46th Games

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This year's Games were rather hated and almost all copies were burned by the capitol except for only one copy.

Reaping Ceremonies

District 1 was rather calm after seeing Blight. He drew the name of one of the tributes, which was revealed to be 16 year old Famous Life. Famous was cheered on as she walked forward. However, when the other tribute was about to be chosen, a rather feminine sounding voice shouted that he volunteered. Viewers noticed that it was 17 year old Luck Young who was the son of one of the famous diamond mine owners. As the pair shook hands, Famous wiped her hands on her dress in a rather rude way. Luck was visited by his family who hugged him and said "good luck mi hija. I always knew you were a woman inside. Just come home safe, ok?" She cried at his support, repeatedly thanking him Famous was scolded by her family.

District 2 was no different as the pair volunteered. They were revealed to be 18 year olds Brave Albus and Courage Amazon. Brave was known for her quiet and wicked demeanor while Courage was known as a bubbly and happy person back home. Some of the citizens were heartbroken after hearing their footsteps fading. Brave and Courage were visited by family who sniffled and said "our babies are all grown up. We're so proud of you."

District 6 had possibly the saddest reaping ceremony as the girl this year volunteered. She walked up to the stage and when asked what her name was, she whispered with a small voice that her name was España Badosa and that she was 13. Viewers in the capitol laughed at her while a boy was chosen. When they revealed the name to be 13 year old Rico Fernández, España started crying as she whispered "Rico is the only boy to not make fun of me. Are you sure it's his name?" She then looked over at the slip of paper and cried as it was his name on there. Rico walked onto the stage and hugged his fellow 13 year old. Rico was visited by his brother, Puerto, who wished him luck. After visiting Rico, Puerto noticed España crying as Rico's parents hugged him.  Puerto then decided to visit España as well since her family was incredibly drunk and refused to visit her.


This year's games took place in a place that was formerly known as Denali National Park. The exception to the supplies in the cornucopia were that there were only bow and arrows, meaning that they had to find food and water on their own as none would be provided. When Luck looked over at Famous, he noticed that Famous was incredibly uncomfortable in an outdoor environment. Some viewers spotted Rico and España smiling at each other, knowing they were a part of the career pack after reluctantly becoming allies with Luck in the training center. As the other tributes stared in shock at the beauty of the arena, the gong sounded. Glitches (3) was the first one to enter the bloodbath and just barely managed to dodge a misfired arrow from Lake (4), who shouted "sorry!" to his ally. However, in a cruel twist of fate, Luck decided to turn on some of the careers and killed Brave and Courage within the first few seconds of the games after remembering what they said behind her back. Rico and España shot arrows at the pair (11), hitting them both in the back of their heads. Famous managed to get to the cornucopia and hid until she saw Brave and Courage die which caused her to kill Scalio (4), ending the bloodbath after Famous was stabbed repeatedly by Battery (3). When the bloodbath concluded, six cannons had sounded. Rico hugged Luck and stared off into the distance. España cried at seeing the body of Scalio, admitting that she "wasn't expecting her to die so soon." When Luck seemed to wind down after a few hours of crying, the trio went hunting. Chemistry and Acid (both 5) seemed annoyed about the alliance dwindling down so fast. However, Chemistry heard a loud argument from afar and whispered "Acid, be quiet." The pair listened to Lake and Glitches fighting about the death of Scalio. Just as Lake was about to stab Glitches with an arrow, Battery screamed as an arrow poked through Lake's eye. As Lake collapsed, viewers gasped in shock at seeing that Acid had shot the arrow that killed him. As the tributes fell asleep, Rico and España seemed to be discussing something in detail. When Luck woke up for the night watch, the fallen tributes were shown to be Famous (1), Brave (2), Courage (2), Scalio (4), Lake (4), the girl (11), and the boy (11), leaving 17 tributes remaining.

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