Chapter 15: Class A vs Class C

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                         Ayanokoji Pov

The dawn of the 6th day came, and I crept out of the boys tent and did my usual workout and jog, however, I was interrupted by someone.

Manabu: Ayanokoji-Kun what are you doing out so early?

The hell?  This was the first year exam, why was he here?

Ayanokoji: Oh hey Horikita-Senpai!  I am confused though; why are you on the island?

Manabu: One of the teachers presiding over the exam fell ill, so as student council president, I volunteered to take the teachers spot.  So I am on my way to do Class AB's roll call.

Ayanokoji: Ah I see, though, it does make sense that Hoshinomya-Sensei would be sick.  Probably a hangover

Manabu: Yes I have heard how she is hung over during school days.  How did she get this job anyways?  For an elite school, they certainly have a strange faculty.

Ayanokoji: Oh I was wondering, when do I start my student council duties?

Manabu: Oh yes, I plan on putting you in charge right after summer vacation.  Have you out more thought to wether you will expel Nagumo?

In truth, I had, and I had decided to see which side is stronger.  I don't care which one prevails, but I will help whoever will give me the most, points, influence, whatever

Ayanokoji: I honestly don't know.  Why do you wish to expel Nagumo-Senpai though?

Manabu: One simple reason: He is going to shatter this school's ideals.  He plans on making a "meritocracy".   He wants a more individual style, where classes can rise with one person leading it.

So similar to the 4th generations individuality?  If I had to say, I stand by Horikita-Senpai.  It would be a waste for the students with high potential, if the already strong students could do whatever.

However, by no means does that mean I will help Horikita-Senpai.  From what I have learned, Nagumo is top of his year, and he controls them all like puppets.  He is ranked number 1 on the ikemen list, and second place goes to Aike Taro, from Class 1-A, and third place belongs to me.

If I allied with Nagumo, my popularity would soar, and I could overtake Aike easily. 

Ayanokoji: I see...I will hear what Nagumo has to say, and then I will choose wether to interfere or not.

Manabu: Say, why were you placed in Class D?  Even if you are now Class C, you were once a defective, so what is your defect?

He couldn't mean what I think he meant, could he?  I was likely placed in Class D due to the lack of documents, and maybe someone at the top knew my past

Ayanokoji: Honestly, I don't kno-

Manabu: Ayanokoji-San, politely, cut the crap.  You are a smart student, athletic, kind, adaptable.  You have no defect.  On the surface at least.

Ayanokoji: I'm not sure what you mean Horikita-Senpai.  Maybe it was a mistake of sorts

Manabu: Please do not insult the school, it wouldn't make a mistake so dire.  You are easily a Class A student, yet you were allocated to Class D.  What is your defect?

???: Hehe, Manabu-Senpai, maybe the kid doesn't want to tell you.  Just back off.

That voice cut through our conversation, and I thanked the figure, until I realized who it was: Nagumo Miyabi

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