57th Games

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As Justice stopped in District 8, she saw that few of the population were somber about last year. When she drew the name of the female tribute, she was shocked to see that it was 18 year old Iris Sanchez. Iris swallowed and walked forward. She shook Justice's hand and curtsied, asking if "this was a good way to greet you?" Justice nodded and went "better than the capitolites" which made Iris smile. The boy chosen was 16 year old Jersey Sewn. Jersey stood there and walked forward moments later. Sponsors didn't look hopeful for him. Iris wasn't visited by anyone while Jersey's parents sobbed.

District 9 was rather calm as the girl chosen was 14 year old Scythe Flour. Scythe walked forward in silence while the other girls pointed and laughed at her. The boy chosen was 16 year old Frank Miller. Frank swallowed as he walked forward. Frank was visited by his dad who wished him luck during the Games. Scythe's mother visited her and hugged her daughter before collapsing.

District 11 was rather quiet as Justice drew out the names. Justice called out the first name, which was 13 year old Petunia Akuol. Petunia whimpered and sobbed as she walked forward. As she shook hands with Justice, she drew out the name of the male tribute, shouting that it was 12 year old Bluejay Sorrel. Bluejay cursed and walked forward, kissing his district partner and shaking hands with Justice. After the two shook hands, they were instantly taken to the train, with no one saying goodbye to either one.

This year's Games took place in Connecticut. Iris and Jersey stared at each other as Scythe looked at her ally Abby (3). Frank stared at the weapons and began to twist his head. Petunia amd Bluejay blew kisses at each other while looking at the alliance they created during training. Bluejay then looked at the careers who all looked scared this year. As the careers smirked, the gong sounded. Kristallite (1) grabbed a knife and sprinted away as Golden (1) was stabbed by the girl (4), making him the first casualty of this year's Games. As the pair (both 2) began to run after grabbing weapons, Jersey grabbed a throwing knife and chucked it, hitting Finnish (4). Iris shouted "nice one, J!" He smiled as he continued to run from the bloodbath. Scythe grabbed a scythe (like her namesake) and slashed the girl (5) across the throat as the boy (5) was stabbed by Frank. Petunia and Bluejay grabbed some axes and food before running with the alliance, who was already down two members. The bloodbath concluded shortly afterwards, sounding four cannons. As Iris and Jersey ran away from the cornucopia, Iris laid down on the grass and sighed. She looked over at the boy (7) and frowned, pondering something. As night began to fall hours later, a cannon boomed out. Scythe and Frank had decided to ambush the pair (10) and stabbed the boy (10) in the head, leaving Steak an opportunity to get away. As Steak ran from the scene, she and Scythe got into a fight which lasted for 45 minutes. As Jersey fell asleep, a second cannon boomed out. The big alliance watched as Petunia and Bluejay climed up resprective trees, earning some laughter from the others. That night, as the boy (7) took watch for him and Iris, the fallen tributes were shown to be Golden (1), Finnish (4), the girl (5), the boy (5), the boy (10), and Steak (10), leaving 18 tributes remaining.

On day 2, Iris heard a loud scream followed by a cannon. She muttered "for fuck's sake, not this again." As the camera panned over to the body, it was shown to belong to Petunia (11) who had fallen from a high tree branch, causing her to snap her neck and for her cannon to sound. After her cannon, Jersey woke up and realized that the number of tributes was dwindling down. Bluejay sobbed and yelled at the others for not keeping a closer eye on Petunia. When the camera panned back to Jersey, viewers then saw the pair (12) standing over him while asking where Iris and the boy (7) were. When Jersey continually responded that he didn't know, the girl (12) slashed his throat which caused his cannon to sound. However, Scythe and Frank snuck up on the pair (12) from behind. As the pair turned around to see them, they began to beg for their lives, stating that they could ally. However, Scythe didn't seem to care and stabbed the boy in the head and slashed the throat of the girl, sounding their cannons. Frank looked at Scythe and went "now I know not to fuck with you when these continue." She chuckled and turned around as they continued walking around the arena. As Iris took the second watch, she noticed Scythe and Frank walking around and woke up her ally. As the pair began to run from their original spot, Frank noticed this and chased after them. As Iris tripped over a log, Frank caught up to be about 100 feet behind her. However, she continued to run, widening the gap. This was not the case for the boy (7) however as he was caught by Scythe. As the boy tried to fight off Scythe, she strangled him and stabbed him shortly afterwards, sounding his cannon. As Scythe met up with Frank, Iris had managed to escape, to which he muttered "shit, I lost her. Did you get the boy though?" As she nodded, the pair sat near the river. When the portraits began, the cameras did another sweep throughout the arena, showing that the careers still had their other four members, Iris was now alone, the unnamed outliers all created an alliance had now dwindled down to six (five in a couple of hours) tributes and Frank and Scythe had begun to sleep near the river. That night, Iris saw that the fallen tributes were the boy (7), Jersey (8), Petunia (11), the girl (12), and the boy (12). Iris whimpered when she saw Jersey's portrait and began apologizing to his family about them losing their son. She also turned away after seeing the portrait of her ally and let out a loud scream in her hiding spot, which was incredibly close to where the careers were hiding. Frank and Scythe high-fived after a "productive day." Bluejay got into an argument and decided to leave the alliance behind.

On day 3, one of the members of the outlying alliance had left after a long argument with the other members. This member was Bluejay, who went walking around the arena to clear his head and leave. As he climbed up a tree and began sliding on the vines like a zipline, he spotted the girl (2) urinating in the river. Bluejay threw his axe, hitting her in the back of the head and sounding her cannon. When the other careers didn't see her come back, they started calling out for her. Realizing that he could get rid of his biggest competition in the arena, Bluejay decapitated the boy (2) and the girl (4) with both of his axes, sounding their cannons immediately. Frank and Scythe woke up to the sound of the axes slashing through the air. However, what they didn't know was that Kristallite had snuck up behind Frank and stabbed him in the neck. As Bluejay swung through the trees, he shouted "woo-hoo! Try to catch me now bitches!" As Scythe was distracted by this, Kristallite attempted to stab her. However, the two girls got into a schoolyard fight, giving Iris (who was still asleep near the career hideout) and the girl (7) (who was asleep with the alliance) an opening to kill the pair. However, Bluejay took this opening and killed the two girls, sounding their cannons, shouting "this... this was for Petunia you jackasses! You killed my girlfriend and for what? Fuck you!" As he dropped down to his knees, he saw a dying Frank and muttered "they're dead now. The question now is what are you gonna do about it, lover boy?" He then slashed Frank's throat, sounding his cannon. As the other tributes woke up, they heard the six cannons go off one after the other. As a lot of the tributes fell back asleep, Bluejay continued walking around the arena, losing more energy while impressing capitol citizens with his six kills. As Iris heard the six cannons, she whispered "time to kill, I guess." As she walked around, she heard howling from a distance. She looked around and went "oh fuck." As she climbed up to the top, Bluejay did not have to worry about the wolves and sighed in relief as they didn't find him. An announcement was made that night that the feast would occur the next day. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Kristallite (1), the girl (2), the boy (2), the girl (4), Scythe (9), and Frank (9), leaving 7 tributes remaining. This year, the portraits of the final 7 were also shown with the words FINAL 7 next to them. These 7 were Phoner (3), Abby (3), Market (6), Nascara (6), the girl (7), Iris (8), and Bluejay (11).

The next morning, as the bags rose up, the feast began. The ones that did not go were Iris and Bluejay. As Nascara grabbed her bag, she hit it against the girl (7), splitting her skull open and giving her a concussion. However, she also hit it against Market which sounded his cannon. As Nascara ran away, Abby jumped in and put the girl (7) out of her misery as Phoner grabbed both bags for district 3. As Abby and Phoner ran away, the two cannons from the feast sounded as Iris and Bluejay sat in their spots pensively. Nascara walked around the arena as she saw Bluejay. However, when he saw her, he slashed her neck, sounding her cannon instantly. As the final four remained, an announcement was made to not kill anyone until tomorrow. The others groaned as Iris shrugged and muttered "time for dinner, I guess." As she ate some food, Bluejay walked around the arena to hunt down more tributes. While the remaining ones fell asleep, the fallen tributes were shown to be Nascara (6), and the girl (7), leaving five tributes remaining.

On day 5, Bluejay woke up to two cannons which belonged to Market (6) and Phoner (3) who were both killed by Abby. As Abby stood up, she ran to the cornucopia where Iris was hiding. As Iris stabbed Abby, she realized her final opponent was Bluejay who had seven kills. She looked around and saw the wolf mutts, causing her to climb up on to the top of the cornucopia. As Bluejay jumped on to the top as well, Iris charged at him and shoved the 12 year old into them after they both crawled up on top of the cornucopia. As Bluejay screamed, Iris grabbed her final knife and hit Bluejay in the shoulder. What ultimately caused his death though was the arrow she grabbed and shot at him, hitting his brain and sounding his cannon. As the wolves disappeared,  it was then announced that 17 year old Iris Sanchez was the winner of the 57th hunger games. She then collapsed from exhaustion and whispered "never doing that again." Oh, how wrong Iris was.


After winning, Iris would go on to have three kids named Needla, Vuitton and Lauren. She would be chosen to go into the 75th hunger games and would pass away during the bloodbath.

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