60th Games

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These Games were the last games on this browser. You will have to switch to Brighton Firefox (AO3) for the remainder.

Brighton Firefox: ScarlettMellark82

Loveless had the environment of district 11 described to her. She was also offered some food from the 'Twisted Orchards.' She felt the food and realized it was grapes after biting into it. As she ate 20 of these, she eventually walked to the front of the stage and pulled out the name of the female tribute. She read it in braille and shouted that the name of the girl was 18 year old Alyssa Twisted. Alyssa looked at her mom Ping, who was crying as her brother Mace was trying to keep her composed. As the girl walked forward, she walked up to Loveless and shook the young woman's hand. As the mayor read out the second slip of paper, it belonged to 18 year old Leaf Goldenrod. Leaf cursed and kissed his girlfriend after walking up to the stage. After the pair walked back, Alyssa's family hugged her and told her to return home to which she responded that she would try. She gave her token to her brother "just in case he needs it to sleep at night." Her partner Leaf was visited by his uncle, who hugged him and told him "good luck kid." As they arrived on the train, they were greeted by Kaimana Nori and Aalish Brighton. When asked what happened to their mentors, Aalish told them that Basil is on maternity leave this year while Tarragon had fallen ill with something.


This year's arena was the house of two deceased victors: Blade Clover (19th games) and Hathor Creangă (52nd games). As Alyssa looked at her partner Leaf, she pointed at the girl (2) who was grinning wickedly. As the boy (1) turned away in horror, the gong sounded. Leaf ran in, grabbed food from the kitchen, and left. Alyssa got caught fighting the boy (3) and the girl (7). As the girl (8) tackled the boy (3), she snapped his neck at the exact same moment Alyssa killed the girl (7). Ivette (5) looked at the supplies and ran off as her district partner died at the hands of the boy (7). As Alyssa killed Lina (9), the boy (6) beat his partner Belarus to death. The girl (8) then got slashed by the girl (1) as the girl (2) killed the girl (10) with a sword, the boy (9) with a throwing knife, the boy (7) with an arrow, the boy (6) with an arrow, her district partner stopped her however as he tackled her to the ground. While the rest of the tributes ran, the girl eventually got the upper hand and stabbed her district partner. Meanwhile, since the boy (10) though the coast was clear, he ran out from behind the podium. However, he was slashed open by the girl. As Alyssa and Leaf reunited, the twelve cannons sounded. The pair looked for a room to hide in. When they found one, they locked the doors and barricaded them. As they sat down in relief, Alyssa sighed and apologized for her "God awful temper." Her partner laughed and told her that she was fine, smiling and giggling. When the pair looked out the window, they spotted peacekeepers outside of the house. Caesar clarified that this would be the arena event that would go on during the entirety of the games or until two tributes remained. Leaf asked if this was a twisted version of hide and seek to which Alyssa commented "God, I hope so." As he looked at his district partner in fear, he then laid down in his bed. Just then, the peacekeepers entered the house, shouting for any tributes to step out into the hallway. However, when they didn't find any, they began looking around other houses while one shouted "I'll find you guys! I'm staying here!" As Alyssa took a deep breath, the fallen tributes began playing. As Leaf fell asleep, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (2), the boy (3), the boy (5), the girl (6), the boy (6), the girl (7), the boy (7), the girl (8), Lina (9), the boy (9), the girl (10) and the boy (10), leaving 12 tributes remaining.

The next morning, all of the tributes heard a gunshot followed by a cannon. Alyssa tiptoed to her window and saw the body of Joshua (4) with a gunshot to the back of the head. When the games were played back, it was shown that the girl (2) had stolen the gun off of a peacekeeper and shot it at the first target she saw, which was Joshua. As she silenced it, it hit him in the back of the head. Just then, Leaf heard a loud pop nearby. He whispered to Alyssa "we gotta hide." As Alyssa and Leaf found a hiding area, she tried to open the door to their room. However, while she was doing so, she tried to push against it with her bodyweight but failed to do so. She then whispered to Leaf "after 17 almost 18 years, I'll see my father again. It will come down to this, won't it?" Leaf shook his head and saw a dog in the room. As he opened the closet, Alyssa asked him what he was doing. He then whispered "something smart. Come here girl." As the dog followed him, the girl (2) left them alone. As the pair sighed in relief, Alyssa stepped out from the closet and pet the dog. Just then, as he removed the barricade, leaving the two vulnerable. However, what they didn't know was that the dog was a rather vicious one around certain kinds of tributes (arrogant tributes, psychopaths, criminals exchanging their jail time for a position in the games.) As the dog laid asleep between them, Leaf taught the dog a few tricks. As the dog performed the tricks, Ivette had her knife at the ready after hearing the loud footsteps of the girl (2). As the loud warning shot was heard, she crawled up underneath a ceiling tile. Viewers in the capitol were impressed with her quick thinking. However, as the girl (2) entered the room, she looked for anybody but Ivette made the mistake of leaving her supplies in the room. As the girl saw them, she picked up the supplies but to the surprise of both girls, they heard a loud dog snarling. The dog had just seen the girl (2) while looking at the entrance. The girl began running away from the dog, allowing Ivette the change to escape. As she looked both directions, Alyssa yanked the girl into their room alongside their dog and looked directly at the door, barricading it again. She thanked the duo to which they responded that it wasn't a problem but they also continued to play with the dog for a little bit. Ivette swallowed and whim while reaching out for the dog. However, when she pet its back, he flopped over to get some belly rubs from the scared girl. As she began rubbing his belly, he warmed up to her rather quickly, laying in her lap and next to her during the middle of the night. That night, only the portrait of Joshua (4) showed up in the sky.

The next day, the third warning shot was heard. As the footsteps came close to the trio's room, Alyssa went "Let's go kill that bitch from 2." As the girl (2) kicked in the door, the dog bit the girl on the leg and did not let go. The peacekeeper woke up to run over to where the commotion was coming from and ran out of breath halfway up the stairs of the west end. Leaf pushed the girl (2) out of the room as the trio heard the loud cries of pain from the girl. After a while, the cries died down as the dog reentered the room and fell asleep. Ivette then picked up the gun from the girl's hand. As she threw it to the side, she squatted down and whispered "this is for my friend you asshole." She then proceeded to slowly stab the girl where the main dog bite was. The career yelled in pain as the peacekeeper was about to arrive. She then knocked the girl out with chloroform, gagged her, and threw her in an empty room. The peacekeeper left after silence had fell. He then felt for his gun but panicked when he couldn't feel it on his suit. As he ran to the east end of the house, Ivette then turned back to the girl and tortured her for a few more hours with the reluctant help of her allies. No portraits were shown that night.

As the trio finished killing off the girl the next day, her cannon finally sounded, stopping 9 hours of torture. They then stumbled on Aqua (4) and threw a knife at Aqua, killing her instantly. Shortly afterwards, the trio bumped into the girl (3), the boy (8) and the girl (12). As the six people got into a fight, Alyssa instantly killed the girl (3) and watched Ivette killed the girl (12). However, Leaf struggled against his opponent, giving him an upper leg in order to try to kill him. However, as he stabbed Leaf in the chest, Ivette also stabbed him in the heart. As his cannon sounded, the boy (12) was strangled to death while Ivette atared off into the distance. Alyssa then acre at Ivette for killing her district partner. The two then split up and people watched in horror as the dog bit into Ivette's face. As a puppy ran over to comfort Alyssa, Ivette was practically gone in that moment. However, Alyssa stood up and whispered "You're an asshole, you know that? That was my boyfriend you just killed!" She then stabbed the girl over 11 times in multiple areas until finally hitting a fatal spot, sounding the girl's cannon. As Alyssa fell back with tears in her eyes, she began sobbing as she went back to her room. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the girl (2), the girl (3), Aqua (4), Ivette (5), the boy (8), Leaf (11) and the girl (12), leaving the final four to fight it out the next day. The final three were the boy (1), Ballerina (1), Alyssa (11), and the boy (12).

The next morning, the boy (1) yelled as he was shot by the peacekeepers, sounding his cannon. As Ballerina and Alyssa stared at each other, Alyssa made the first move and punched Ballerina in the throat. However, the girl then processed to grab Alyssa by the braids and slam her head down on the ground. Yet, as Ballerina went into a monologue about her victory, Alyssa stood up and stabbed Ballerina in the side. As blood squinted out of her side, she fell down to the ground. Alyssa squatted down and went "I'm sorry Ballerina but it has to be done." She then stabbed the girl in the head after closing her eyes. As the last cannon sounded, the boy (12) attempted to kill Alyssa but she stabbed him through the neck and pulled it out, dropping him right after and sounding his cannon. Just as it hit her what had happened, it was announced that 17 year old Alyssa Twisted was the winner of the 60th hunger games. Alyssa sighed in relief and fell backwards, whispering "hell yeah bitch. Hell yeah."

After winning, Alyssa would go on to become a best selling author with her having collaborated with a later victor. The book was titled Several Generations: A History of The Hunger Games. She would go on to be married to a young man named Akuol Jr., and would have two kids named Melati and Fei. However, unbeknownst to many viewers (including the actual victor herself), Ivette was revived and lived in a victor's village in her district.

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