Chapter 39: Sports Festival

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Ayanokoji Pov
The entire school gathered on the track field as Elder Horikita stood on stage. He stood calm and prepared, doing what he did at the club fair. However no one tried to make fun of him this time. His intentions were known to all as he finally spoke

Elderkita: Welcome to the Sports Festival. The school has given you the opportunity to work amongst each other, to prove your prowess and unite two classes against the other two. I hope that you all prepared yourselves. Let the festival begin.

Everyone cheered and began to disperse to the different events. My mind however was wandering to something before the exam...


Ayanokoji: Alright this is the roster we have! If anyone has any concerns, just message me ok?

I posted the class roster in the class group chat. Depending on how the traitor acts, I will know who it is. Some people responded like Ken and Onodera, others like Koenji and Yamauchi stayed silent. I still had some loose ends to pick up. I had used a certain pawn in Class C to get a few pieces of the Class C roster

Flashback within a flashback

I opened up my phone and went to message Manabe of Class C. The good thing about messaging, is you can change their name! So as I mentioned Female Dog, she responded instantly. I used the anonymity feature so she has no idea who I am. It also means I have two chats open with her, one where I am cruel and known as X, and one where I am your typical hot ikemen.

X: Manabe, send me the roster for Class C.

Female Dog: Ryuen didn't show anyone, he is telling us day of. I managed to here a whisper of it though, so here is some I recorded.

Attachment: 1 Video

I played the video and it seemed Manabe was hiding around a corner where she heard Ishizaki and Ibuki talking about it. Ibuki was mainly trying to evade the topic but Ishizaki had his opinions on the line up. I listened in and wrote in the roster info that was present in the video...

Timeskip to the original flashback.

If the person is who I think it is, I already know what they'll do.  If I'm wrong it doesn't matter really.  I have a back-up suspect.  Either way, the traitor is revealed, and therefore, crushed.  What worries me is this person could very well be strong, strong enough to see through my plan and counter it.  Whatever, there is no point thinking on it.  I am confident in my guess and my strategy...

Return to present

I had signed up for an event of pole vaulting.  I had practiced this with angles and math problems, so I was confident in my ability to win the event.  My competition was Ibuki, Ichinose and other random people.

Ichinose: Yahoo, how's it going?  I haven't talked to Ibuki since the Zodiac Killer Exam, how's it been with you?

Ibuki: Shut up milkers.  I have no intention of talking to someone like you.  The way you smile and act nice all the time makes me want to vomit all over you.

Ayanokoji: Ibuki-San, chill out

Ibuki: You too, don't talk to me.

Ibuki stepped up with her pole and preformed the event pretty well.  She had a nice build that allowed her to be dexterous and agile while also being strong and capable.  Next up was Ichinose, who barely did it.  Her watermelons bounced a bit while she was in the air, and I felt an ominous presence building up

Hornykoji: Like a graceful bouncing yo-yo, the melons bounced up and down-

Ayanokoji: Shh, shh, shut up!

Ichinose: Ayanokoji-Kun, did you say something?

Ayanokoji: Nope, nothing!

I stepped up to the event and took the pole.  I had to use the pool at a 98 degree angle and use a medium percentage of my muscles to give more potential energy to the pole and-*more complicated math*.  That should do it.  I ran and leapt up with the pole and pushed myself over the marker and landed on the padding they had put on the ground.  The results were tallied and I was the winner, right above Ibuki, and then Ichinose.

Ichinose: Good job Ayanokoji-Kun!  I messed up with my vault but third place isn't bad!

With my placement in first, I managed to gain points for my team.  Both Ibuki and Ichinose both got points too, and some other events were going on so the teams were essentially tied.  Why should I bring this up though, that result is to be expected.  It's because I know the suspect just competed in their first event.  Speaking of I have an event with them later on.  I plan on watching them and seeing their actions.  For now, I am just going to participate in another event.

                              Kikyo Pov
I know I shouldn't do what I'm about to do, but I can't take the stress anymore.  I asked Kiyotaka if I could expel Horikita but he said no, and that he would make sure she doesn't expose me, but I want her gone!  She causes me too much stress, and she needs to go. 

I walked into the tent we had where I saw Horikita sipping water.  God, even her doing the most mundane actions makes me want to punch her.  She has that aura that makes everything she does look annoying.

Kushida: Hey Horikita-San!  Could I talk to you for a moment?

Horikita: Ah Kushida-San what do you need?

Kushida: Come with me.

I walked and she followed me.  We reached a secluded area where I immediately dropped my facade and gave her a cruel look

Horikita: What do you want?

Kushida: I want to tell you something.  There's nothing like telling someone you hate them straight to your face.  I hate you Horikita.  I hate you with every fiber of my being.  I hope you choke and I hope I'm there to see you die.  The moment when you start to break down I will relish.

Horikita: Ok you have issues.  Is that all?

Kushida: One more thing.  Watch your back bitch.  One day, I'll get rid of you.  I'll make you leave this school one way to another.  And so help me God, if I don't get what I want, people are going to pay, and heads are going to roll.

Horikita: What's the purpose of telling me this?

Kushida: I want you to be as stressed as possible!  If I expel you that's good but if you have a mental breakdown even better!  So watch your back bitch, I'm coming for you.

I skipped away happily as a smile returned to my face.  I'll expel her and she will be gone for good.  Kiyotaka might get angry but he's still a teenage boy.  Use my natural assets and he'll forget about her eventually.  Maybe even fall for me!  Wait why am I so excited about that?!  Head in the game Kikyo!  Once she's gone, I'll be able to relax and bask in everyone's praises!  It will be just like elementary school.  I'll get everything. 


        Everything will belong to me

Author: Double update!  Has hell frozen over?  No it hasn't.  But yeah that's all out of me.  I don't really have anything to say.  I'm going to probably add more chapters to the volumes and make longer chapters.  That doesn't mean I won't produce short chapters and stuff.  Gotta take care of myself you know?  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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