Chapter 42: Unraveling the Traitor

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                         Ayanokoji Pov

Everyone was watching as Ken stormed off the field and Hirata stood up.  His small fleet of girls rushed over and started inspecting his jaw.  Ken probably didn't break it but the HFC (Hirata Fan Club) wanted to check to make sure.  I decided not to engage that, but rather someone else: Matsushita Chiaki.

She was moderately wealthy I had heard, and her family owned a company. I was taught about the major businesses and conglomerates across Japan in a lesson.  That man was a member of a massive political party.  He had formed powerful connections with many businesses and I heard he had attempted to establish ties with the Matsushita family. Still, That Man was rejected due to some of his extremist policies.  He had successfully cut a deal with the Koenji family and it was said they were one of the White Room investors.  I did not know the extent of Koenji's knowledge of the White Room.  It could be he has no idea of it, or it could be similar to Sakayanagi's knowledge.  I needed to talk to Matsushita and ask about Koenji and his family, things I wouldn't know due to my home setting.

Ayanokoji: Hey Matsushita-San, can I talk to you?

Matsushita: Sure, what about? Could it be a confession?

She is on the warpath I see. Well I can fight back as well, and even dirtier

Ayanokoji: Yes Matsushita-San, I must admit, your beauty has enthralled me. I have never thought of anyone else like this, so I humbly request you become my girlfriend.

Matsushita hid her face and it turned beet red. MWAHAHAHA Matsushita, I have just used my Rizz Magic at the 10th level! Paired with my bonus of natural Rizz, that adds to a perfect 30 score! Submit to my Rizz Matsushita, it is the only way for your survival!

Matsushita: Jeez Ayanokoji, you are nothing but one big tease! But surely I haven't gotten your heart so easily, what do you need from me?

Ayanokoji: Yeah, I need to ask you about something. More accurately someone.

Matsushita: Oh yeah? What makes you think I will sell the gossip for free?

Ayanokoji: I am not after that type. Matsushita-San, your family is a well-off business owner, right? I am sure you must have heard any rumors, about say, Koenji?

Matsushita gave me a bombastic side eye and dropped her joking demeanor. Matsushita was, at heart, a businesswoman. They say the ties of blood will carry the parent's nature onto the offspring, much like an inheritance. Matsushita inherited the cutthroat attitude under her joking persona.

Matsushita: My parents are really quiet about business matters so I wouldn't know if the family had any shady business dealings if that's what you meant. However, Koenji was always an oddball. At the fancy gatherings I had to attend, Koenji was his usual narcissistic self. Of course, Koenji did say some weird things. I remember he said something about his father going to South America to meet someone. Nobody cred since everyone's parents go on transcontinental trips, it's in the norm. The thing I noticed was when Koenji was leaving, his mother chastised him and smacked him in the back of the head. His mom wasn't as cutthroat as his father and was rather vain. Always drinking wine and loudly boasting about how bad her husband is bad at doing the nasty thing. Well, I'm rambling. But I am sure you already have what you need. You think Koenji is the traitor right?

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