58th games (+ ANNOUNCEMENT)

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Due to a security breach, this year's Games could not be found. Read '58 Alternate instead below. We're very sorry.

As Iris came to district 2, she looked around to see 22 volunteers for each gender. She looked around and muttered "this has to be good." For the girls, most of the contenders were 16 but one was 17, another was 18, one 13 and another one was 12. As the 13 and 12 year old immediately ripped off each other's bracelets, it was shown that the final four female volunteers were 18 year old Lia Rockworth, 17 year old Bruce Hulkman, 16 year old Romania Sonofsam, and 16 year old Caesara Julius. Surprisingly, Caesara came out on top. She walked towards the stage after hugging her brother as she wished him luck. As the boy's fought, the final four after 15 minutes was 15 year old Marshall Soldier, 18 year old Sergeant Jackson, 14 year old Leon Jones and 18 year old Jason Kentwell. As Leon faced his final opponent Jason, the duo squared off into a battle in the mudpit. As Leon ripped off the last bracelet, he was announced to be the male tribute for district 2. Thomas shouted "that's my grandkid bitches! That's him!" As Thomas hugged Leon, he muttered "make yourself proud, not those capitolites or anybody else, not even me. Just make yourself proud boy." As the pair separated, Leon watched the other ceremonies for potential opponents. His mentor was Brutus Caesar and Caesara's mentor was Justice Christie.

The games

This year's Games took place in Blackbird State Forest, Delaware. As Leon and Caesara stared at each other from afar, the other careers smiled and whispered things around the pair in an attempt to make them paranoid. However, as the gong sounded, most tributes were too busy laughing to even hear it. They eventually stopped after Caesara killed the girl (9) and Leon killed the girl (1). Before the boy (1) and Cressly (4) could run, the pair were tackled and killed while most other tributes ran away. As Leon killed both the boy (11) and the girl (11), the six cannons of the bloodbath sounded. Leon collapsed as all of the dead bodies were picked up. When Caesara jumped back up, she smiled and joked "just how we like it right?" As Leon let out a quiet laugh, he swallowed. Leon sniffled and stared directly at sponsors and turned away, holding back tears. Most citizens booed at this action, including the commentators. However, when the Jones dynasty stepped foot in the capitol, the jeers stopped and everyone sat in silence as Leon's cousin Jack shouted "FIRE!" Gunshots were sprayed everywhere, killing 300 citizens and severely injuring 500. Jack was taken away by the capitol and executed. After a few more hours of walking around the arena, the pair went back to the cornucopia after an unsuccessful trip to find other tributes. As Leon closed his eyes, two more screams were heard, which was followed shortly after by the sound of two cannons. Caesara woke up to see the bodies being lifted up. Ultimately, as she was about to explore the arena, she decided against it at the last minute and began to run away. That night, as all of the tributes fell asleep except for Leon, the fallen tributes were shown to be the girl (1), the boy (1), Cressly (4), Apollo (4), the girl (5), the boy (5), the girl (11), the boy (11), and the girl (12).

On day 2, Caesara woke up to a loud cannon a few hundred feet away from her. As she looked over, she saw Tec (3) standing over the dead body of his district partner Nalagee. She screamed as he looked towards her and smiled. As the boy began chasing after her, he eventually tackled the girl. However, Leon caught her in a state of panic and killed the boy, sounding his cannon. While Caesara recovered because of Leon, he got attacked from behind by the girl (8). As Caesara killed her, the boy (12) stabbed Caesara in the back of the head. This caused Leon to stab the older boy in the chest, shouting "that was my ally, you c**t." Thomas shouted out in a rather calm manner "watch your mouth boy." As Leon looked around, he bumped into Journey (6) who told him to back off. However, he continued to walk forward and told her that he wanted an alliance. She accepted after a few minutes of thinking. Eventually, when asked where her district partner was, she responded that he was asleep. After a little while, the fallen tributes were shown to be Caesara (2), Tec (3), Nalagee (3), and the boy (12), leaving 11 tributes remaining.

On day 3, Leon woke up to see that his allies were slaughtered. As the two cannons sounded, it was announced that a feast would occur within a few hours. Leon went back to the cornucopia and sat there. When the feast began, he stabbed the pair (10) instantly as the girl (8) killed Wood (7). Alicia (7) killed Bar (9) while Stool (9) ran away. As the cannons sounded, he looked at the sky to watch the fallen tributes. Most of the other tributes looked around for Leon, calling him their threat to win. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (6), Journey (6), Wood (7), Bar (9) and the pair (both 10). This left Leon (2), Alicia (7), the girl (8), Mar (8), and Stool (9).

On the last day, Leon waited for everyone. However, after hearing a lot of fighting and two cannons belonging to the pair (both 8), Alicia and Stool got into a bar fight (no pun intended). While Alicia and Stool fought, Leon waited for one of them to kill the other. However, after waiting two hours, he whispered "fuck it" and killed both of them. As their cannons sounded, it was announced that 14 year old Leon Jones from District 2 was the winner of the 58th Hunger Games. Thomas shouted "fuck yeah!"

After winning, Leon began to date Romania who he would go on to have two children with. His grandfather would pass shortly after the birth of his daughter. They would eventually become tributes in the 76th hunger games.

Announcement - We have unfortunately lost connection to future games. Please come back later this year for more games.

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