[62]: Found You

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They had come for you.

Your neck hurts as you quick glance to your left, then your right. They're everywhere.

Everyone is here.

You notice Jirou kneeling down with her headphone jacks stuck into the soil beneath you.

Right. The scream.

Of course.

You had fallen right into their trap.

And it had turned out that you were definitely in no way prepared for how confronting it was to see them all face to face again. After all this time, you could barely recognise them.

Everything felt different. And it was.

You had no words to explain the pain in your chest. Somebody had stolen all the thoughts from your brain and replaced them with jelly.

It felt like a very long time since you had seen them all.

And it had been. Too long.

They had all already started to feel like just a distant memory. And it was easier that way. Easier for you.

So why did they have to do this? Why were they trying so hard?

"Jeez, Y/N... you look rough."

Kirishima was right. You did look rough.

You were dirty and beaten and bruised and barely looked human anymore. There were black holes where your eyes used to be. You were wearing an old, ripped costume that had been so overused that it looked more like decrepit black rags draped over your shivering body.

"Y/N...just here us out." Ochaco begged.

None of them seemed bothered by the rain that was soaking you all.

You, of all people, had grown used to it.

"...Why? I don't understand..." you almost whisper, your voice cracking and overwhelmed by your extremely overloaded brain. "Why you're here..."

"Because we're worried about you."

"I'm fine." you say quietly, "Like I said."

"You're not fine," Mina said, taking one step forward past the line of defence. "Not fine at all! Why are you doing this!?"

It felt like lightning struck your brain when she moved, as you suddenly remembered exactly why you had left them in the past.

"No!" You stepped back. "You can't be near me for too long."

There was no time to waste. The league could be well on your tail already.

"I told you not to follow me."

Bakugou was a ways ahead of the others, and it seemed as if his patience had been worn well thin.

"What the hell is with you acting like the main character all of a sudden? Ya think you're special for runnin' away? All high and mighty and doing us some kinda favour like you're better then us? Yeah well, by the looks of ya, you only got a few more days in you before you drop dead."

"Bakugou, too harsh!"

"Shut up! I'm just giving it to her straight. She's a big girl, ain't she? She can handle the truth." he steps forward, wasting no time. "Don't you realise how pathetic you look right now? Quit being so damn selfish and come back to U-A so we can all move on with our lives, even if you don't want to."

During Bakugou's not-so-peppy-pep-talk, your expression had slowly started to change. All the shock and horror and fighting off tears had turned into a plain, blank, dead stare.

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