Chapter 52: The Witness

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Ayanokoji Pov
The bell rang and Horikita removed the compass from my shoulder. I saw Kikyo giving her the death eyes from afar and Hirata was advancing close to me at a quickening pace. I had to meet up with Ichinose however, and Hirata was not in the schedule.

Ayanokoji: Ok Horikita, let's go. Quickly.

Horikita: Quickly? Why?

I gestured to Hirata who was only two desks away. He was trying to keep a slow pace but you could see the will in his eyes to get close. I speed walked out of the class and practically sprinted through the halls. Ichinose could wait for me, but knowing her classmate Kanzaki, he wouldn't wait and would drag Ichinose away. Kanzaki was annoying that way. Someone who got in the way of me doing things with Ichinose and Class B. He was really defensive for his class, playing the knight to Ichinose's strategy. A powerful pawn in her arsenal, but an annoying one at that

A/N: If you couldn't tell, I do not like Kanzaki.

Horikita: Where are we going? Slow down!

Ayanokoji: The cafeteria, we're meeting with Ichinose to discuss the incident with Yamauchi and see if she can find a witness, what else would it be?

Horikita: I can't read your mind you know. I don't even have the faintest idea what goes on in your head.

Oh Horikita, you don't want to know. Horikita was struggling to keep up as we bolted through the halls and finally into the cafeteria. It was already filled with many students. I saw Sakayanagi and her gang at one table, and many other Class A students. Most of all, there were Kiryama and Nagumo who were sitting across from each other.  Kiryama was giving Nagumo a glare while the latter turned his head up with a cocky smile.  Kiryama's rivalry with Nagumo will soon reach a boiling point, in my opinion, and it can result in two extremes: Kiryama gives up and joins Nagumo, or Kiryama goes all out and attempts to expel Nagumo by force.

Ichinose: Yahoo, Ayanokoji-Kun, Horikita-San!

Horikita: Ichinose-San, Kanzaki-Kun.

Ichinose ran over to us while waving.  She was attracting attention from everyone around us and I saw Sakayanagi staring over at the four of us gathering.  This women did it on purpose.  She wanted people to see and become curious about what we were talking about.  Then that means Ichinose already found out one way or another that Yamauchi was being targeted and knew exactly why I was going to talk to her.

A/N: Ichinose is not a lightweight this time around

Ayanokoji: Ay you guys!  How's it going?

Ichinose: Pretty good, how about you?  I just talked to Mako and-

Kanzaki: Let's get down to business.  You are asking about Yamauchi and asking if we can help you, right?

I'm going to wring this man's neck.  I pretended to act shock as I slightly moved backwards.  This gives people on the offense like Kanzaki the feeling of superiority.  If I pretend to let him guide the conversation, he might make a move assuming he is in charge.  But I was already two steps ahead.

Ayanokoji: Eh?!  How did you two know?!  Are you psychic or something?!

Ichinose: Hehe, I'm a psychic alright.  How else do you think I'm a Class leader?

Kanzaki: The two of us, the psychics of Class B, pleased to meet your acquaintance.

Wow, he's capable of having fun I see.  I never saw that one coming. 

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