56th Games

3 0 0

Reaping Ceremony

As Marvel was about to open the piece of paper for the female tribute, the mayor stopped him and asked if there were any vikunteers. He whispered "oopsie, I forgot about that." Just then, a girl volunteered which caused Marvel to smile and go "I thought that only happened in broadcasts." When asked whp she was, she revealed herself to be 17 year old Justice Christie. Marvel shook her hand and gave his condolences for the loss of her brother. She then looked at him and went "you have more respect than anyone 12 year old I ever met." He smiled and blushed a bit, causing Justice to smile. As Justice slowly walked towards the center of the stage, she looked at her partner's spot when Marvel revealed that the male tribute would be 17 year old Marcus Berkeley. Marcus sighed and shook Justice's hand as Justice cursed. Justice was visited by Marvel (the 1st time a victor has done this) and told her that she could win. Ad she thanked him, he went "you know, if you ever need a partner in crime..." This caused laughter among the two as Marvel left. Marcus was visited by his aunt who told him to win. He frowned and said it "probably wasn't in the cards."


This year's Games took place in a haunted hotel in Colorado. Viewers looked around at the other tributes as Sponsor (1) glared at Capitolite (1) and vice versa. When the gong sounded, the boy (3) killed the boy (9) with a swift throw of a knife to the head. However, after Parcel (7) stabbed the boy (3), Justice and Marcus ran in, with Marcus killing Shadow (8) and Raineri (11). Justice killed Parcel due to her having a crush on the boy from 3. After Sponsor and Capitolite killed the pair (5) and the girl (7), the bloodbath concluded. This sounded eight cannons during the bloodbath. Justice went into one hotel room and laid on the bed while breathing heavily. Marcus hopped into the room across from her with Sponsor which Justice whispered "I called that one rather easily because of their flirting during training." As viewers started lining up for Sponsor gifts, it was revealed that Justice's odds were 49-1 while Marcus' odds were 5-1. As Justice relaxed, she joked that the bloodbath was long when in reality, it was not very long. As most tributes settled down, Sponsor and Capitolite had already put the blinds around their windows and tossed their clothes onto the cameras in the room. As Justice heard everything, she started gagging and shouted "I don't give a fuck what you're doing but keep it down in there!" As Sponsor moaned "oh yes daddy, oh yes! God yes. Oh god, oh!" Justice then proceeded to move to a higher level. Somehow, she got to the floor of the security room. As she looked at the monitor, she noticed Nikola (3) sitting there, watching the movement of Hono (4). His sister Lulu was sitting next to him. Nikola snarled at seeing them to which Justice muttered "hatred much?" This caused Nikola to scream in fright and jump backwards in her chair. She added "the room with the cameras covered, they're having some rough sex." Nikola commented that she was "only 15 and didn't need to know that." Justice chuckled and muttered "oh, you sweet summer child." The pair laughed as they watched the other cameras. As night fell, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy (3), the boy (5), the girl (5), Parcel (7), the girl (7), the boy (9), and Raineri (11), leaving 17 tributes remaining.

The next morning, Nikola looked at the monitors to see that Capitolite was sleeping. As Nikola left, Justice Comme "careful of Capitolite. She'll rip your throat out if you let your guard down." Nikola sighed and entered Capitolite's room while Justice watched. Justice whispered repeatedly "come on, Nikola. You can do this." As the door barely opened, Nikola snuck in and stealthily cut Capitolite's interjugular vein, killing her in 90 seconds and sounding her cannon. Nikola proceeded to run towards the elevator and cheered quietly about her success in killing a tribute with the highest odds this year. Justice then left as Nikola told her "watch out for Spinny from 8. She's a feisty bitch. Plus, she knows when someone is approaching her area." Justice nodded and snuck to the ground floor. As she approached Spinny, she hid behind a wall, swallowing in fear. When Spinny fell back asleep, Marcus woke up with a bright red face as both boys got dressed again. As they chuckled about the night before, they heard a loud fight from the floor below as one person shouted "get the fuck away from me!" The other one screamed "someone killed my brother you asshole! Don't you dare tell me what to do!" Marcus then noticed that Justice's door was open and as he was running to the stairs, he heard a shriek followed by a cannon. As Justice stood up shakily, she bumped into Marcus who hugged her while whispering "you scared the shit out of me." As she apologized, he swallowed and hugged her while crying. He noticed the cuts on her body and saw her shrug them off as if they were nothing. As she rode the elevator, Marcus reentered the room he was in with Sponsor, only to find him dead. As he saw the girl (9) running away, he tossed his axe into her head, killing her instantly. Ad he held a dying Sponsor, the pair whispered how much they loved each other. As Sponsor's cannon sounded, Marcus yelled in agony. When Justice entered the security room again, Nikola breathed in relief and hugged her whispering "Sis, you're ok. What happened to you? It looks like you lost a lot of blood." Justice told her that it was nothing. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Sponsor (1), Capitolite (1), Spinny (8), and the girl (9), leaving 13 tributes remaining.

On day 3, Hono and Lulu sat in the corner of their room and sharpened their knives as a eerie sound was heard from afar. As Hono sat up, he realized this was an arena event. Justice and Marcus woke up to hear footsteps of ghosts. As Justice hugged Nikola (who was whimpering), she told her to quiet down to which she did so. The ghosts proceeded to leave, which produced a sigh of relief. Marcus sighed and put his body up towards the door, Hono held his breath as his sister walked around the hall quite loudly. As she screamed after seeing the ghost, she ran back into the room and locked the door. As Lulu panted, Nikola went "revenge time bitches." As the ghost was about to smash Lulu's skull inwards, Nikola stabbed Hono in the head so he didn't see his sister die. As Lulu's head was torn off from her body, Justice and Nikola ran. As they stood next to the wall, Justice looked around to see a head nearby them. Justice saw that it belonged to Rio (6) and whispered "damn. Tributes are going down fast." As Nikola collapsed to the floor, Justice followed suit as they both sighed in relief and looked at each other with agony. Nikola joked that "maybe 2 isn't so bad." Justice joked right back "you're not so bad yourself 3." As the pair laughed, Justice whispered "I'm one of the final ten." Marcus sighed in relief after the ghost left him alone (seriously, what was the capitol's obsession with ghosts during this decade?). As the fallen tributes were shown to be Hono (4), Lulu (4), and Rio (6), Marcus slept during the night, which would prove to be a fatal mistake. These final ten were Justice (2), Marcus (2), Nikola (3), Janiera (6), Stripe (8), Cattle (10), Meat (10), Lightning (11), Coal (12), and Arthur (12).

The next morning, a cannon was heard throughout the arena. Nikola spotted Stripe (8) dying from a heart attack to which Nikola commented was 'weird.' However, as she noticed that Justice continued to sleep, Arthur snuck up behind Marcus who was asleep as well and stabbed him in the back of his head, sounding his cannon. As Justice woke up, she saw that Nikola was sitting in the chair in shock. Eventually, she stared at the camera in shock and noticed that Nikola was clutching her chest. This seemed to trigger something in Justice as she ran over to Nikola and held her as she collapsed. As the sponsors watched Justice hold the young girl, she eventually let the girl succumb to a heart attack, letting her cannon sound instantly. As Justice dragged her away from the hovercraft, it wasn't until the peacekeepers threatened to shoot her that she finally let Nikola be taken by the hovercraft. As she whimpered in pain, she shouted "kill me now assholes! Kill me now! You've taken everything from me! You took my brother two years ago, my mother died when I was just a toddler from a broken heart about my dad, who was shot to death! Now you've taken my best friend! Who I had loved! You guys are assholes! Kill! Me! Now!" She pleaded for the capitol to kill her to which her request was denied. She let out more angered screams until tears fell down her cheek with the audience this year being sociopathic assholes. The fallen tributes were shown to be Marcus (2), Nikola (3), and Stripe (8), leaving Justice with a pissed off look in her eyes at seeing Marcus' portrait in the sky.

On the final night of the games, viewers watched Coal and Arthur (both 12) get into a fight with Cattle and Meat (both 10). As Coal strangled Cattle, Arthur was killed by Meat. However, Meat then was stabbed from behind by Coal. As the two cannons sounded, Justice got her weapons at the ready. When Coal started to walk around, she saw Lightning (11) kill Janiera (6) and began to run from where Lightning was standing. As Lightning chased after her, both of them bumped into a vengeful Justice who proceeded to kill Lightning. As Coal backed away from the girl, she tried to find a way put but all the other rooms were covered in blood. When Coal and Justice approached a flight of stairs, Coal lost her footing and fell down, repeatedly hitting her head as she slid down and eventually hit her head on a wall. As Justice walked down, Coal whispered "Tierra, cover Scarlett's eyes." When asked what she meant, Coal muttered "June was a mom to a kid named Scarlett Mellark. Her whereabouts are unknown currently." As Justice swallowed, she muttered "I'll look after Scarlett if worst comes to worst." She then slammed her axe into Coal's head, announcing that 17 year old Justice Christie was the winner of the 56th Hunger Games. Alicia swore in relief and smiled, muttering "she's a wildcard."


After winning, Justice insulted the capitol repeatedly, causing her interview and victory tour to be shut down. She was chosen for the 75th hunger games but had another victor volunteer for her instead. She eventually became a commander for the rebels during the Second Rebellion, dying during an explosion while finally reuniting with family.

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