52nd Games

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This year's Games had the first Romanian victor. She was also known for having not killed any tributes this year which didn't make her super popular among her district.

Reaping Ceremony

District 1 was not scary to Light like she thought it would be. The female tribute this year for District 1 was 16 year old Nephrite Hall. Nephrite swallowed but walked forward in a calm manner. The boy chosen was 12 year old Babi Column. Babi frowned and walked forward as well. They were visited by family and hopped onto the train.

District 2 was a little intimidating but also exciting. A girl immediately volunteered for the role of female tribute. When she walked forward, Light asked what her name was. She revealed it to be 18 year old Hathor Creangă. Hathor had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and olive-brown skin. She was wearing a white shirt and pants with a vest. As she curtsied to Light, Light blushed a little bit. The boy chosen was 18 year old Khesfu Cosmos. Khefsu walked forward and shook his head, shouting "fuck!" As they shook hands, Hathor's father played some Romanian music and they began dancing. At the end of the song, they hugged and told each other good luck in Romanian. She told her mother in Arabic that she loved her. Hathor's mom hugged her daughter and cried. Khefsu was visited by his brother who was a peacekeeper. They talked in Arabic and hugged before Khesfu left.

District 8 was sad at the reaping. The pair chosen were siblings. The girl chosen was 13 year old Jane Plain. However, another girl volunteered, revealing herself to be 18 year old Hedjhotep Cel Tradat. Her brother, 17 year old Tayt Croitoru (neé Cel Tradat), also volunteered to go in to replace the boy who was chosen to be 12 year old Lulu Lemon. Hedjhotep had no visitors but saw Tayt's husband hug him while crying.


This year's arena was very different. When the girl's podiums rose up, they noticed that none of the guys were there. Their arena was the Denali National Park. However, when the boys' podiums rose up, they were in a greek temple. When the boys noticed that the girls weren't there, they were confused. As the countdown began, Nu (4) started to look nervous. However, a video appeared in the sky as the girls popped up (the guys had the same in the girls arena.) Nefertum (7) looked at her district partner Neith and winked. He chuckled and blushed. Nu then sang jokingly "someone has a crush, someone has a crush." As the gong sounded, Nu was still caught in song and when he finally stopped, he was stabbed in the back by Neper (9), sounding the first cannon. However, in the other arena, Nefertum stabbed Shai (3) in the head as Nephrite (1) killed Thoth (5). As the bloodbath for the girls ended, the boys kept going, with Khesfu (2) killing Tayt (8) and Unut (10) with the same knife. As the bloodbath concluded, all of the guys were lifted up and taken to Denali Park. As all of the boys fell from the sky and reunited with the girls, they all jokingly fell down in relief. As Hathor saw Khesfu, she went "still not dead?" He then shook his head enthusiastically, which caused Babi (1) to chuckle. As they all heard the loud crying of Shu (5), Amathaunta (4), and Besna (3), all of them went separate directions with their district partners. As Hedjhotep (8) walked around the arena, she noticed that Amathaunta had started a fire. She rolled her eyes and scoffed, muttering "rookie." As the remaining tributes were talking, they heard a loud scream followed by a cannon. Khesfu and Hathor talked about who they killed with Babi (1) looking over at them in fascination. When he asked what they were talking about, Nephrite told him "the adults are talking." He rolled his eyes and went "humph." This caused viewers to laugh. When he fell asleep, Hathor asked Nephrite why she "was such a dick towards a 12 year old." She shrugged which caused Khesfu to shout "that's not a good reason!" As the fallen portraits played while an argument occurred, they were shown to be Shai (3), Nu (4), Amathaunta (4), Thoth (5), Tayt (8) and Unut (10).

On night 1, Hathor woke up to hear crying. As she looked over to see who was crying, she noticed Babi tearing. When she asked him what was wrong, he went "I want my mommy. You look like her. She died years ago in the 40th games." She responded with "I'm so sorry. I know your mom would be so proud of you. Here, you can hug me for a while ok?" As he continued crying, she heard the other two careers still arguing. As Neith and Nefertum walked towards the career camp, they noticed that Shu had died. They looked him over, grabbed his supplies and ran. As his cannon sounded, sponsors watched the footage to see him eating toxic berries. When Hedjhotep woke up during day 2, she spotted Besna still sobbing. As she stabbed him, his cannon sounded as she wiped a tear away after killing him. As Hathor went hunting for other tributes, she saw Shesmetet (10) from afar who was peacefully sleeping. As sponsors noticed the young girl was asleep, Hathor quietly apologized and killed Shesmetet, wiping her eyes as she did so. As she saw Khesfu waking up, she talked to him for a bit. That night, as most of the tributes slept, the portraits were shown to be Besna (3), Shu (5) and Shesmetet (10).

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