up blood, she frowned. As she pulled the knife out, he collapsed as his cannon sounded. Viewers were in shock but she then tossed her hair behind her ear and went back to her original position. Holt stared off into the distance as the cannons sounded and as he snapped out of one of them, he saw Scully (1) with a knife in his stomach. When asked what happened, Scully explained that Alicia had found him, mistook him for Javo, and stabbed him. Holt then asked if he wanted to be put out of his misery. Scully nodded and Holt whispered "I'm so sorry. I'm so uncomfortable doing this." He then pushed his knife into the back of Scully's head, sounding his cannon. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Scully (1), Gina (1), Samurai (2), the boy (6), the boy (9), the girl (10), Min (12), and Error (12), leaving 16 tributes remaining.

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