15th Games - 'Miss Sniper'

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This year's Games had the first victor who was married before their games. They were also known as a former sibling of a famous actress.


The District 12 reaping ceremony showed a pair of siblings that was well known for their chaos. The girl chosen by Michelá was 18 year old Aurora Borealis. She was formerly known as Aurora Starlight. Aurora was lovingly known as the 'chaotic sister' by many.  Living up to her nickname, she began causing hell in the District after her reaping. She ripped off her necklace, shouting that 'her family could have it since you claim to love me so much in front of the cameras!' The boy chosen was 17 year old Bruce Mayor. Bruce was known as the 'golden standard' in District 12 and was on his way to become the mayor of the District. He comforted Aurora as she walked offstage, swearing at her family. As the pair walked to the train, both of them bowed. Mint Azure (Victor of the 12th Hunger Games) greeted them on the train.

District 11 was more chaotic than District 12. As Michelá walked forward to choose the name, Mint helped the girl forward. As she got the name for the girl out, it was revealed to be 14 year old Daisy Torrez. Daisy screamed gleefully as she ran forward, scaring people around her. As Michelá walked over to the other reaping bowl, her little brother Stem volunteered. As 13 year old Stem Torrez walked forward, he shouted at his sister to calm down. Daisy seemed to quiet down after that.

In District 6, the citizens didn't seem to be as drunk as thought to have been. The girl chosen was 15 year old Bjorna Marcus. Bjorna swallowed but walked up stoically. The boy chosen was 14 year old Jasper Marcus. Bjorna swore under her breath as her little brother walked forwards. The pair got onto the train not daring to stare at each other.


This year's arena was a jungle. This jungle contained many different wild animals. The cornucopia contained supplies, water, mystery bags and weapons. Before the gong sounded, Aurora looked around to see Bruce on the other side of the arena. Bruce spotted Aurora and whimpered. She frowned at seeing him whimper. As Daisy rose up, she was relieved to see Stem next to her. Stem didn't seem quite as relieved to see her. Bjorna and Jasper glared at each other from opposite parts of the arena. As they looked around, the timer started. Once it began, Prime (5) closed his eyes and envisioned what was around the arena. A little bit later, the gong sounded. As it sounded, Aurora grabbed a set of arrows and shot one directly at Daisy. It hit Daisy in the head, making Aurora have the first kill of the Games a few seconds in. She shouted at Bruce to run from the cornucopia. However, when Bruce started running, he grabbed a knife and threw it at the girl (3) who dodged it. It hit the boy (1) instead, killing him shortly after. Stem ran in to grab some food but Prime knocked him out with a mystery bag (filled with a thermos of water and a few other supplies) with so much force that it ended up killing him. Once the bloodbath ended, three cannons sounded. On day 1, the girl (3) was spotted by Amber (1) who stabbed her in the chest, sounding her cannon. As the girl's cannon sounded, Bjorna halted when she spotted a gorilla in front of her. Jasper fell asleep near a bunch of monkeys at their hideout. When the monkeys woke up, Jasper played with a few of them. Aurora fell asleep, unknowingly hiding near a tiger. Bruce ran until he got away from the animals, being the only one that was safe from them, or so it seemed. He spotted a dead tribute nearby as a cannon sounded. He screamed, shouting 'what the hell is that on his chest?' He paused before staring at the boy. It was shown to viewers that the boy (10) was slashed open by a tiger. That night, as Bruce failed to sleep, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (1), the girl (3), the boy (10), Daisy (11) and Stem (11). Aurora seemed heartbroken about seeing Stem up there.

During night 1, Aurora came up with a plan. She decided to put her arrows to use and shoot from afar. The first cannon woke Bruce up which was revealed to belong to Amber (1). Amber had stumbled upon a trap Bjorna had made with a chimpanzee swiping and biting straight at Amber. It bit into her neck, sounding her cannon. Jasper woke up to the second cannon, revealed to belong to Prime (5) who was shot with an arrow by Aurora. On day 2, a loud scream was heard. This belonged to the girl (10) who was strangled by a monkey. After that cannon sounded, Aurora prepared her second arrow. She saw Bjorna and the girl (9), muttering 'bingo, bitch.' As Aurora shot her second arrow into Bjorna's head, her cannon sounded. However, the boy (8) strangled the girl (9) and her cannon sounded too. Bruce heard the cannons and jumped. Jasper cried until he calmed down. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Amber (1), Prime (5), Bjorna (6), the girl (9) and the girl (10).

On night 2, viewers spotted that the boy (3) was climbing up a rather tall tree. However, when got to the top, he committed suicide through falling from the highest point of the tree, shouting 'no fucks were given!' As Aurora heard the scream, she whimpered, staring down at him and his limp body. When Jasper heard the crack, he jolted upright, screaming 'who goes there?' On day 3, Bruce snuck up behind the girl (7) and killed her with a dagger. He was starting to go crazy from thirst. During the arena event, fog started clouding the vision of all the tributes. The boy (8) and Jasper bumped into each other. As the pair began to fight, Jasper swung at the boy (8) and missed while the boy (8) swung at Jasper and missed. After five minutes, both of them hit a fatal artery in each other, sounding both cannons instantly. After that, the girl (8) fell down from a high tree, snapping her neck. As Bruce and Aurora stayed in their designated spots, night 4 fell. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (3), Jasper (6), the girl (7) and the pair (8).

On night 4, the girl (5) was attacked by a leopard, swiping its paw into her chest. As she bled out, she grabbed her knife and weakly threw it at the tiger. However, it missed and hit the boy (9) in the heart. The boy's cannon sounded on day 5 as he groaned in pain. Then, as Aurora woke up, she saw Scalia (4) walk past her. However, she laid low and watched as the boy (7) stabbed her. However, Scalia managed to stab the boy in the head and kill him. As the boy's cannon sounded, Scalia saw her wound and watched as it bled out. Her cannon sounded hours later as Bruce stabbed her. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Scalia (4), the girl (5), the boy (7) and the boy (9).

On night 5, it was announced that a feast would take place in a few hours. However, the boy (4) had already succumbed to thirst after losing his water on day 2 and not finding any drinking water in the arena. As the feast was about to occur, Aurora got into position and pulled her arrow back. Bruce stared at the pair from 2 who were guarding the cornucopia. As the pair stared at each other, Bruce ran in once the gong for the feast had began. He grabbed the boy (2) and strangled him. As he grabbed the girl (2), Aurora held her bow up and lit the arrow on fire. As he finished killing the girl (2), Aurora shot her final arrow. As Bruce looked up, the flaming arrow hit him in the chest. He agonized for a little while until he couldn't take the heat anymore. As his cannon sounded, it was announced that 18 year old Aurora Borealis from District 12 was the winner of the 15th Hunger Games.


After Aurora won, she eventually got married but decided not to have children and work on her music career which made her more successful. Her first album was called 'Rebel'. She was also given lessons on being a successful sniper, hence her nickname. When she returned home after training, Aurora was warmly greeted by her sister which was indeed the famous actress Merlina Starlight.

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