23rd Games - Humble Fighter

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This year's Games produced a likable Victor and was a descendant to win the Games. It also had an iconic coming out moment.


District 4 was silent as Aeswi walked forward. The girl chosen from the bowl was 15 year old Morina Patel. Morina swallowed as her father Pi walked forward in a drunken stupor. The boy chosen was 12 year old Mer Man. What Aeswi didn't know was that this would be a 3 year long tradition for both families. Morina was visited by her brothers Ravi and Flint. Her boyfriend also visited her. Mer saw his family walk through as his sisters, Filea and Crystal, hugged him. As the triplets hugged, the sisters walked away moments later.

District 2 was less chaotic as there were no volunteers this year. The girl chosen by Aeswi was 16 year old Karina Blacksmith. Karina swallowed and walked forward as her friends cheered her on. Her older brother stood there silently. The boy chosen was 15 year old Jason Swordsman. Jason had no reaction as he walked forward. His friends cheered.

District 1 was rather quiet this year after rhey thought about what their outcome could be. As Twin sighed, Aeswi apologized about her tributes from years past. As Aeswi drew the name of the girl, it was 18 year old Envia Richman. Envia raced to the stage while smiling. As the boys were chosen, it was 12 year old Armor Martial. However, an older boy volunteered. Twin smiled and said "good luck, mi hijo!" The boy smiled as they revealed the name to be 17 year old Lux Urie-Sister. Lux stared at their siblings who grinned and cheered Lux on.


This year's arena was an optical illusion in the form of a flower field. Envia stared in the middle of the hole as Lux stared at the crowd. Jason and Karina glared away from each other as Morina and Mer signaled that they both would go into the bloodbath. As the timer ran down, the boy (9) kept looking at the illusion. When the gong sounded, Morina fought the boy (8) as Mer battled the boy (10). As both boys had their cannons sound, Mer and Morina grabbed their bags. As the boy (9) passed out, his head exploded as Envia grabbed the bag from his body. Lux ran in to grab the boy (12) and snapped his neck. Jason and Karina ran from the bloodbath after grabbing supplies. As the four bodies were picked up, Morina and Mer talked about their homelives as descendants of iconic people in the district. Karina and Jason talked about their different lives in district 2 with one of them being a social outcast and the other being incredibly popular. Envia bragged about her life in district 1 as the daughter of a diamond merchant which Lux kept quite humble about their life, stating that Twin Sister (winner of the 7th games) was a good mother to them and that Twin worked hard to provide money, even though she didn't have to work. Another cannon sounded, which was shown in the sky. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (3), the boy (8), the boy (9), the boy (10) and the boy (12). The boy (3) had died due to falling in front of the forcefield, being sucked into the illusion, never to be seen again.

The next day, Lux heard a scream and saw it open up. This time, Riala (6) decided to walk towards the forcefield and stare at the illusion. However, Riala didn't notice that the forcefield was opening up. As it sucked her in, she screamed as her cannon sounded. Lux and Jason unknowingly muttered "holy shit" in perfect unison. Envia woke up and muttered "language, bragger." Lux sighed and went back to sleep. An explosion occurred moments later as three heads rolled towards Morina, Mer and Karina. The trio screamed as the heads of the girl (5), the boy (5), and the boy (7) all rolled towards them. As Lux continued to listen to Envia bragging for a while, she didn't stop and almost nothing could stop her except for the occasional bite of food. Sponsors were getting fed up with the snobby girl. As Lux watched the tributes, they whispered to thrurself that they know what they have to do. A sponsor gift came down for Karina which was revealed to be a set of throwing knives. Jason had stopped walking around, sadly reporting that there were no other tributes near their area. Morina and Mer heard Fruit (11) walking towards them. However, he wasn't able to notice them very easily. The fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (5), the girl (5), Riala (6), and the boy (7).

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