59th games

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This year's victor was the first and only blind victor.

This year, Leon looked around district 5 and went "this is cooler than I imagined." However, when he went to pick out the names from the reaping bowl, he chose the name of 18 year old Loveless Mars for the female tribute. A girl swallowed but pulled out her cane and shouted "model coming through!" A few people laughed at her joke but the rest rolled their eyes. James sat back in shock and whispered "fuck, my cousin Zach must be pissed about this. This is his daughter." When Loveless stood on the stage after being guided to her spot by Leon, Leon drew out the name of the male tribute, 18 year old Sigmund Freudian. Sigmund cursed and walked up to the stage. He was also blind, but still had some of his vision left. He shook hands with his district partner and walked back. Loveless walked to the back with ehr district partner and heard her brother Émile run into the room. He gave her a token that read in braille "dolor hic tibi proderit olim. Good luck sis." As he hugged her again, he cried and walked away after her mom wished her luck. She muttered "Don't expect me to return mom." Sigmund's family was filled with sorrow but their son commented "it's ok to mourn me mom. I'll be alright. I promise I'll help out Loveless in any way I can."


Right before the others were lifted up, Loveless was gifted her cane so she could run around the arena. Eventually, when the podiums rose, Sigmund saw that it was a forest arena. He described it to his ally as being "as pretty as her" which was followed by a wink in her direction. This caused her to blush a little as Whiskey (9) stared over at her ally Piscine II (4). As the countdown began, people cheered in excitement for the fourth generation of the Wolf family that would be going in. Aeswi muttered "come on, Loveless, you can do it." As she and Sigmund joked with each other, the gong sounded. Whiskey ended up getting hit by a rogue knife from Lindor (1) while Godiva (1) began to run from the cornucopia. As Loveless began sprinting away with Sigmund, Piscine II was being stabbed by Apple (3) while Julius (2) was strangling Lieutenant (2). As Plaina (6) killed Angel (8), Plaid (8) was killed by Scottie (6). Eventually, the bloodbath concluded after Malt (9) killed Lindor. As the cannons sounded, Loveless and Sigmund continued to run from the bloodbath. Sigmund fell down but stood back up after a second. The pair found a hiding spot and stayed there during the night. At one point, she tapped Sigmund on the shoulder. She whispered to her "I wish I could see you. I remember having such a crush on you when I was young. You were always the finny outcast of our district." He grinned a bit and giggled, stating that one day while he was talking with Dante (7) he looked over at her and told him that he "enjoyed being able to see her" and how beautiful she was while training. She laughed and hugged him. She eventually began crying as he asked her what was wrong. She told him "I'm scared to kill people Sigmund. All of my family has killed a few people in the games but I don't want to be like them. One would be the maximum amount of people I could kill." He whispered "you don't have to be like the rest of your family. Cycles can be broken, you know? Think about this. Do you recall Priestly Prada's the Games? Priestly broke the cycle his family had created of being the runner up. All I'm saying is that only you can control what you do in the games, ok?" She seemed to calm down after a few minutes. After falling asleep, he took watch as the fallen tributes were shown to be Lindor (1), Lieutenant (2), Piscine II (4), Angel (8), Plaid (8), and Whiskey (9), leaving 18 tributes remaining.

On day 2, Loveless woke up screaming as she felt a dead body laid next to her. She then heard Sigmund whispering to her "it's ok. It belongs to Malt from 9. I got you." She began crying while he shushed her. She whispered "I thought you were dead for a minute." As Malt's body was lifted up, his cannon sounded. Viewers saw that during the night, Sigmund got into a fight with Malt (9) and Michonne (7) who took advantage of Malt's tiny frame for her to get the upper hand. After feeling him grab her hand and walking with him, she realized that he was roaming around the arena with her. She kept cracking jokes about if there were any animals that she would "see if she could tame them" to which Sigmund strongly advised against doing. The pair eventually stumbled on to the hiding grounds of Justin (4). Sigmund pulled out his sword and got into a fighting stance as if Justin was a bear in hibernation. As Justin raised his trident, he saw that Loveless was crying. As Sigmund held the whimpering girl, Loveless commented "I just felt a dead body. I don't want to be hugged right now." As he hugged the girl tighter, she eventually composed herself and got back to roaming around the arena for food with him but failed to find any. Sigmund cursed as he stumbled upon the careers, consisting of just Godiva and Julius. Julius spotted the pair and shouted "hey!" Loveless then whispered "fuck" and the duo began running away from them. This led to a long chase from them which caused each person to fall occasionally. However, Sigmund noticed that Apple was watching this and saw Godiva right under the tree. Loveless hid and heard Apple scream as she was stabbed. Julius was attacked from behind by Amazon. As Amazon killed Julius, the pair sighed in relief and passed out shortly after the fight. Sigmund went to the cornucopia to see a bunch of supplies. As he dove into the food, Plaina looked over at the boy and yelled out "Hey! Behind you!" Before Godiva could kill Sigmund, he ducked as Plaina's knife hit Godiva in the head. As her cannon sounded, Loveless swallowed and asked why she was so nice to the pair. Plaina commented "you seemed sweet so you're lucky I like you. What's your name?" Loveless, Sigmund, and Plaina decided to ally and discuss who were their biggest opponents. After a few more hours of discussion, the fallen tributes were shown to be Godiva (1), Julius (2), Apple (3), ahd Malt (9), leaving just 14 tributes remaining.

On day 3, Sigmund woke up to a horrifying sight: Loveless was cutting herself. He looked over at his district partner and whispered "Loveless, Loveless," to which she didn't respond. Eventually, while the other two walked around the arena, she groaned and whispered in a teary voice, "it didn't work?" After she heard a cannon, she fell back asleep as she saw the other two. That morning, the cameras panned in on Justin (4) getting into a fight with Scottie. As Justin was tackled by Scottie, Scottie snapped his neck, sounding tbe cannon Loveless heard. All of a sudden, Sigmund saw flames around him and Plaina. Plaina quietly whispered to her "arena event. Just like España went through." As Sigmund frowned, he looked over and pointed at Amazon. However, when he ran back to the cornucopia, he saw Amazon strangle Loveless. In trying to fight back, she scratched his eye pretty deeply. Sigmund shouted her name as she scratched his other eye. Eventually, Plaina killed him. His cannon sounded and Plaina went "that's the closest you've gotten so far to death, at least from what Sigmund told me." However, he quietly whispered "You're ok. Thank god" and hugged her. Just then, three other screams were heard, followed by cannons. Article (12), Mango (11), and Nature (11) all got severely burned by a big fireball and passed away from their injuries. As Michonne stumbled upon the two lovebirds and the outlier, she commented "this will be good." As she was about kill Loveless, she did something that was out of the norm for her. Loveless grabbed a knife and wildly swung at Michonne, missing many hits as Michonne tried to drive her axe into Loveless. Plaina woke up to see this and nudged Sigmund im the arm. As he woke up, he saw Michonne slash Loveless in her arm, causing her to yell in pain, but he watched as Loveless tackled Michonne and stabbed her repeatedly in the head, sounding her cannon. As he ran over to her, she began whispering "I can't let them see her die." He saw Michonne's body and joked "rage filled, are you?" This caused her to laugh. Eventually, he asked about the cuts on her arms. When he asked her if she wanted to die, she whispered "yes, I do." He paused and whispered "dear god Loveless. I-" However, before he could finish his sentence, two loud screams were heard. Two more cannons sounded right after the cannons. These two belonged to Auburn (10) and Marshall (10). The cause of death is unknown, although it is most likely attributed to the fireball injuries. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Amazon (3), Justin (4), Michonne (7), Auburn (10), Marshall (10), Nature (11), Mango (11), and Article (12). The final six were Loveless (5), Sigmund (5), Plaina (6), Scottie (6), Dante (7), and the girl (12).

The next morning, a feast was announced. As everyone lined up to go in, Sigmund was the first one in. Scottie tackled the boy as Plaina joined in the fight. Loveless attempted to run in and grab her bag, but she bumped into Dante, causing a fight to break out between the two. As two cannons had already sounded, a third one followed as the girl (12) was stabbed in the heart by Sigmund shortly after he escaped the three way fight unscathed. He first stabbed Plaina in the throat but then apologized to Scottie and killed him with an knife to the head. As Dante tried to kill Loveless, she managed to escape his grasp and bite his testicle, causing him to scream in pain. As Dante fell backwards, he fell on top of his knife and hit the brain stem, sounding his cannon. As Sigmund looked over at Loveless, he sobbed and whispered the name of his district partner. As she hugged him yet again, She felt a deep wound in his chest and held him close as he collapsed. She whispered "I wish I could see you, I don't want you to die alone. Please don't leave me." He shook his head and whispered "Loveless, you deserve the win. Do you want me to describe you?" She nodded and continued crying. He told her "I see a beautiful young woman whose name is nothing like her with blue eyes that glisten like the oceans in district 4, blonde hair like the merchants from District 12 and dark skin like the citizens on district 11. You are one of the most beautiful people I have seen." She ran her hand down his cheek and whispered "Sigmund, I love you. Please don't leave me." As his eyes closed, she whispered his name and began sobbing, shouting at the capitol for help in reviving her friend. Unfortunately for her, his cannon sounded and it was announced that 18 year old Loveless Mars from District 5 was the winner of the 59th hunger games. She screamed in agony and clutched his dead body, whispering "I'm so sorry, Sigmund. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. You deserved to win more than I do."


After winning, Loveless fell into a deep spiral of depression at not saving her ally but was helped by her grandmother Aeswi Wolf, Sigmund's mother Curie, and her little brother Émile, who she would eventually lead to victory. It is known that at some point, she got married and had two kids, named Sigmund and Cielo.

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