55th Games

5 0 0

This year had the youngest victor ever recorded.

In district 5, viewers were tense while waiting for Explosiona to draw out the names of the tributes. The first name she pulled out was 12 year old Mag Element. Mag swallowed and walked forward as the boy was chosen. It was revealed to be 15 year old Titanium Element. Titanium walked forward with his little sister holding his hand. Both of them were in the same room as their family while signing that they loved them.

District 4 was rather quiet as Explosiona announced the name of the female tribute. It was 13 year old Marsha Winds. Marsha walked forward quietly and stood there on stage as the boy was 15 year old Fin Shark.

As Explosiona drew out the name of the guy for district 1, she took a deep breath while ripping open the paper. She first read out the name of 18 year old DeeCee Leone. DeeCee was applauded as she walked on stage, acting incredibly grateful. However, before she could choose a male tribute, a small boy volunteered. DeeCee laughed and pointed at him while everyone else (excluding the mentors and Explosiona) did so, even the peacekeepers. When he walked up to the stage, Explosiona walked towards him and asked what his name was. He revealed that he was 12 year old Marvel Leone. Marvel had no visitors while DeeCee practically had a line of visitors. She had so many of them that peacekeepers had to shove them away.


In the interviews, DeeCee went first and got the audience excited after bring promiscuous in the interview. However, when they all calmed down, Marvel walked on to the stage and shook Caesar's hand, asking him how he was actually doing after watching people die every year. The interviewer sat back in shock but stated that it mentally took a toll on him and that he often didn't know if he would continue doing these games. Marvel asked him if he wanted a hug to which the duo hugged for around a minute. When he asked why a boy so young decided to volunteer, he said something inaudible. However, when Caesar gently asked him to repeat it, he sobbed and went "I volunteered so I would die in the games. I wanted to kill myself because no one at home cares about me, my sister thinks I'm her servant, and my family didn't even visit me before I left. Also, people back in 1 are gonna think I'm a coward and they'll have an even stronger notion of that after this and it-. I'm so sorry." As he continued sobbing, the whole room went silent with the whole room tearing up while most of the other tributes tried to compose themselves. After a few more questions, Marvel exited the stage. Fin and Marsha were rather quiet and said almost nothing while Mag was a chatterbox. Titanium brought in a more joyful tone to the interviews while cracking a few jokes after he composed himself from crying.

The games

This year's arena was the city of Los Angeles. All of the tributes were on a double decker bus that started up when the countdown began. Marvel looked at his sister DeeCee and then looked at Fin and Mag. Fin's partner Marsha looked for an escape route. As the quartet all looked at the supplies, the gong sounded and the bus began to move. The tributes all began bumping into each other, causing knives and other weapons to fly everywhere, hitting practically everyone and causing a burst of 23 kills within 30 seconds. When this happened, the capitol revived all the tributes as the gamemaker whispered "that was a bad idea, wasn't it?" Caesar responded with a nod as all of them were on normal ground again after they were revived. When the siblings from 1 looked at each other and then their allies, the gong sounded as over 75% of the tributes ran away from the bloodbath (Marsha was included in the 75%). DeeCee first bumped into Shine (2) and got into a fist fight as Mag and Fin stabbed Power (2). As Marvel went in, he grabbed some knives and ran away while Shine was beaten to death by an overjoyed DeeCee. As Mag grabbed some stuff, more tributes came back to grab supplies to try to ambush the four. As the girl (7) ran straight in, Mag spotted her and killed her instantly. The boy (7) stabbed Titanium in the head with an axe. When Liam (3) fought Fin, Fin defeated the lanky boy within just five minutes of fighting. As the cannons sounded (which concluded the bloodbath), very few pairs of siblings still remained alive. As Marvel and DeeCee looked away from each other in disgust, Mag looked at the boy (7) and charged at him after he killed her brother. As the pair fought, Marvel shouted "Kick his ass!" DeeCee told him to "watch his language!" Marvel shrugged and continued watching as Mag gave the boy a black eye. He sucked in between his teeth and went "that's gonna leave a mark on him." As Mag knocked the weapon out of the boy's hand, she finally grabbed a rock and bashed his head against it, sounding his cannon and causing her to collapse in exhaustion. After she fell over, she began sobbing and whispered "f*** you 7!" As Marvel laughed, DeeCee yelled at him as Fin asked what he missed. When he saw that Mag was covered in blood, he shouted "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! What the hell happened to you?" Marvel couldn't contain his laughter and fell over as DeeCee also continued to laugh. After Mag explained the situation, Marvel went "He... he... he..." and continued wheezing from laughter. As he calmed down after about an hour, he drank some water, apologizing for his response to earlier. Mag gave a small chuckle and told him "stuff happens." He then chuckled and said "the way you shouted that last line so confidently was comedy gold, Mag." The cameras then panned to Marsha who had been asleep for most of the day while unknowingly sleeping next to Dart (6). As most of the quartet fell asleep that night (with Marvel being the only one awake), he watched the fallen tributes which were shown to be Shine (2), Power (2), Liam (3), Titanium (5), the boy (7), and the girl (7), leaving 18 tributes remaining.

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