14th Games - 'Forgotten Sibling'

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This year's Games were intriguing because of the victor's status. Most of the tributes were naive to the concerns of the other tributes.


District 10 had their first disabled tribute this year. The first tribute chosen was 14 year old Michelá Jackson-Jones. Michelá was adopted by Jonathan Jackson and Thomas Jones and was rumored to be Gillian Walker's cousin. It was rumored that they had autism. The boy chosen was 16 year old Amero Thomas. Amero swore under his breath and walked forward. Michelá shook Amero's hand before walking backstage to see her cousin Adam who hugged her tight and muttered 'I won when our biological parents split after Gillian died. Jonathan and Thomas seem like such good parents. I won 6 years ago. Michelá, win for me. The Walkers need another win.' Michelá hugged her cousin and let go moments later. Amero stared out the window, waiting for his family. However, when his family didn't visit him, he asked the Peacekeeper, 'mama's dead huh?' The boy swore and walked out the train.

District 4 was a normal ceremony. Chanel picked out the name of the girl, revealing it to be 17 year old Honolulu Isles. Honolulu smiled before walking forward and waiting for her district partner to be chosen. When Chanel drew out the name, she swallowed as she looked at the boy. Chanel looked at Honolulu and frowned, stating that the male tribute was 16 year old Drew Mile. Honolulu whimpered as Drew wheeled forward. He slowly stood up and walked forward. He muttered 'usually I'd sit down in shock right about now but I'd rather give an standing ovation to Chanel.' He clapped for her and added 'thank you citizens of 4 for being complete assholes except for my family and Honolulu and her family!' Chanel chuckled a bit and shook his hand. As both tributes waited for their families, Honolulu kissed Drew as it was revealed the pair were dating. When neither family visited, Drew muttered 'I knew it.' The pair were then taken to the train.

District 1 had a casual reaping with no volunteers this year. The girl chosen was 18 year old Gala Shapiro. Her father, Ben, swore under his breath as his daughter Brett who was slightly below reaping age, hugged him. Ben and Brett didn't visit Gala at all. This made her upset unsurprisingly but confirmed her suspicion of loving Brett more. The not chosen was 12 year old Dinero Golden. Dinero's family hugged him before he left and begged him to come home.


This year's Games took place in an igloo which was rumored to have given some tributes who could stand extreme cold an advantage but all of the tributes looked terrified. When Gala's podium rose up, she looked around for Virola (2) who winked at her as Dinero spotted Mystero (2). Drew looked for Honolulu and blew a kiss at her as they looked away from the career pack. When Michelá was in the arena, she looked around to try to find Amero. However, she managed to see the pair from 9 on both her left and right. Amero spotted the career pack around him and swore under his breath. As the gong sounded, Gala immediately tried to sprint away. However, as she grabbed her supplies she saw the girl from 12 charge at her with a knife. As Dinero called out Gala's name as he began to run, she tossed the supplies to him and screamed at him to run. Once Dinero ran away, the girl from 12 stabbed Gala. As Dinero continued to sprint away, Michelá and Amero began running in as Michelá killed the girl from 3 and Amero killed the boy from 3. Drew and Honolulu grabbed some supplies and ran away. Once Michelá saw the girl from 12 kill Gala, Michelá fired her arrow at her as it flew right through her brain. As Gala laid there, dying Michelá comforted her. However, Gala muttered 'my sister Brett, she deserves to die. She hurt my little brother years ago and killed him. She must die!' Michelá nodded as the girl died. As Amero continued to run, Michelá sprinted away. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Gala (1), the pair from 3 and the girl (12).

During the first night, Drew woke up to nearby shivering. He saw the girl from 5 start to display the symptoms of hypothermia. As her lips turned blue, Dinero woke up to see Honolulu walk up to the forcefield as the cannon of the girl from 5 sounded. Dinero screamed out 'Hono, don't!' However, he was too late as Honolulu hit the forcefield. Michelá woke up to see a glittery effect around her. She looked over at Amero as he was still asleep. Dinero attempted CPR but it was of no use. As Drew ran over to Honolulu, he sobbed. As Honolulu's cannon sounded, the pair saw the boy (12) who was freezing to death. Then, Mystero (2) put him out of his misery. However, the boy (8) saw Mystero stab the boy (12) and killed him instantly on day 2. As Michelá and Amero stayed awake, the falling tributes played. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Mystero (2), Honolulu (4), the girl (5) and the boy (12).

During the 2nd night, as Michelá was keeping watch, she woke up Amero after seeing two figures moving towards them. At the time, Michelá and Amero didn't catch who they were but the citizens saw it was the pair from 11. As they both grabbed their supplies and ran, one of the figures (the boy from 11) chucked a knife at Amero which hit him in the back. As Amero collapsed, he shouted at Michelá to run as she bumped into Drew and Dinero. However, Dinero grabbed Michelá and helped her off the ground. He told her to 'look away.' Drew watched in horror as the pair from 11 murdered Amero. Once Amero's cannon sounded, the boy (11) shouted 'welp, one idiot is down; where is his ally?' However, that night the trio heard the second cannon of Gadgeto (5) who died of hypothermia. During day 3, Berry (11) helped her district partner get some water from the top of the igloo. However, the boy fell off from where she was holding him and landed on the spear of Virola (2). His cannon sounded shortly after. However, Berry attempted to kill Dinero but Michelá and Drew noticed this as Michelá chucked a knife at Berry's head. It implanted in her brain sounding her cannon. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Gadgeto (5), Amero (10), Berry (11) and the boy (11).

On day 4, Michelá woke up to a loud thud while the others were dead asleep. Both Limber (7) and Lumba (7) had fallen as those were the only fallen tributes that day.

On night 4, Michelá was forced to choose who (between the boy from 6 and Dinero) had to die. She chose the boy from 6 after he muttered that he was 'incurable'. As the Feast was about to begin, Drew and Dinero stared at each other. Virola saw the pair from 9 and charged at them. However, Germa (9) tossed a pickaxe at Virola and killed her with it. The boy (8) had fought with Luciun (9). However, both of them slashed at vital arteries, killing them instantly. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Virola (2), the boy (6), the boy (8), Luciun (9) and Germa (9).

On night 6, the girl (8) was killed by the girl (6). However, the girl (6), died the next day at Germa's hands. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the girl (6), and the girl (8).

On night 7, Germa fell from the top of the igloo, sounding her cannon as she hit the ice. The next few hours, the final 3 faced a blackout. However, Drew and Dinero fought during the blackout. As Drew stuck a knife in Dinero's heart, Michelá atabbed Drew with her spear. As Dinero died, Michelá held him as he congratulated them. After Dinero's cannon osunded, 14 year old Michelá Jackson-Jones from District 10 was declared the winner.


After Michelá won, she became an advocate for disabled people. She had two children a few years after her Victory, one of them winning a later Games.

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