22nd Games - Master of Lava

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This year's Games were popular among citizens and the victor was known for their humorous personality and noticeable likeness to their parents. The victor was also deemed as "attractive" to many.


The reaping ceremony in district 8 was deemed as rigged due to the picking of two very popular people which gave the idea for the first quarter quell. Livia pulled out a slip of paper after jeers for the ceremony calmed down. The girl chosen was 18 year old Aida James. Aida stood in shock but walked forward. Shortly after, she drew the slip of paper for the boy, revealing it to be 17 year old Akane Thomas. Akane had no reaction. Aida's family hugged their daughter and encouraged her to win. Akane and his family talked in Japanese, telling him to win. Akane looked nothing like his parents as he revealed in his interview that he was adopted.

District 5 was also deemed as rigged due to two descendants of tributes being chosen. Livia struggled to say the name of 16 year old Aeswi Wolf to which she shouted "just call me Ash!" Joslyn began sobbing as Livia asked what was wrong. Joslyn explained that Aeswi was her daughter. Aeswi walked forward and jokingly commented "people fuck up all the time. Let's hope I'm not one in the games." The boy chosen was 18 year old Acee Paul. Acee whimpered in fear as he walked forward. Aeswi hugged her parents and said "don't worry about me. I'll be ok." Acee's family mumbled that he could survive if he tried. He shouted in chinese that his family never cared until now.

District 4 was chaotic as they hadn't had a victor in a while. The names that were called out in district 4 were 17 year old Ling Sailor and 18 year old Lan Sailor. Ling and Lan walked up to the stage without any reaction from their family. As they walked away to the train, Mags greeted them warmly. In mandarin, the siblings began to converse, stating that they wanted to ally with just each other. As they watched the 11th Games, they saw the violence and muttered that they would never turn on each other.


This year's games took place in an arena where the floor was lava. It was a big island which was formerly known as "The Big Island". Lan and Ling muttered "Hey, we play this a lot" to each other. Aeswi got excited after seeing this, joking that this was her namesake. Acee stared off into space. Aida rolled her eyes at this joke as Akane laughed. Floury (9) looked at the pair (2) who were standing next to each other. As the gong sounded, Lan, Ling and Aeswi all ran in, hopping onto trees and grabbing stuff they would need. Ling and Lan both grabbed tridents. Aeswi grabbed a canister and filled it with water from the ocean which was the only place not affected by the lava. She filled another canister with lava as well. Acee started to hop around, finding a good hiding spot in a building. However, he hit his shoulder against a sharp branch, causing it to rapidly bleed. As Aida hopped from mountain to mountain, she bumped into the girl (1) and fell backwards into the lava alongside her. Akane continued to hop from place to place. However, when he saw Aida, he thought about jumping off the tree and helping her. However, he climbed down and grabbed her arm to lift her up and carry her with him. However, Aida kicked him and fell into the lava again. As the girl (1) and Aida's cannons sounded, he got to the ocean. As he saw, he heard Aeswi fighting Floury and saw her overpowering the girl after a loud scream went through the arena. On day 1, as three cannons from the bloodbath sounded, Ling and Lan hid in a tiki bar, being careful not to touch the floor. As they both rested, Ling heard a cannon and woke Lan up. Cameras panned over to Akane, who was spotted to have began fighting the boy (9). As Akane and the boy wrestled, the boy attempted to hit him with the scythe. However, Akane's hidden strength was revealed as he stabbed the boy and threw him into the lava. As the boy yelled in pain, Akane finished him off with another knife, sounding the boy's cannon. Aeswi spotted this and shouted his name. As he turned around, he waved at Aeswi and smiled. As the pair nodded in mutual respect, they swam in opposite directions. However, viewers were quick to notice Aeswi blushing when she looked at Akane. Others spotted Akane mumbling. It was translated to reveal he had never kissed anyone before. Aeswi muttered the same thing. As Akane turned around, he called out Aeswi's name. As he swam toward her, she swam towards him. He muttered to her, "well, if this is the end for us, make it count right?" Aeswi muttered the same. As they kissed, viewers in 8 and 5 cheered. Joslyn smiled at her husband. Akane's parents were very happy for their son. As Ling and Lan also settled down for the night, they heard a window break. Ford (6) and the boy (1) were in the middle of a fight. However, Ford grabbed the boy and dropped him in the lava. As he stabbed the boy, he shouted "this is for Columbus, you son of a bitch!" As the boy's cannon sounded, he looked up at Ling and Lan and said "oh... hi guys!" As Ling and Lan stood there in shock, they stayed awake until they knew nobody was going to hurt them. Acee sat there, mumbling "Please, don't let Aeswi be up there, please don't let Aeswi be up there." Aeswi muttered the same thing about Acee. Akane muttered "I'm sorry I couldn't save you Aida." As the sky changed to black, the fallen tributes were shown to be the pair (1), Aida (8), the boy (9) and Floury (9). Aeswi and Acee breathed a sigh of relief. Akane sobbed when he saw Aida's portrait and Ling and Lan didn't react.

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