27th Games - 'Fareena'

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This year's Games gave a victor that gave hope to other people and opened up about her mental health and her struggles in life.


District 11 was upset as they hadn't had a victor in 15 years. As Boston chose the name of the female tribute, he apologized to the youths of the district, saying that he wished the district luck in the games. The female tribute was revealed to be 13 year old Naomi Glass. Naomi swallowed and walked forward as a boy volunteered, revealing himself to be 12 year old March Fools. As Naomi saw March walk forward, she said to him "I told you not to join me, March". March replied with "we're friends. This is what friends do." They shook hands as Naomi swallowed anger. They were both visited by their families, who told them to win. The tributes were taken to the train to meet Mint who warmly greeted them.

District 9 was annoyed at not having a victor for a long time. As Boston chose the name, he picked the girl's name and said it looked familiar. As he showed Adam the slip of paper, he dropped to his knees and sobbed. Boston shouted the name of 18 year old Tris Killian. Tris had bipolar depression and was a well known mental health advocate. As Adam Walker shouted out her name in agony, she was revealed to also be his cousin. She shook Boston's hand. She wished Boston luck in Farsi as her family cried. The boy chosen was 13 year old Four Legged. Four cursed and walked forward, glaring at Tris. He rolled his eyes at Boston and spat onto the victor. Boston put up with the antics that were shown by Four, wishing him luck. Tris was visited by her mother who called her 'Artemisia' and her father hugged her tight as her siblings cried. They gave advice to her in Farsi and walked away. Four's family didn't visit him because of what happened.

District 2 stood in total silence as the youngest female volunteer won the role of tribute. There were three volunteers this year. 12 year old Pam Thomas, 14 year old Emerelda Johnson, and 18 year old Marina Walter all volunteered with Pam doing three sneak attacks on the other two tributes in order to rip off their bracelets. 14 year old Jim Marksman was chosen for the male tribute. Pam muttered "ooooooooooooh, Adam's cousin is in trouble". Pam was visited by her mom who hugged her and told her to win. Jim's dad vidited him, stating that he shouldn't complain about his cousin's death. Pam annoyed her mentor Giuliana as Thomas was annoyed at Jim for complaining about his cousin Adam losing three years ago.


When the tributes rose up, it was revealed to be a haunted mansion. Naomi stared at March from afar. Four and Tris looked for escape routes. Jim and Pam pointed at their allies, Glenn and Maggie (both 5). Viewers noticed that everyone had even odds. As the gong sounded, Spencer (10) and his district partner were tackled by Jim and Pam who killed them in a brutal fight. The boy (6) watched as his ally Thomas (4) was brutally stabbed to death by Naomi. People were shocked at this death but they also expected it. As the cannons sounded, Jim and Pam sobbed about killing people. Tris stood there, stone cold as Naomi pulled the knife out of Thomas that she had implanted. She then whispered "rest in peace, you guys". Naomi and March hid in separate rooms for day 1. As Tris and Four roamed around, they heard a scream nearby. As Naomi ran over, the boy (7) had spotted a ghost in front of him. As the ghost strangled him to death, the ghost made the voice of the cannon that sounded for him. Viewers noticed that Four had swallowed a laugh and ran from the area. As the fallen tributes played, they were revealed to be Thomas (4), the boy (7), Spencer (10), and the girl (10).

On day 2, viewers spotted that Naomi and March were sneaking around the area when March saw the girl (4). He shushed his district partner and snuck up behind her. However, before Naomi could throw a knife, something hit March in the head. He turned around to see a ghost floating towards them. March told Naomi 'welp, this is awkward. Run!' As Naomi got stabbed by a ghost, March killed the mutt shouting that he wanted to kill it. Viewers noticed that Liara (3) and Livera (6) were both intrigued by the ghosts. Livera even became friends with one of them. Liara told one of the ghosts that she looked beautiful. This led ghosts to leave the pair alone. However, March got stabbed in the head by a ghost. Naomi swallowed and began crying as she held her cousin. As she slit her throat, her cannon sounded shortly afterwards. Liara spotted this and cried a little bit because this reminded her of her family situation. Livera swallowed and muttered in hiding "not him, not him, not him." As the "criminal alliance" of Jim, Pam, Glenn and Maggie all began to crawl around the arena, they didn't notice that Livera, Tris and the girl (7) were all waiting for an ambush. Four was asleep, not knowing his ally would be in an all out war. The fallen tributes were shown to be March and Naomi (both 11). Livera sighed in relief at not seeing her district partner up there. However, the "criminal alliance" found the trio and chaos ensued.

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