16th Games - 'Tigress'

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This year's victor was well known for her feisty personality. She was also known for her iconic method of killing.


District 9 had a quiet and quick reaping ceremony. Aurora apologized to the citizens of District 9 for choosing the tributes this year. As she drew out the name of the girl, she looked at them somberly. The girl chosen was 12 year old Julia Child. Julia swallowed and walked forward confidently. She had long blonde hair flowing down her back in an intricate style. As she stared at the crowd, Aurora drew out the name of the boy. Sadly, the boy chosen was 18 year old Emeril Lagasse. Somebody shouted, 'hey, it's Emeril. BAM!' As citizens laughed, he walked forward as Aurora apologized. He shrugged and muttered that it was normal for him to be treated like this. He muttered in a different language that he would be ok dying in the games.

District 3 was also rather quiet ad everyone waited in suspense. As Aurora apologized, a girl shouted that she volunteered. Shiny stared at the girl and nodded. Aurora asked who she was. She muttered that she was 17 year old Echolalia Power. People murmured Shiny smiled and went "that's my girl." As she drew out the name of the boy, she read it to be 18 year old Rian Powerhouse. Mayor Powerhouse sobbed and went "my baby!" Rian commented "you didn't act like this when Elektra was chosen and when she died!" The district was in silence.

District 1 was rather uneventful as a pair of siblings volunteered. They were 18 year olds Broken Promise and Paula Promise. As Twin greeted them, she realized that after talking about themselves for the entire train ride that they were "arrogant, stuck up people."


This year's Games took place in a metal factory. The metal factory was rather small but had a huge parking lot outside of it filled with cars. The cornucopia was not very full this year when it came to supplies. In fact, most of them were in the process of being made. As the podiums rose up, Broken and Paula made eye contact with each other in the arena and nodded. Broken stared at the girl (5) and made a symbol to represent her as his first target. Paula did the same symbol but with Wheeler (6). However, Echolalia decided to study the different hideouts. She glared at Broken who was to her left and the girl (4) who was to her right. Rian glared at the boy (2) who mumbled 'what?' As Julia nodded at Emeril, the gong sounded. Julia and Emeril ran opposite directions. As Rian sprinted in, he bumped into the girl (10) and hit her in the head with a thick sheet of metal, knocking her out and sounding her cannon. As the pair from 8 ran in, they didn't see the sheet metal and shortly after the girl tripped over a scrap piece of a spearhead and fell onto it. As it stabbed her in the chest, her partner attempted to lift the metal off of her. However, it stabbed him in the chest once her got her off of it. As those cannons sounded, Echolalia and Rian went to the different hideouts. She decided to use a sheet of metal and wrap it up into a makeshift knife. Broken and Paula guarded the cornucopia with the pair from 2 while Julia hid in a tiny corner and Emeril got his weapon at the ready. On day 1, the girl (5) bumped into Broken who she started crawling away from. Paula bumped into Wheeler as he started running as well. As she crawled away, Broken started to run. As she finally got up and broke into a sprint, Echolalia heard the commotion and peeked out from her spot. When she saw Broken, she jumped in front of him. As the pair engaged in a fight, Paula shouted out for Broken. However, when Echolalia looked like she was about to die, she grabbed Broken and stabbed him with her makeshift knife in the eye and chest, squeezing his neck as well. As he bled out while screaming in pain, Rian saw this and jumped in front of Paula who was chasing Wheeler. As Paula shoved Rian to the ground, he grabbed a halfway finished sword and stabbed her in the eye with it. As Broken's cannon sounded, Paula attempted to stab Rian, who dodged it with ease. However, the boy (2) spotted Rian as well and fought him, attempting to grab him from behind. However, Rian managed to survive this as both Paula and the boy (2) stabbed each other after Rian stabbed him in the eye. Rian then stabbed both tributes again, sounding their cannons. Echolalia looked over at Rian and went 'not so difficult, right?' Rian laughed and went 'yeah, that wasn't so bad'. After those cannons, Julia cried, whimpering "I don't wanna die" over and over again. Emeril kept muttering something in arabic that sounded like a prayer. As night fell, the fallen tributes were shown to be Broken (1), Paula (1), the boy (2), the boy (8), the girl (8) and the girl (10).

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