20th Games - Dark Horse

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This year's Games were quite controversial as the victor had the lowest odds this year. This was also had the first year where three people were from the same family and district noting the "rigged reaping".


This year had the victors of each district reap their own tributes (in replacement of Blade since he had died a few months prior).

District 12 was excited to have their victor, Aurora Johnson from the 15th Games, call out the names of the tributes. As she drew out the first name, she looked upset after hearing about Blade's death. She called out the name of 15 year old Olibia Akron. Olibia stared out into the distance as she walked forward. She shook Aurora's hand. The boy chosen was 14 year old Cole Abernathy. His older brother Marcus hugged him. As the pair were taken away, Aurora noted that they seemed calm but that Cole seemed a little more nervous.

District 9 saw a calm but slightly underdressed Adam Walker (winner of the 8th Hunger Games) again, with the youths being unimpressed. As he pulled out the name of the female tribute, he read it to be 12 year old Torta Child. Torta went quiet and the others sighed in relief. As the boy was chosen, it was revealed to be 16 year old Chio Child. Chio cursed under his breath as he was forced to walk forward. Torta shouted "I'll kill the 3s for you Julia!" Chio looked at Adam and muttered "psycho sister much?" Adam chuckled at this comment. He also muttered that the reaping was rigged towards that family.

District 3 had a somber tone about it. As Echolalia signed and called out the name, she revealed that the girl chosen was 16 year old Micra Soft. Micra screamed as she was dragged forward. As the boy was chosen, Shiny sadly signed and called out the name of his son 17 year old Odell Power. Odell shook as he was walking forward. Echolalia held back tears as she saw her little brother hug her. She signed "I love you Odell" as he signed it right back. Shiny shook hands and muttered 'stay strong litlle man.' Odell was born mute.


Odell stared at the arena seeing it to be a rave. Micra joked that her brother would have loved this. Olibia stared at her district partner Cole who had ultimately swallowed as he saw the bright light, muttering that they didn't expect to see this. Odell glared at Torta with a death stare, with her muttering "I'll kill you in Julia's vengeance." As Chio stared at Torta, he noticed the rivalry between the 3s, the 5s, and the 9s. He swore under his breath as he saw Chem (5) looking around. As the gong was about to sound, the girl (2) shuffled her feet causing an explosion. The girl (11) screamed in fright. As everybody ran, Chem looked at Odell and shouted "this is for Storm, Spinner and Amedeo motherfucker!" As he threw the knife at Odell, he ducked causing it to hit the girl (11) on the first day. Micra managed to get away with food. Odell was the main target of the attacks from districts 5 and 9 this year. Torta stared at Chio and grinned wickedly. He looked at Torta and smiled back at her. Olibia watched as the holograms of people continued listening to something called a "DJ" that was controlling spinning discs while they were all dancing around. Cole smiled and stated that "THIS is a party." That night, the fallen were shown to be the girl (2) and the girl (11).

During the 1st night, Micra decided to walk around the rave to see what was going on. As she grabbed a drink, she noticed the pair (both 10) and the boy (2) also grabbing drinks. As all four of them drank from their cups, Torta giggled and said "I hope you like the taste of poison." Chio frowned and pulled out his knife after all four passed out from the poisoned drinks. Micra was the first one to go after violently coughing up blood, followed by the rest. As Chio walked up behind Torta, the four cannons sounded, leading into day 2. As Torta continued laughing, Olibia and Cole stared at the four dead bodies and then at Torta. Olivia commented "this is no laughing matter. Jesus f***" Odell signed that she wouldn't get away with this. As Odell and Chio stared at each other, Chio ran forward and the pair got into a fight. As Chio started to overpower Odell, he stabbed Odell. However, he made the mistake of letting go too soon while shouting at Torta that he killed Odell. However, Odell stood up and slashed him with a piece of a broken glass. As he coughed, Torta grabbed brother and hugged him until he died. He said he regretted not volunteering to join Julia. Torta said that he made the right decision not to. As his cannon sounded, Julia chuckled. As Olibia heard screams behind her, she saw the boy (7) and the girl (5) fighting. As they stabbed each other, the boy (7) was the first one dead. The girl (5) followed moments later. As the portraits showed up on the megascreen, they were revealed to be the boy (2), Micra (3), the girl (5), the boy (7), Chio (9) and the pair (10).

A few hours later it was announced an arena event would take place. As it was explained, Odell saw earplugs rise up on the DJ's player and grabbed a pair once the timer started. He nearly tripped over Columbus (6) who was hiding behind the desk. As Torta spotted the earbuds, she attempted to grab a pair. However, she tripped and fell onto the girl (7). As the girl caught the headphones, it was revealed Odell ultimately rigged some of the headphones. As Torta grabbed another pair, she felt a liquid going into her ear which was revealed to be venom. As she screamed, he stared blankly at her as a few other tributes grabbed headphones. Cole and Olibia sprinted past the screen and yanked them off the table. After an hour, the sound wave went off. Odell stood there calmly while Torta threatened him. As he signed "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER JULIA'S SCREAMS!" citizens laughed at this comment. The ones who got the defects exploded on the spot. As the wave suddenly stopped, he saw the bodies and signed "I feel bad for some of them. I kinda wish Torta's failed." He had to step over the boy (1), the girl (7), the boy (11), the boy (8) and the girl (4). As Torta smirked as she muttered "those other fools." She seemed to be in shock when it suddenly ended. Odell smirked as it started up again for a split second, causing a bad ringing in Torta's ears. Olibia smiled as she turned the wave back off again.

On day 4, the girl (6) bumped into Olibia who stabbed her. Cole hugged Olibia as the pair reunited. Once they did, the pair stared at each other as they realized that Torta was still alive. Olibia muttered that Odell was a dark horse this year. He signed to himself "I had low odds like Echolalia but that doesn't mean I can't survive. Watch a mute tribute win, Torta." As the fallen tributes were shown, they were revealed to be the boy (1), the girl (4), the girl (6), the girl (7), the boy (8) and the boy (11).

On night 4, two cannons sounded. These were revealed to belong to Columbus who got into a fight with Luxia (1). Luxia had slit Columbus' throat killing him instantly. However, the boy (5) spotted this and killed her. That day, the feast would begin in a few hours. As the bags began to rise up, Olibia and Cole sprinted in. However, what they didn't expect was for Rower (4) and Textile (8) to be there. Textile immediately charged at Olibia. However, she ducked at most swipes. She slashed Textile in a fatal spot, killing her. However, as Rower began stabbing Cole, Odell ran in. He saw this and yanked Rower off of Cole. He signed "finish Rower off Olibia!" As Olibia did so, Cole slowly died, muttering "Hey Odell. You were a pretty cool guy to be around. The citizens of 12 will like you." He signed it out for Odell to understand. Odell smiled and hugged him. He stood up and as the cannons sounded, he looked at Olibia and signed "Your abdomen..." As she pulled her hand away from it, she sadly smiled and said "my sister at home, she..." As Olibia collapsed, he grabbed the girl and held her. He threw a knife at Chem, hitting him in the head and killing him immediately. As Torta charged at him, Olibia weakly shot an arrow at her. As she stabbed the girl multiple times, Odell snapped Torta's arm, buying him time to sign that he would tell her sister all the good things about Olibia. She smiled and muttered "will you be her godfather?" He nodded as her eyes closed. As her cannon sounded, he stared at Torta. As she chucked a knife at him, he ducked and signed "jackass". As he did so, Odell chucked a record at her. He grabbed a knife, walking slowly towards her. He then grabbed the girl and slashed her arm. He signed "burn in hell bitch." As Torta attempted to stab him, he dodged it, making her swear. As he grabbed his record, he stabbed it into her head multiple timrs as her cannon sounded signing "f*** you Torta! F*** you!". It was then announced that 17 year old Odell Power from District 3 was the winner of the 20th Hunger Games. Echolalia gasped in smiled as Shiny shouted "Oh... my... god... FINALLY!" As District 3 cheered, his family hugged and started sobbing. Citizens cheered as Odell signed "Olibia, Cole, Micra and Chio, I'll never forget you guys." He was lifted up from the arena in a saddened state.


After winning, it was revealed that Odell's odds were 140-1, the longest shot to win in the history of the Games beating out his sister's record of 100-1. He was celebrated in the districts, mainly districts 12, 11, 8, 7, 3 and 1. He married shortly before the 23rd Games and had kids who were not chosen, naming his daughters Micra and Olibia and his son Cole in honor of his deceased friends. One of his kid's friends would win a game many years later.

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