Chapter 6: Battlefield: Midterms

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                        Ayanokoji Pov

Midterms.  In a normal school, the midterms represented how you have progressed throughout the term, and to stoke competition between students in a healthy way

In the White Room, the midterms were terrifying.  Competition was went through the roof, and tensions were high.  The lowest performing students were,"disposed of," never to be seen again

In ANHS, the midterms are competitive, and similar to the white room but less severe, those who scored below the class average would be expelled.  I already have two people who I think will be expelled: Ike and Yamauchi.

Both of them were as idiotic as idiots come, and would make toddlers look like geniuses compared to those two twits.  They were also perverted, lazy and annoying.

However, letting them be expelled would decrease our class points by a total of 300 points, 150 points for each expulsion, and we would be demoted back to Class D.  So we could not let anyone here fail.  How to get them not to fail is the question.

Ayanokoji: Soooo, Ike-Kun, Yamauchi-Kun, do you want to join the study-

Ike: Shut up ikemen, we don't want to hear any of your crap.

As soon as I said study, no, as soon as I started talking, they lost interested.  These two perverts only thought of two things: Boobs and games.  Maybe I could use that to my advantage

Ayanokoji: Oh that's too bad...Kikyo-San even requested you two be there!  Too bad I guess

Ike: Wait, Kushida-Chan wanted us to be there?!

I was surprised those two didn't sacrifice me to god because I use Kikyo's given name, and I was fully prepared to having that happen.  Good thing they love Kikyo too much.  Although, she might just kill me because I put the two pervs in her group.  Eh, you win some you lose some.

As the bell rang, I gathered Yukimura, Kikyo, Horikita, Hirata, Matsushita, and Mii-Chan for a tutor meeting.  We needed to separate into groups for who we would tutor.

Ayanokoji: Ok everyone, I was thinking we should make our groups now!  Kikyo-San, I was thinking you should take on Ike ans Yamauchi, as well as Shinohara and Sato, do you have any objections?

Kikyo: No, it would be my pleasure to help them!

She said this as I saw a vein throb in her head.  The odds of her murdering me were 40% now, I should treat her like class for now, to make sure I don't die prematurely

Hirata: There is a slight problem with my schedule though...I have soccer practice after school, so could I take on 3 people instead of 4?  If it weren't a bother for anyone else...

Ayanokoji: Oh I can gladly take someone extra!  I can cover Ken, Haruka, Akito, Sakura and Karuizawa, if that's fine with everyone else!  Oh and also, no one has to worry about Koenji, since he wouldn't show up to study sessions at all.

After we smoothed our all the groups, everyone was getting ready to pack up,  it I quickly called them back.  Studying for the midterms simply wasn't enough.  We have to handle the other classes

Ayanokoji: Everyone, I don't think sun studying will save us here.  We also have to worry about Class D.  From the rumors I have heard, their leader, Ryuen, is ruling the class.  He even took down the tank Albert, who we all know is dangerous.  So Ryuen might use underhanded tactics in this exam.  We have an alliance with Ichinose's Class B, and Class A is too busy killing each other, so we mainly have to focus on Class D.  Does anyone have an idea of how we can defend ourselves from their attacks?

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