[06]: Broken

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[A/N]: warning! long chapter ahead 😅


The smoke cleared slowly.

The surrounding people got back to their feet, brushing off the smoke, overwhelmingly astonished by what had just happened.

As the smoke moved out of the way, the Nomu's huge figure emerged and stood proud in front of you.

Minus some fairly major exterior burns, it was...

Completely. Untouched.

Your stomach sank to the floor.

Amazingly, your largest fire bomb attack had absolutely no physical effect on the huge monster.

After checking behind you, you noticed that All-Might had also not been affected by the explosive backlash. He had his arm covering his face, but his body hadn't been bulldozed back by the force, like everyone else's had.

The warp quirk, Kuroguiri, had protected the boss, Shigaraki Tomura, from the explosion, by covering him and redirecting the blast elsewhere.

Your hands shook.

Shit. It really had no effect.

All-Might stared down at you for a moment, fully taken aback by what had just happened.

His shocked expression slowly melted into a gleaming grin.

"Thank you for the bravery, Young Yuna!" He placed a heavy hand on your shoulder in support. "You bought me some time."

You looked back at the Nomu, and noticed that his skin that had just been burned and diseased, quickly started regenerating.

"But don't worry any more, FOR I, THE SYMBOL OF PEACE, HAVE GOT THIS HANDLED!"

He put his hands on his hips, towering over you.

His smile shone over the cloud of doubt set upon everyone at the USJ.


Uraraka gasped with both hands over her mouth, "Oh my God, what was that?"

Ashido Mina stared down at the scene on the other side of the arena.

"That was...Yuna Y/N."

"No way. The explosion!?"

"Y-Yeah," Ashido stuttered. "She just jumped in front of All-Might."

"Are you serious!? Oh my god!"

They were both frozen in shock. They had never seen an explosion of green, blue and orange fire. It was completely stunning.


Uraraka was crouched down beside Thirteen, but finally stood up to get a better view of the aftermath.

"Gosh, I really hope Iida-kun returns with help, soon. This is getting scary."

Ashido looked down to her friend at her side. "He will, I know it. Don't worry, just be brave!"


All-Might figured that he could wear the Nomu down, and moved in for an intense reverse suplex attack.

You stood back and waited, as the smoke began to clear.

When you could see him again, All-Might was pretzeled in Kuroguiri's portal, with the Nomu grabbing him at the waist.

Blood stained his shirt.

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