Horikita Manabu SS

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What do people want to do when they grow up?  Astronaut?  Actor?  Baseball Star?  Limitless answers to a small question.  But this is the one question I've never been able to answer in my life.  Of course I've always been asked this by classmates, teachers, my parents, even Suzune.  I've been asked so many times and I've always wondered why I couldn't answer that question despite the fact that mode of not all of my peers could answer that question.

Later on, all the other children who couldn't answer the question were able to decide what they want to do.  Yet I had not the slightest clue of anything.  I felt like when I sat in my chair and thought about it, it was just like drawing and erasing a picture on a white board.  I could think of some career that would suit my skills, but I lacked any feeling for it.  Not interest nor animosity, simply nothing.

I want to ask for advice, but when I turn around, I see no one who could answer it.  I've never had friends to rely on.  The people in my class around me go to lunch with each other, get food after school, but I would just eat lunch by myself.  After awhile in my 1st Year, people stopped trying to befriend me.  The boys in my class would frequently approach me but I could not find a care to participate in anything with them.  Am I too busy?  Yes.  Am I too nervous?  No.  I address people all the time, I speak to crowds and give-gave, reports to the student council.  People look up to me and try to chase after me; my own flesh and blood, my sister tries to chase after me, but I don't think I'm that good of a role model.

That's why I avoided her.  She kept her hair long because I said I liked long hair.  She disassociated from other kids in her class just like me to focus on her studies to be like my shadow, just another studious Horikita.  But that's not a way to live.  I regret my life.  I just wish that Suzune would follow her own path.  Even if it requires me to be left in the dust...

Author: Sorry for the lack of content as of late, I've just been super tired and then I had to fight for Team Strawberry as I should.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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