17th Games - 'Angel in Disguise'

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This year's Games had a victor of a cousin of a past tribute. He was known for his kind displays even though he looked evil to the Capitol.


This year's reaping ceremony in District 8 made viewers gag at how the tributes looked. As Echolalia pulled out the names of the tributes, the first name she pulled was 16 year old Sabrina Lee. Sabrina looked incredibly beautiful according to the citizens. However, the boy chosen was 17 year old Petrozza Casino. Citizens gasped and turned away as they counted the tattoos on his body. Petrozza kissed Echolalia's hand which made her blush.

District 7 was rather generic but it was calm too. The girl chosen was 16 year old Holly Bakewell. Holly was the cousin of Leaf from last year. As she walked up to the stage, her little sister hugged her. As the boy was chosen, he pulled out the name of 16 year old Jay Bark. Jay walked up to the stage confidently, shaking Echolalia's hand as Holly curtsied to her.

District 4 was a riot to say the least. The girl chosen was 13 year old Christina Hook. Christina walked forward in a flowy blue dress. However viewers couldn't help but notice the deep cuts on her arms and legs. The boy chosen was 14 year old Russell Upwell. Russell swore quietly. However, he was known to have been the only tribute to compliment Petrozza's tattoos.


This year's games took place in a candy forest. It was rather big and had a lot of hiding places. Viewers and tributes alike were confused when they saw bottled water in the cornucopia alongside bags filled with mystery supplies. As the podiums rose up, Sabrina stared at Petrozza in confusion while Petrozza looked at her in awe. Holly and Jay stared at each other as well, looking at Elise (9) and Jessica (1). Christina looked behind her as Russell looked straight ahead. Russell rolled his eyes as he saw a scared Bev (12) next to him. As the gong sounded, Sabrina ran right in as Petrozza did too. Sabrina and Russell engaged in a fight with weapons. As a pink liquid splattered on both of them, an intense pain filled their bodies. Russell died from it first however as Sabrina screamed in pain. As she attempted to run, it hit her again, killing her as it went down her throat. Elise and Barbie (10) were in a fight when Holly split them apart and shoved Elise into the wave of acid. As Elise yelled in pain, Holly shouted "that's what you get for murdering my cousin, bitch!" Jay and Barbie looked at her in shock as she muttered "what? She deserved it!" As the trio ran away, the three bloodbath cannons sounded. As the acid died down, Petrozza grabbed Russell and muttered "I'll look after them for you, I promise." However, he heard a quiet crying sound. He recognized the girl and whispered "Christina?" She stared at him in shock and asked how he knew her name. He shrugged and stated he watched all the reapings. She muttered "Where's Russell?" He responded that Russell had died. Christina hugged him and sobbed even more. As they parted ways, Petrozza found shelter while Christina kept running.

As day 1 began, Holly found a hideout near the perimeter so she and Jay wouldn't be spotted. Jay muttered that he loved Holly no matter how crazy she got. Holly muttered that she loved him too. As Petrozza cooked some food for himself, Christina stared at Justin (10). Justin looked at her and she grabbed her knife. She chucked it at him and as it hit him in the head, his cannon sounded. Christina sat there in shock at what she just did. A few hours later, the fallen were shown through a newscast on the sky. The fallen tributes were shown to be Russell (4), Sabrina (8), Elise (9) and Justin (10).

During the 1st night, Petrozza woke up to a pulling sound from nearby and gurgling. Viewers spotted this to belong to Paul (9) after he had wrapped a candy rope around a tree branch near Petrozza's house and apologized to his family before jumping off the peppermint tree bark. As his breathing stopped, his cannon sounded. Christina heard this and swallowed. She stared at Barbie who was staring back at her. As Barbie threw her knife at Christina, she ducked and smiled. As Keith (2) spotted Barbie missing her throw, he chucked the knife at Barbie, hitting her in the shoulder. When Holly and Jay heard Paul's cannon, both of them continued making out. However when the pair heard commotion outside, Jay looked out the window to see Barbie collapse to the ground as Keith pulled the knife out of her head. Holly muttered "It's sugar glass. That's the stuff they use in movies for broken glass and stuff." This impressed Jay with him commenting "I didn't know that. That's what the knives must be made out of." As Barbie's cannon sounded, Petrozza fell back asleep. As Christina stood up, she muttered "that was a close one." Holly and Jay set out to hunt some food. Eventually, after setting up a candy trap, they caught and killed several caramel squirrels. Both of them cheered with joy at their catches. At night, the fallen tributes were shown to be Paul (9) and Barbie (10). As a loud chattering was heard, Petrozza mumbled "I thought I killed the squirrels already." However, loud screeches were heard.

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