11th Games - 'Name of Victory'

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This year's Victor was a descendant of a former District 4 rebel. She was well known for her compassion with other tributes as well.


District 12 was notoriously well known for its previous Victor [REDACTED] who was 'missing'. The girl chosen was 18 year old Mariana Mines. Mariana whimpered as her twin brother Joe volunteered for the role of the male tribute.

In District 8, the ceremony was quiet as they had the Mayor choose the names this year if the district didn't have a victor. The female was chosen to be 14 year old Artista Canvas. Artista walked forward with no expression. The boy chosen was 14 year old Liner Muslin. Both of them proceeded to go to the train.

District 4 had the girl chosen be 17 year old Filet Trench. However, another girl volunteered right after kissing her boyfriend. Filet muttered a brief thank you to the girl before she walked on stage. When asked her name, Pi broke down, shouting 'NO!' She hugged her uncle and muttered 'it will be ok uncle Pi. My name is Mags Flanagan. I hope I make district 4 proud.' The boy chosen was 18 year old Walter White. Walter frowned and said 'call me Wally.' As the pair boarded the train, Mags was ignored by her uncle and mentored herself instead, a first for the Games.


As the podiums lifted up, everybody saw the beautiful scenery that was used in the Arena. It was a massive island. As everyone stared around in shock, the countdown began and Walter stared at Mags before muttering 'I got lucky being mentored by your uncle.' She rolled her eyes and focused on the boy from 7. As the countdown reached the last 10 seconds, Wiro (3) exploded as he was scared off his podium by the girl from 9. It was noted that Mags began crying when she saw the explosion. As she went into the cornucopia once the gong sounded, she grabbed Liner and stabbed him in the chest causing Artista to scream as she sprinted away without any supplies. Graham (9) fought with the boy from 10 as the boy from 7 flew right past him and into his podium. Noticing that the boy from 1 beat Mags to her target, she swore and snapped his neck. As his cannon sounded as well, Pi shouted that Walter or another tribute should win. This caused widespread hatred about him even though his children were born only three years ago. As Mariana bumped right into the girl from 10, she stabbed her alongside the boy from 6 as Joe held off the pair from 9. As the remaining tributes ran away, eight cannons sounded. However, just a few minutes later, it was noticed that the boy from 10 had just died from blood loss making it nine cannons. As Mags settled down to the cornucopia, Artista began crying as she remembered the death of Linen. As Joe and Mariana discussed who to hunt down, one suggested Walter which then caused Mags' eyes to widen. That night, the fallen tributes were shown to be the boy from 1, Wiro (3), the boy from 6, the boy from 7, Liner (8), the girl from 9, Graham (9) and the pair from 10.

The next morning, a cannon sounded off in the distance. Viewers could see that this belonged to Rhia (6) who had gotten into a fight with the boy from 11 who chucked her in the water. Knowing that she couldn't swim, he swam right back out and let her drown. Afterwards, Ruby (11) woke up to see that the boy from her district was about to kill the boy from 5. However, she threw a knife straight at the ocean. However, it bounced back and hit her district partner in the arm. The boy from 5 smiled and thanked her for letting him go. She then saw the boy from 11's axe hit the boy from 5 straight in his head. As Ruby grabbed the axe, she buried it in the boy from 11. As both boys collapsed, Ruby muttered 'I just fell for a sociopath. My god what is wrong with me?' As sponsors heard this, gifts  flew down for her, providing her hope and comfort. As she grabbed her gifts, Artista sat there in shock as the other two cannons went off. Around midnight, Joe and Mariana felt a sting on them. They saw that acid rain was pouring down. As they started looking for shelter, Artista embraced it thinking it was normal rain and as she continued drinking it, she started coughing up blood and throwing up the water. As Artista continued to die, a person threw a knife straight at the girl, putting her out of her misery. However, Walter collapsed and watched as the rain poured onto him. As his cannon sounded, the fallen tributes played. The portraits were shown to be Walter (4), the boy from 5, Rhia (6), Artista (8), and the boy from 11. Mags gasped as Walter's portrait stayed up there. She realized that only the best were still alive.

As Mariana woke up the next morning, she screamed as she saw her brother Joe bleeding out. He whispered '3 and 7.' As he continued to die, she saw the girls from 3 and 7 and killed them both with her arrows. Shortly after the two girls cannons sounded, Joe whispered 'fight little sis'. She whimpered and nodded. As Gleam (1) and Belle (5) killed each other, Mairal (2) was stabbed by Mariana out of rage. After Sparto (2) was stabbed by Ruby, Mags stared at the other two. As the three stared at each other, Mariana committed suicide apologizing to the district and her family. As Ruby (11) and Mags stared directly at each other, Ruby swiped directly at Mags, barely making a visible slice across Mags' brow. As Mags swiped directly back at her with her sword, Ruby dodged it perfectly. After 20 minutes, the girls both collapsed from hunger. Yet, Mags managed to stab Ruby in the chest. As Ruby smiled, she muttered 'XOXO.' As Mags smiled, she laid there, mumbling 'well done, young padawan'. As the last cannon sounded, 17 year old Mags Flanagan from District 4 was crowned as the winner. After she passed out, the Peacekeepers grabbed her and made sure she was ok otherwise.


After winning, Mags returned home to her overjoyed boyfriend who married her. She adopted a child who didn't get chosen. She was more well liked than her uncle due to her calm and kind demeanor. Her uncle reconciled with her a few years later after she had her kids that she affectionately named Piscine, Ruby, Walter, and Ravi.

Note - I am releasing this a bit early because I am busy with AP Exams on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Good luck to anyone taking them! Also, next week, the District you all have wanted to win so far, will win.

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