30th Games - "Revenge"

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This year's Games had a brutal final 2 with both of them wanting revenge for people they lost in the past. This was the victory that put Aalish Brighton on the map for helping a district earn a victory that was not their own.


District 8 had silence occur. Odesa went up to the female reaping bowl and tearfully pulled out a name, stating publicly "this feels wrong". She then read the name to be 16 year old D'orsay Prada. D'orsay's younger brother, Priestly, began crying as she walked up. Tanashiri pulled out a name, revealing it to be 15 year old Oxford Street. Oxford walked forward somberly. He hugged his brother and shouted "love you bro!" The brother responded the same way.

District 5 seemed like a competitive district this year. Odesa and Tanashiri both pulled out names. However, Odesa noticed something odd with the female reaping bowl and Tanashiri noticed it too. They called the peacekeepers over and told them it was just one name filling up the bowls. After 30 minutes of searching, their suspicions were confirmed. The names chosen were 18 year olds Icie Bonds and Zeise Patrol. Icie and Zeise stared at each other from afar and nodded.

District 4 seemed upset at seeing such defeated victors in front of them. Odesa drew out the name and muttered to her brother "ooh, that's not gonna go over well." She then revealed the name of 14 year old Kaimana Nori. Kaimana swallowed and walked forward. The boy chosen was 13 year old Hanini Haku. Tanashiri shouted "We're sorry if we butchered your names!" Hanini shouted back jokingly "even I fuck up saying it!" Aalish Brighton hopped over to district 4 to help mentor after the sudden death of Piscine Patel (victor of the 4th hunger games). He was only 44 years old. Kaimana shouted "Dibs on Aalish!"


The arena was revealed to be the Khan Shatyr in Kazakhstan. Kaimana and Hanini stared at each other as other tributes looked at the pair with confusion. Kaimana smirked and muttered "this ought to be good". Icie and Zeise stared at the beakers and smiled, a wicked grin forming on both of their faces in anticipation. Icie looked at the acid and smiled, tempted to grab it. Zeise stared at his partner and muttered "grab it, grab it, grab it". The pair stared at the clock. D'orsay stared at Oxford and the pair nodded in an attempt to run away from the bloodbath. When the gong sounded, Kaimana grabbed a trident and muttered to Light (3) "this is for my sister you son of a gun". She then slammed the trident into the girl's head. Hanini looked at the boy (3) and threw his trident into his head, sounding his cannon too. Icie grabbed some acid and threw it on to the boy (11), burning him severely. Zeise held onto his taser and used it to zap Liam (1). D'orsay looked at the sewing kit and grabbed it while Oxford grabbed enough food and water to last him a couple days. As the bloodbath concluded, four cannons sounded. On day 1, Kaimana looked around to see the other parts of the arena, trying to find a hideout. The pair (2) hid in a restaurant that Icie and Zeise were nearby and they didn't know it. D'orsay stayed in a clothing store and Oxford stayed in an internet cafe. Viewers noticed that the boy (10) was about to sneak up behind Oxford but he was stabbed by Axel (7), who asked Oxford if he was alright. Oxford nodded and said he was. As the tributes decided to rest for the night, Kaimana stared at the roof of the arena, asking why it was so sparkly. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Liam (1), the boy (3), Light (3), the boy (10), and the boy (11).

On day 2, Kaimana woke up to the sound of a cannon but fell back asleep shortly afterwards. Hanini had woken up during the night to see the girl (9) staring directly at him, hoping for an alliance. However, he mistook this for a kill and stabbed her with his trident, killing her instantly. Icie stared at her hiding location and heard a clanging nearby. She saw Neil (6) banging on the door. She thought about letting him in but she refused to do so, noticing the girl (2) behind him. As Neil stabbed the girl, her cannon sounded, causing Zeise to wake up from his dream. D'orsay stared off into the distance as she watched the tributes stroll by her hiding spot. As they did so, Oxford strolled around the area. He saw a sushi restaurant where the boy (2) was hiding. He ran past, attempting to not be spotted. However, nobody saw that Kaimana and Oxford had both managed to hack into the camera footage on their respective floors with help from their training. Kaimana saw something odd outside of the clothing stores as did Oxford. As the fallen tributes were shown to be the girl (2), and the girl (9), Zeise and Icie went on a hunt. When Icie spotted Maple (7), Icie commented "bingo".

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