28th Games - "Phoenix"

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This year's victor was the first victor who suffered a murder attempt prior to the games. She became a symbol of hope for a long time alongside her mentor. It also had the final 5 be all girls for the first time.


District 12 was sad as Tris drew out the name of the female tribute. She held Adam's hand as she revealed the name to be 16 year old Aalish Brighton. Aalish held back a sob as her parents cried in agony. She walked forward as tears streamed down her face. She communicated in Farsi, English and French. Tris shook her hand and apologized for her being chosen. Aalish forgave her. Sadly, the boy chosen was 16 year old Taro Romano. Aalish screamed in pain as Taro walked forward. The pair were enemies. As Taro shook Tris' hand, he gave her nothing as Aalish gave her a necklace she made. She said thank you to the girl, making her family smile. As the tributes went to the justice building for visits, their families visited them with shock. Aalish hugged her boyfriend Azamoosh and promised to return home. Taro promised to kill Aalish no matter what it took.

District 7 was tired during their reaping ceremony to which Tris joked "been there. Wish I wasn't this tired either." As she drew out the name of the girl, it was revealed to be 18 year old Gillian Richard. Gillian swallowed and walked forward, thinking of her deceased sister Holly. Tris revealed the name of the boy to be 18 year old Red Lennox. Red cried quietly as his cousin grinned, stating that he would be ok. As he shook Tris' hand, she gave them both a token. Gillian had no one visit her. Red had his whole family crying during the visit.

District 4 was rather upsetting as well. The girl chosen was 12 year old Liara Martini. However, a young girl from the back of the crowd volunteered. Liara told the girl not to do this, but she told her it was ok. The volunteer's famiky hugged the girl and muttered they were proud of her. She said her name was 12 year old Maimiti Nori. Maimiti was covered in tattoos that represented her heritage. Tris said it was brave of her to volunteer and wished the girl luck. The boy chosen was 12 year old Beck Lesion. Mayor Lesion stood there in shock as he counted more than 42 slips of paper in there. He apologized to his father, stating that he wanted his friend's families and other poor families to have extra tesserae from their supply. Beck's father was furious and punched the boy multiple times, which many categorized as abuse. Maimiti visited him and muttered a brief "Thank you" to him, causing him to smile as she attempted to help his bruising lift a little. Maimiti asked her family to visit him and as they did, Beck sobbed in joy.


This year's arena was the Palace of Versailles. All of the tributes looked around in awe. Maimiti stared at Beck, who smiled at her. Gillian stared around at the amazing courtyard when Red looked at the cornucopia. Taro and Aalish glared at each other in despite. As the gong sounded, Taro grabbed some arrows and matches while Aalish grabbed some food and water for herself. Gillian ran as she thought about Holly and her mentor Maple. Red looked at the boy (2) as he grabbed some knives and ran. Beck glared at the girl (3) who stared at Maimiti. Beck and Maimiti both grabbed tridents. Tiffany (1) grabbed some knives and hit someone with one. Treasure (1) stared off into space as a knife was thrown into the girl (2) by Tiffany. Treasure snapped back into reality as his sister yanked him from the cornucopia. However, the siblings were jumped on from behind by Maimiti and Gillian as Gillian stabbed Tiffany in the chest with an axe and Treasure was stabbed by Maimiti in the chest with a trident, who ran from the bloodbath. On day 1, Taro and Aalish settled down in their hideouts of opposite small rooms, with Aalish revealing that Taro murdered her friend last year after SAing her. She also revealed that Taro also SAed Aalish and attempted to kill her after she revealed she was pregnant, which resulted in a miscarry. Viewers hated Taro after hearing that once an investigation was done, it confirmed what she said. Gillian and Red hid in separate hallways and began to run until they couldn't stop. Maimiti and Beck held onto their tridents, waiting for enemies in the theater. That night, the fallen tributes were Treasure and Triifany (both 1), and the girl (2).

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