18th Games - 'Diva Killer'

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This year's Games featured a bunch of divas from many districts according to the Victor of this year. She killed one diva in an iconic and gruesome way. Other than that kill, the victor was known for their calm demeanor and their gracious method of killing.


District 3 was chill as Petrozza Casino chose the name after a chaotic ceremony in District 4. As he stood there, he pulled out the name of 18 year old Terra Gig. Echolalia seemed calm as Terra was chosen. Terra had a single braid in her hair. Just as he was about to pull out a name for the male tribute, a boy volunteered. He was bloody and bruised. He shouted that he was 18 year old Pixel Gig. As Terra grabbed her cousin's hand and shook it, their parents started sobbing from the crowd.

District 2 had their first mud pit battle between four girls and four guys. As each person recieved three bands, the girls started off with 16 year old Lisa Monet, 18 year old Ruby Sanchez, 18 year old Octavia Clover and 15 year old Giuliana Jackson-Jones. Despite the other three girls ripping each other's bracelets off first, Giuliana looked like she took after her father as she stealthily ripped the bracelets off of Octavia who seemed shocked that she had failed. As Giuliana walked on to the stage, she saw her father nodding and smiling. The boys were 14 year old Thomas Beligerent, 16 year old Liam Beligerent, 17 year old Hercules Evans and 18 year old Phil Gospel. As Thomas and Liam both had their bracelets ripped off, both Phil and Hercules had one bracelet remaining. As Phil hunted for Hercules, he sneakily ripped the final bracelet off of Phil. The pair shook hands and walked to the train.

District 1 immediately had a volunteer. The girl's name was 15 year old Brett Shapiro. Her father Ben cursed under his breath. He hated Brett's independence and as she walked forward, a boy named 12 year old Brendon Lover. Brendon walked forward and stared at Brett and as he chuckled he went "the Shapiro killer; best of luck." As they shook hands, Brendon walked away from him.


This year's Games took place in a banquet hall. As all the tributes rose up on their podiums, Giuliana spotted Hercules from afar as the pair winked at each other. The girl (5) swallowed as Brett pointed at her. Brendon stared at the boy (7). As the gong sounded, Terra stared at Pixel. Once Terra and Pixel ran away, Brett tackled the girl (5) and stabbed her. Brendon stabbed the boy (7). However, Giuliana grabbed a carving knife and chucked it at the girl (7) who wad in pain after getting crushed by the body of her district partner. As Hercules threw a knife at the girl (4), the bloodbath concluded. As the four cannons sounded, Giuliana stared at Brett who was acting like a diva. She rolled her eyes until she heard Brett confess to killing her brother Jordan and rigging the reaping four years ago to pick her older sister Gala.  As the other careers gasped, she continued drinking the wine on the table. Giuliana muttered to her district partner "hold my hoops. This is gonna be gruesome. Shield the 12 year old's eyes from this." As Hercules and Berndon ran another direction, Giuliana muttered "you crossed the line asshole" and stabbed Brett. As she whimpered, Giuliana stabbed her again with another carving knife. As she sliced into the girl's stomach, Brett screamed out in pain. This scared Terra and Pixel as they saw the other careers. Terra covered Brendon's ears. As Brett screamed even more, Giuliana sliced out the girl's tongue, shouting "you don't deserve to live after what you did." As Brett quiet down, Giuliana stabbed her over and over again. As Brett's cannon sounded, Hercules had to pull Giuliana off of Brett. She shouted "that bitch killed my friend and her sister! She killed them! She..." As Giuliana cried, Hercules calmed the girl down as he saw the hacked at body of Brett. When Brendon saw the body be picked up, he muttered "she deserved it." That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Brett (1), the girl (4), the girl (5) and the pair (7).

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