[30]: Night-Terror

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When did it get so bad?

Explosions erupted all around you. Your eyes ran in circles around the small area of town.

Where was dad?

Where was mum?

Did they lose the deal with the bad men? Why is there so much fire everywhere?

I thought I was doing the right thing.


You pulled up your shirt to see a small gash across your stomach. The blood scared you, but the people who did it scared you more.

"There you are...little one."

A scratchy, creepy voice came out of nowhere.

"No!" you shrieked, turning and running away.

You ran and ran.

You tripped and fell, you ran into people, you slipped on the sand, and scraped your knees on the road.

And you kept on running.

Where could you go? The place had borders everywhere. Who was that man?

Was he with dad? Was he dad's enemy?

What did he want with you?

Suddenly, someone grabbed your ankles. A strong sense of doom forced out a pained scream for mercy.

"NO!" you shrieked, falling over.

The man pulled you by your ankles and you turned around, sobbing profusely. He grinned down at you, restraining you by the wrists.

"I got you, now."


"Yuna. What are you doing out here?"

Aizawa held his ground at the edge of the forest.

He kept a close eye on you as you stood still in the darkness, somewhere between the trees. You were mumbling to yourself.

Hm. Why isn't she responding?

Aizawa knew something was wrong.

He had been following behind you and calling out your name for the last ten minutes, with no reaction whatsoever.

"Yuna, can you hear my voice?"

The night was cold and unforgiving. Aizawa wasn't sure how he had managed to hear you shuffling past his room so late at night, but he was glad that he had followed you.

"Aizawa-sensei! It's Y/N, isn't it?"

"Todoroki, go back to your room." Aizawa ordered, making sure not to take his eyes off you. "She's fine."

Todoroki jogged up beside his teacher, panting. Concern painted his face white.

A moment later, your body toppled over and you dropped to the floor in a screaming fit.

Aizawa ran off after you, but Shouto sprinted right past him.


Shouto slid over the top of you, straddling his knees on each side of your hips and curling down to your face.


He tucked one hand under your head, and the other against your face, letting his cold contradict the burning heat coming off of you.

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