54th Games

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Reaping Ceremonies

District 2 was rather controversial. As the pair were chosen, one girl volunteered to be in the games. She revealed herself to be 17 year old Martial Jones. Martial was an adopted  grandchild in the Jones family of the 2nd, 7th, and 18th Hunger Games. A Jones had not been chosen in a long time. Martial's cousin stared on and frowned in despair as she wanted to go in as well. The boy chosen by Dough was 18 year old Linux Christie. Martial muttered "oh shit." She then proceeded to cover her mouth, causing laughter from the other citizens as both of them shook hands. His sister Justice cursed as he left.

District 3 was rather calm until the very end of the ceremony. The pair chosen were 18 year olds  Tracker Ramirez and Jacker Ramirez. Tracker and Jacker groaned in despair and stared at their friends while nodding. However, they knew that they couldn't survive.

District 4 was rather calm as the people stared at each other in the square. The girl chosen was 16 year old Lindsey Boat. When nobody volunteered for her, some viewers stood there in sadness for the girl. However, the boy chosen was 17 year old Tuna Can. Viewers laughed at Tuna while he walked forwards.


This year's arena was the Hotsprings national park in Arkansas. As all the tributes stood on their podiums, some of them looked around for escape routes. Others glared at their biggest targets with the boy (12) being the most common one to look at. Linux stared at Explosiona (6) who stood there and looked at the visitor's center while also looking back at him. As the countdown began, the pair (1) nodded at each other while staring back at Tuna. Shortly after the trio gave each other the death stare, the gong sounded. Tracker and Jacker both ran away with some wires and a few knives but not much else as they had been planning their escape rather than grabbing supplies in order to outlive the other tributes. As Martian (6) grabbed an array of weapons, he also grabbed some paint, apparently fascinated by strategies from the previous years. The girl (5) attempted to kill the girl (1) but was hit by a rogue knife from Martial. Martial then got killed by the girl (1) as the girl (11) killed the only other female career by drowning the girl in hot water. These springs were incredibly shallow but they were also deep enough to drown someone. When the boy (11) saw that his partner was about to be killed, he tackled the boy (1) and threw him into the hot springs, which were also programmed to kill someone instantly. After the cannon of the boy from 1, the other tributes ran away, sounding four cannons during the bloodbath. Lindsey and Tuna collapsed in a nearby hiding spot towards a house nearby. However, viewers booed at the sight of watching the "bloodless bloodbath." Lindsey shouted "you try to survive this!" Tuna tried to calm her down and hugged her tightly until she fell asleep. Linux collapsed in the visitor's center and sobbed after losing his partner in the bloodbath, constantly screaming out her name before whispering "I loved her." When the other tributes saw this, most of them left him alone as they were all hiding in different spots. The only ones that bothered him was Explosiona who he told to "go away." She then sighed and told him she would. As Martian (6) sat there near the hotsprings (which he was camouflaged as), he muttered "now I play the waiting game." However, he didn't have to wait long as the boy and June Mellark (both 12) laid next to him in order to fall asleep. That night, as the tributes slept, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (1), the girl (1), Martial (2), and the girl (5), leaving 20 tributes remaining.

On day 2, nothing exciting happened except for Martian stirring in his sleep with many viewers wondering if the paint would run off of him, to which the answer was that the paint wouldn't run off of him even though the water was incredibly hot. Tracker and Jacker talked about life in 3 to which many viewers saw and sat there in despair at the difference. Tuna and Lindsey made out which caused viewers to cheer as Explosina muttered "ew." Linux swallowed a chuckle so he wouldn't give away where he was hiding. However, on day 3, much more chaos occurred.

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