[41]: Just A Scratch

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Shouto stood beside the bed, listening attentively to the main nurse.

"So, to give a very basic list of what injuries we determined that you suffered," she began, reading from a clipboard. "You had two broken ribs, three rib fractures, you had five stab wounds and an additional seven lacerations that vary in size. One small skull fracture, and a wrist fracture, tendinitis in one knee, a slight impingement in your shoulder, a sprained ankle, a minor dislocation in your other knee, a scald on your back, a bruised lung, a fever and a major concussion."

You nod in agreement, smiling. "Just a scratch."

Both the nurse, and Shouto just stared blankly at you with their jaws hanging low like you were crazy, for a moment.

"...N-Not to worry, though. Everything has gone...well. Uh, last night, you undertook seven operations to stitch and repair everything that we could. Luckily, your blood type is quite common, so we could perform them all in the one night. We also had two different staff with healing quirks aiding during the surgeries. And, good news: an employee from your school will be coming to visit today. She has a high-tier healing quirk, it should fix up everything else, and speed up the process exponentially!"

"Recovery Girl is coming?" Shouto asked.

"Oh! Yes! That's her name." the lady rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, she should be here by noon!"

"Perfect. Thank you, ma'am."

She offered you a polite bow before taking her leave.

You turned to Shouto. He was staring at you, void of any reason.

You tilted your head, as if offering him the floor to speak.

He looked absolutely dumbfounded. "I'll be honest...I didn't know what half of those injuries are."

You raised your eyebrows in inquisition.

"How are you alive?"

You scoffed nervously, "It's fine. It's all pretty manageable, especially with healing quirks. Plus, most of the tendon and nerve damage can be fixed with Recovery Girl's quirk, if she'll help me."

"That's oddly optimistic...." he assessed. "Considering, everything you've been through."

You chuckled lowly, rolling back on your hips to shuffle deeper into the comfortable hospital bed.

"I think that you're very tough." he said.

"Oh yeah?" You raised an eyebrow and grinned at him before raising your arm out to flex your bicep, "Wait till you see how much I can bench- ow!"

Shouto looked back and fourth frantically between your arm and your eyes, smiling softly.

"Cant see anything. They're bandaged."

You rolled your eyes and went along with the laugh, stroking your elbow in pain. "That hurt more than it was worth."

Shouto had moved to sit on the bed with you. With his legs hanging off the side, and poor posture, he nursed his hands in his lap.

There was a long silence from him and the air in the room slowly started to change.

It only took you a few seconds to catch on.

You sat up a little straighter, and tried to find his eyes that were buried somewhere behind his messy hair. You bit the inside of your lip.

"What do you wanna say, Shouto?"

Shouto looked up briefly, as if shocked. Then, he looked back down. He breathed out a tiny laugh.

"You're so...hm. Never mind." he then looked up at you, placing a very soft hand on your knee that was beneath the sheets. He maintained eye-contact. "Y/N, while I have the chance, I wanted to apologise to you for my behaviour last night. What I did was...wildly inappropriate."

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