32nd Games - "Infirmière"

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This year's games had the first pregnant volunteer. It also had the first Swedish victor and the youngest mother recorded on Panem history of victors so far even though the kids weren't her own.


District 11 was normally loud but it became business as usual. The girl chosen was 16 year old Akuol Lipton, who didn't cry but decided to walk forward and holding back a sob. The boy chosen was 17 year old Hadar Kantar, who hugged his little sister Seeder as she cried. Hadar hugged his wife and kissed her, gently holding her hand.

District 10 was shocked at the choices of the people who were reaped. The girl chosen was 16 year old Octavia Whistler. Octavia cried, begging not to be chosen. The boy chosen was 15 year old Riff Whistler who stood back in shock after the siblings were called up. When the pair walked forward, people poked fun at Octavia, but it was silenced when the peacekeepers pulled out their guns.

Libra stared at the people in district 1 and rolled her eyes. She looked over at the crowd, noting one girl had an odd appearance among the rest of the youths. The girl chosen was the oddball which was revealed to be 15 year old Bijou Johnson. She stared at her best friends in shock who murmured with each other. She had red hair and blue eyes, a not common appearance in district 1. The boy chosen was 17 year old Rosenberg Livid. Rosenberg swallowed and held back a sob.


This year's Games took place in the Stockholm Palace in Sweden. Akuol and Hadar stared at the palace courtyard. Octavia looked over at Riff and tilted her head towards the west wing. Bijou stared at Rosenberg and smiled sadly. As the countdown began, people began betting on the tributes, with many of them rooting for Rosenberg or Riff to win as their districts hadn't had a win in a long time, with some hoping for Akuol to win. As the gong sounded, Bijou grabbed a sword from a statue and watched as Keith (2) tackled Jessica (2), who was slashed to death with the sword. As Rosenberg grabbed his weapon, which was a dagger, Octavia and Riff grabbed some food and water in which they had decided to attack the girl (9) and the boy (7), who they managed to kill. As Akuol ran past the stabbing of Mia (7) at the hands of Brin (12), Hadar managed to run into a room with windows. Only 660 rooms had windows that were looking into the courtyard, much to the dismay of Akuol and Hadar. As the bloodbath concluded, Bijou ran into the Royal Chapel and hid there, staring at the architecture in the room in awe. Rosenberg hid in the Logården, looking at the scenery. Octavia hid in the Royal Gift Shop, and Riff hid in Gustav III's Museum of Antiquities while Akuol spotted Rosenberg in the Logården but ignored him. Hadar sat in a room in the west stairwell, staring at the beautifully painted ceiling. However, his attention was taken out by a cannon sounding. Octavia was ambushed from behind but she noticed Leonard (9) stepping on something and stabbed him with a sharp item in the gift store, sounding his cannon. Another cannon sounded moments later which belonged to Keith after he got into a fight with Riff who killed the 12 year old. As night fell, Bijou admired the view from her window as Rosenberg did the same. Octavia and Riff very quietly whistled a tune they both knew to signal that they were alright. Akuol smiled and muttered "good luck Hadar". That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Jessica (2), Keith (2), Mia (7), the boy (7), the girl (9), and Leonard (9).

On day 2, Bijou woke up to see Ambia (3) walking in to her hiding spot. She accidentally bumped into something, triggering the psychopathic girl. Bijou looked at Ambia from afar and slowly began to creep out of there as a loud, high-pitched screech was heard. She noticed a figure walking towards the room. She hid from the ghost as Rosenberg heard the screech himself. He spotted this occurrence from afar, muttering "shit, Bijou is in there. Bijou!" As Octavia woke up two hours later, she stared at the ground as a cannon sounded. Riff whistled quietly for Octavia. She whistled back in response shortly after, putting his mind at ease. The cannon belonged to Ambia who had suddenly collapsed. Akuol and Hadar looked for the location of the thud, bumping into each other. A cannon sounded moments later. Riff was spotted by the boy (12) who stabbed him with a broken shard of glass from a display case. As Bijou bumped into Rosenberg, he asked the girl if she was ok. She hugged him and cried as he told her that he was gonna keep her safe asking her 5 things she could see to which she attempted to respond but couldn't get the words out, so she pointed. He tried to continue this, but she just hugged him instead. He gently comforted the girl, stating quietly that he knew how she felt. After an hour of the panic attack occurring, Bijou passed out onto his lap, closing her eyes. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Ambia (3), and the boy (12).

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