Chapter 20: Sakayanagi-Sama Love is War

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Ayanokoji Pov

I approached the massive doors of the library and pushed them open. The doors were cold and smooth as I pushed them open and stepped into the library. Shelves lined the walls and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of books were on the shelves.

I approached a side area of the room where I saw Sakayanagi sitting at a table reading a few books

Sakayanagi: So you have finally arrived Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ayanokoji: Yeah what do you need me for?

Sakayanagi took her bag and placed it on the table.  She took a book front the bag called 101 Psychological Tests To Find Love.  Ok wtf-

Sakayanagi: Let's play this Ayanokoji-Kun

Ayanokoji: Ooh aah sorry I kinda gotta talk with my class

Sakayanagi: If you leave I will tell everyone about the White Room

Ayanokoji: Psychology is pretty cool right?

I did a complete 180 but who can blame me?  If anyone finds out, my Highschool life will be dead in a ditch, just like Sakayanagi if she leaks the info.  That Man will take revenge on her like it's nobody's business

Sakayanagi: I also invited a few others!

I heard footsteps from behind me and I began to regret my decision to come here today

Horikita: Sakayanagi-San, what did you need?

Ichinose: Yeah, did you need to confide with us?

Hashimoto: You can always confide in me princess.

Sakayanagi: Hashimoto-Kun, no.  I called you all here to do some psychological tests.

Horikita turned on her heels but Hashimoto grabbed her and forced her to sit in a chair.  Hashimoto was actually stronger than he let on.  He truly will be a force to be reckoned with, however, he is definitely a fickle individual

Hashimoto will flock to those who can pay, so if I offered 20 million points, he would throw Sakayanagi into the dumpster immediately, but the reverse is also true

Sakayanagi: In a field of flowers, you are allowed to pick any amount of flowers.  How many will you choose?

Well...I would take enough to make a bouquet to plant.  Gardening seems like an interesting past time to calm down.  Mendel experimented with plants and found the secrets of genetics.  Plants are enriched in knowledge and calming attributes, but I digress

Ichinose: I would take a whole truck load and then give them out to people! 

Horikita: I would take one or two

Hashimoto: I would take a whole bouquet and give it to someone

Hashimoto the romantic, Ichinose the charitable, and Horikita the minimalist.  Sakayanagi shocked us all

Sakayanagi: All of them.  I will take the whole field.

Ichinose: All of them?  Isn't that a bit too greedy?

Horikita: On the contrary Ichinose-San, it is not greedy.  What would be greedy would be to go to another field

Sakayanagi: Correct Horikita-San.  Question 2: You are walking on a dark path, and someone taps you on the shoulder.  Who is it?

Hmm.  If I were on a dark path...That Man would be behind me.  He would have a taser and a large sack with him. 

Horikita: My ni-San.

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