40th Games - Rebel 1

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This year's Games finally had the screens fixed which would then have the focus tributes come back the next year, exciting many capitol citizens.


As the tributes rose up into the arena, the arena was revealed to be based off of the emotions center from an old animated movie. Many viewers alongside most of the tributes were rather confused as to what it could belong to. When the podiums rose up, the girl (1) looked around in a rather confused manner, which made viewers chuckle in the manner of how she was able to survive the initial interviews and the hovercraft ride that had them put the trackers in their arms. As the countdown began, the girl (2) looked over at the girl (1) and smiled, which in turn caused the boys (1 and 2) to be jealous of her and the closeness between the two girls. When the gong sounded, the boy (2) was the first one to enter. He managed to grab a knife and repeatedly stabbed the girl (1), angering the girl (2) and causing a fight between them. This allowed the boy (1) to escape the center with the girl (3) on his heel. The girl (3) had also managed to grab some wire and run off with him, which intrigued viewers as many of the careers usually stuck together in a case of how long they could live with each other. As the boy (3) also grabbed some wire, a small shaking occurred, which the girl (4) described as being awesome. However, this caused the pair (both 2) to hit their heads against the control center, leaving just the boy (1) as the only career left while the boy (4) was killed by the boy (3). As Prisma (5) was turning away from the cornucopia, the four cannons sounded which signified the conclusion of the bloodbath after everyone else ran away with only the bare minimum of stuff for them to survive only a day. When Color (5) decided to run towards the controls on the first day, he failed to see the girl (4) sitting there while playing with them. He then made the realization that she was the one who caused the rumble. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the girl (1), the pair (both 2), and the boy (4), leaving 20 tributes remaining.

On day 2, the girl (6) noticed that there were mini characters chasing all of them around, and gleefully played a game of tag with the characters. The one named barf ended up chasing after the boy (6), who decided to run away from her grasp. However, "barf" managed to grab him by the neck and strangle him as he slowly lost consciousness and his cannon sounded. When Shiori (7) looked over at Color (5), he shrugged and mumbled that she should be alright if she continued fighting as hard as she did before the games had begun. When "delight" approached them, Shiori continued to run away from the character while her district partner Akari (7) hid from "delight" in a state of panic. As the girl (8) looked around, the said emotions popped up and attempted to grab her. However, she eventually managed to tire them out after they all had decided to run after her. However, just a few hours later, the emotions woke up and caused another cannon to sound, which was shown later to have belonged to the boy (8), who was attacked by "rage" from behind and stabbed to death. The girl (8) saw him bring lifted up and began crying as she revealed he was her crush in the arena. When Marian (9) looked over at her district partner Budd (9), she frowned and told him that she didn't want him to die yet. He told her that he doesn't want her to die yet either. This was a strong sentiment for many of the citizens in the capitol. When Marian hugged Budd, he apologized for bullying her for most of her life. As the girl (10) stumbled upon the scene, she saw that her district partner was about to fall off something. When she shouted at him to be careful, he lost his footing and began falling off the long ladder. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (6), and the boy (8), leaving just 18 tributes remaining by day 3.

On day 3, a scream was heard, which woke up the strongest quartet, which was made up of the pair (11) and the pair (12). They heard a loud thud and saw a body drop in front of them, which belonged to the boy (10). As his district partner held him, he told her that he didn't want to die. However, the quartet stumbled upon the pair and stabbed them simultaneously, sounding their cannons. As the boy (1) woke up after hearing the cannons, he saw the girl (4) asleep at the controls. However, when she sensed him moving closer to her, she pushed one of the buttons, causing him to fall from where he was standing. She then laughed and said "I'm the last career standing, bitches!" However, he managed to throw his knife at her head, but missed and stared at his fall and muttered "fuck it." He then let go as his younger ally electrocuted the girl (4), frying her until her body was unrecognizable and until her cannon had sounded. The girl (3) cried and asked for her ally to come back as she hopped over the hole and tossed the girl, shouting "you want her? Go get her from the glory hole as she calls it!". The boy (3) heard her crying and comforted her as they met up at the control center. He hugged the girl (after getting her consent) and told her that her ally would be safe wherever he went in the afterlife. She then thanked him for the comfort and cried into his shirt before he left to go wrangle up the emotions that could chase after them again. She laughed and wished him luck. After completing the task, he was walking back when he saw that Prisma (5) was looking over at the girl with a bad intent to kill her, which then triggered Prisma to push one of the other buttons, causing the floor to shake for a long period of time. When the girl (3) hit her head on the wall, the boy (3) attempted to run over to her as he saw something drop. However, he failed to stop it from hitting her. The object was revealed to be a glass ball and when it dropped, it hit her in the head, breaking into several pieces. As she whimpered in pain at the shard of glass that was buried in her head, Color (5) jumped out and grabbed another glass shard which he then stabbed her hand with, causing her to yell in pain. However, just as he was about to stab the girl (3) in the head, the girl (6) shouted "CANNONBALL!" and jumped on top of him, grabbing the glass bit and stabbing him repeatedly. She then saw the amount of pain the young girl was in mercifully kill the girl (3) with tears in her eyes. The boy (3) shouted "nice one, dickhead!" She then turned around and winked at him, causing him to swoon and for Prisma to go "ew." under her breath. When the two cannons sounded, she stood up and spotted Prisma and shouted "you bitch! You set those emotions free and killed my district partner with them!" As she chased down Prisma, the boy (3) watched from afar and whispered to the camera, "this is going to be really fun to watch from afar." Akari and Shiori (both 7), looked at each other from their hiding locations, nodded, and whispered "now." When Marian (9) and the girl (8) were walking past them, Akari and Shiori charged at them, causing a four way battle. As the girl (8) was stabbed to death by Akari, Shiori had more of a difficult time fighting Marian, with Marian scratching at her eye, causing her to drop to the ground. As Shiori stood up, she swung her axe wildly, hitting Akari in the heart, and killing him instantly. She continued to miss Marian but sliced through her hair. She regained her balance as Marian grabbed the handle of Shiori's axe and decapitated the girl. As the cannons sounded, Budd looked over at his district partner and asked her if she was ok, to which she responded that she was but that the others weren't, to which he saw the massacre and frowned, stating that she shouldn't have had to fight through that alone. He then hugged her and told her it was ok to cry. However, she didn't cry and told him that she would be alright. By the time night fell (and Marian had recovered from the fight while eating with Budd), one more cannon sounded, which was revealed to belong to Prisma (5), who had finally been caught up to by the girl (6) and was stabbed to death by her. The boy (3) approached the girl and hugged her, thanking her for what she did. That night, as the quartet fell asleep, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (1), the girl (3), the girl (4), Color (5), Prisma (5), Akari (7), Shiori (7), the girl (8), the boy (10), and the girl (10), leaving 8 tributes remaining.

The next day, the feast occurred. All 8 tributes attended the feast in order to grab what they needed from the cornucopia. However, when the gong sounded, the girl (6) dodged a knife that was thrown at her by Marian (9) while Budd grabbed his bag. Marian joined him in grabbing her and frowned at the sight of the dead bodies lying in the cornucopia. When the boy (3) entered, he miraculously managed to kill three of the four strong quartet with tears in his eyes. As he stabbed the boy (12) first, the boy (11) attempted to stab him. Yet, he failed to do so as he bashed the boy's head against his district partner, sounding two more cannons. However, as the girl (12) escaped, the girl (6) stabbed the girl (12) in the head after a five minute fight with her in the feast, bringing the total amount of cannons from the feast to four. These four cannons concluded the feast for the year. When it concluded, Budd and Marian looked at each other and hid in the cornucopia structure. However, it seemed like their remaining opponents had the same idea and stared down the pair from 9. Budd jumped onto the girl (6) as the boy (3) attacked Marian. The girl (6) stabbed Budd in the eye while Budd punched the girl repeatedly. When the boy (3) attempted to strangle Marian, she snapped his neck, sounding his cannon instantly. Viewers were shocked but cheered on the girl (6) as she had the highest kill count this year. As the girl (6) stabbed Budd in the chest, Budd saw Marian attack the girl from the side, shouting "no one hurts my friend, bitch!" She reiterated each syllable as she repeatedly stabbed the girl in the head and strangled her. She then ran over to Budd and hugged him, telling him that he would be alright. He then stated that this was going to be a "tearful reunion when we reunite one day." She then cried and hugged him as he died, which caused his family back home to sob as well, looking away as he bled out on the floor of the center. As his cannon sounded, Marian stared at the cameras and whispered "please help him." Sadly, President Snow had refused this request and allowed him to die, announcing that 17 year old Marian Greene from District 9 was the winner of the 40th Hunger games. Marian sobbed and swore at the president in fury and screamed out how unfair it was that Budd had to die under circumstances like these.


After winning, Marian helped Shiny create a memorial for Budd and eventually was chosen to be in the 75th hunger games and passed away at the age of 52. She would go on to have two kids named Emily and Budd.

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