29th Games - "Double Victory"

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This year's Games had a rule that seemed out of place but it was passed because of protests for this games. The gamemaker was fired shortly afterwards.


District 7 had quite a controversial reaping ceremony. Aalish stepped out to the crowd and smiled, muttering good luck to the youths. The girl chosen was 14 year old Janet Cherry. Janet screamed in fear and began crying. However, very few youths were surprised she was reaped. The boy chosen upset Maple Mason (victor of the 10th hunger games) as it was her study abroad kid who became a peacekeeper. His name was 18 year old Tanashiri Mason. Maple began sobbing as Tanashiri asked Aalish if his friend back home was chosen. Aalish said she hadn't gone to district 2 yet. Tanashiri was visited by his friends from 2 and his family who gave him a rosary alongside his wife who promised to move to district 2 with him if he won.

District 2 had a very emotional ceremony. A young girl had watched her friend be reaped in the district 7 ceremony. Sadly for her, Aalish drew out the girl's name, which was 18 year old Odesa Smith. Odesa swallowed and muttered in her native tongue "well, I'm dying this year". She planned to move to District 7 to be a peacekeeper with her friend if she wasn't chosen. As Aalish chose the name of the boy, it was revealed to be 18 year old Alexander Williams. Alexander shouted "son of a bitch!" As their families visited them, Odesa's mother sobbed and hugged her, giving her ribbons and muttered "Uwi kaagad ha?" Odesa responded that she would and hugged her. Her mother told her not to doubt herself. Alexander's family swore at him for his behavior and encouraged him to win.

District 1 didn't go much better as a pair of siblings were volunteered. The girl originally chosen by Aalish was 15 year old Cinnabon Wells. A girl volunteered in her place however which caused Cinnabon to begin sobbing. As the pair kissed, she walked up and revealed herself to be 15 year old Echolalia Hang. The boy chosen was 17 year old Liam Glamor. However, Echolalia's brother, 17 year old Bronze Hang, had also volunteered for tribute. Their family encouraged them to win in chinese and as they boarded the train, Lux and Twin greeted them.


This year's arena was the Amazon Rainforest. It had a bunch of animals and a lot of the trees burnt down. Bronze and Echolalia stared around and studied it. Tanashiri smiled and muttered "I know this arena". Janet grinned and said this "would be an easy win". Odesa smiled at Tanashiri as Alexander rolled his eyes. As the gong sounded, Tanashiri unleashed the knowledge he remembered from District 2 and launched his sword at Tucker (8). However, the sword missed as Lumo (3) hit the boy with a sickle. He seemed to apologize to the young boy while crying and pulled out a black ribbon to put on the boy. Odesa and Alexander got supplies from the cornucopia while Bronze and Echolalia grabbed some and sprinted. As the bloodbath concluded, Odesa managed to stay at the cornucopia, grabbing supplies. She looked at Tanashiri, who Janet grabbed and shouted "my district partner! Not yours! Now go away before I kill you with my axe!" Alexander noticed this and hugged Odesa. Tanashiri attempted to break free of Janet, but to no avail. She told him "I'm gonna kill that brat. Come on, Bronze." Alexander apologized as he let go of the girl. On day 1, a cannon sounded which belonged to Janet. Bronze and Odesa walked around the arena when Odesa noticed Janet pulling out her knife to try to kill Tanashiri. However, Bronze shouted to the girl to distract her. Odesa grabbed the girl and stabbed her in the head, heart and stomach, killing her as her cannon sounded. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Janet (7) and Tucker (8). Tanashiri asked for the capitol to hold funerals and donate money to the families alongside doing a rosary over the next few weeks with him.

On day 2, Tanashiri woke up to see Bronze lying there with tears in his eyes. He asked the boy what was wrong and he admitted to killing Janet yesterday. Tanashiri hugged the boy and smiled, stating that he wasn't a bad guy and that it was ok. He told him that "Janet was a dick", causing a little bit of laughter to fill the arena as the boys hugged. People liked how Tanashiri was gentle with the other tributes. He said in tagalog "they're just like family to me. Enjoy your family while you can". As Odesa walked up to Tanashiri, she saw this moment. Tanashiri muttered in tagalog to Odesa, "I just got him to fall asleep." Odesa heard battle cries and as the pair ran to the cornucopia, Odesa saw Echolalia about to be killed. Bronze woke up to see this, joined the fight, and shouted in chinese, "that's my sister, dickhead!" Bronze shouted at his sister to run and win for their district. Tanashiri saw Alexander kill Bronze with a knife after he sliced his throat as his cannon sounded. Echolalia saw this and slashed Alexander's throat for revenge. This split viewers in such a controversial manner of who ahould have died. As Echolalia cried out for her older brother, Tanashiri hugged her and told her that he was safe now. Odesa hugged the girl as well. Tanashiri and Odesa quietly calmed her down, stating "Bahala Na", which translated to letting go and trusting god, a common moral in filipino culture. That night, Echolalia continued crying until she fell asleep. Odesa and Tanashiri hugged with Tanashiri muttering "I'm sorry I couldn't take you with me, Odesa. I didn't want to move to District 7 yet. I wanted to be a victor of District 2." Odesa muttered that "the gamemakers could try to make that happen." That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Bronze (1), and Alexander (2). This was day 2 of the rosary for day 1 tributes and day 1 of it for day 2 fallen tributes.

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