Chapter 41: Negotiation

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                           Ayanokoji Pov
As much as I would love to congratulate Ken on his victory, I had to bring Horikita back to the medical tent.  At this point, Hirata had told the class and so far Onodera and Matsushita stepped forward to take her spots.  Matsushita was strange to me.  She stuck out oddly because I knew she was hiding something.  Her scores seemed to say she was average, and her physical evaluation pointed to the same thing.  However, she had killer intuition and no average person is placed in Class D.  An average person would be in Class C, like say Nishino Takeko. She was average in intelligence and average in athletics, forming a Class C student. Matsushita doesn't seem to have a troubled past like Kikyo either. All of this points to her hiding something, or at least holding back.

I finished my monologue and reached the medical tent and dropped Horikita off. I heard the sound of Kinoshita snoring, but I felt an ominous presence in the room. I narrowed my eyes and I quickly looked around yet saw no one. But I know someone was in here. I was about to walk out of the room when I heard a laugh in the room. I turned around ti see none other than:

Ryuen: There's Suzune and pretty boy Kiyotaka. I was wondering when you would get back here. I was waiting for oh so long, kukuku.

Horikita: Ryuen? What do you want?

Ryuen: Well you hurt my dear classmate. If I wanted to, I could report this to the school. If I dragged this out long enough then I'm sure the school will eventually reach the conclusion that you stopped and caused the incident with Kinoshita.

Horikita: What the? There's no proof that I did it on purpose, which I didn't.

Ryuen: Can you be so sure. All I have to do is have Kinoshita testify that you stopped deliberately and grabbed her ankle when she fell. But since the three of us are such good pals, I'm willing to forget about this for 1,000,000 points and for Suzune to bow down to me and beg for forgiveness.

Ayanokoji: Why are you after Horikita-San so badly? Did she wrong you in the past? Or do you have mommy issues?

Ryuen: Kukuku, you're so funny. We'll see who is laughing when I destroy that face of yours.

Ayanokoji: Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try.

Ryuen and I glared at each other and the atmosphere felt like it dropped a few degrees. Horikita actually seemed to shiver under this new aura that radiates between Ryuen and I.

Horikita: There is no way I'm paying 1,000,000 points for something I didn't do.  So get your head out of your delusion and leave us alone.

Ryuen: Are you sure?  All I have to do is ask Kinoshita, who will tell me stopped and she ran into oh, to which you grabbed her foot and that is why you fell.  After all, she looks pretty bad right?

Ryuen pointed to Kinoshita and we both realized it: Her ankle had gotten worse.  If she was under the care of the nurse so this wouldn't have happened, and it didn't look as bad before...

Ayanokoji: Ryuen, what did you do?

Ryuen: I don't know what did I do?

Ayanokoji: Did you do something to Kinoshita?

Ryuen: Hypothetically, let's say yeah I did.  Even if you wanted to snitch on me, there are no cameras.  There are many witnesses that could say that Horikita was at fault.  And with raw numbers, the school would take my side.

Horikita: What if I told you I was recording this conversation?

Ryuen: What if I told you I said hypothetically?

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