Chapter 12: Star of Wonder

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                        Ayanokoji Pov

The sky had turned into an orange hue as Horikita and I cooked a meal for the class.  It was efficient this way, where we don't blow through the points we were allotted

Kikyo: Mm, that smells good!  What are you making Kiyotaka-Kun?

Kikyo approached and stared at the grill we bought.  Her venomous glare towards Horikita did not escape my vision.  Horikita frowned and turned back to the dinner

Ayanokoji: We are making some cooked fish with a side of berries.  Same as yesterday, sorry about that...

Kikyo: Kiyotaka-Kun, don't worry about it!  You are graciously making the whole class a meal, so you shouldn't worry about variety.

Horikita: They should be thankful we are even making them their meals.

Kikyo: Hey Kiyotaka-Kun, can I talk to you for a sec?

Before I could respond, Kikyo grabbed my arm and dragged me into the woods where began to speak to me

Kikyo: Hey Kiyotaka-Kun...Can I expel Horikita?

Ayanokoji: No, why?

Kikyo moved up close to me, her breasts making contacts to my chest.  She stared deeply into my eyes with puppy eyes

Kikyo: Please?

Ayanokoji: No.  Trying to convince me to expel Horikita with your feminine traits won't work.

Kikyo mumbled something to herself while looking down at the ground.  She seemed disappointed, but not strictly because of Horikita.

Ayanokoji: Is something wrong?

Kikyo: Heehee, no it's fine!  Just thinking about something.  But make sure Horikita doesn't go after me.  She knows who I truly am.  She knows my past...

Ayanokoji: You have never told me your past.  What is it?

Kikyo: Haah you are lucky I like you.  Here goes:

She listed her past to me: Her venting on the internet, her want for attention, how she tore her class apart when they found out.  It's interesting to say the least

Ayanokoji: I see.  Well I will make sure she causes you no harm.

Kikyo: Thanks Kiyotaka-Kun, you are always there when I need it.  Anyways, we should go back before people think we are making out.

On our way back to camp, we found a peculiar sight.  A blue haired girl, sitting my a tree. Her cheek was bruised, like she had been punched, and her hands were dirty with dirt and grime.  If I recall correctly, this was Ibuki Mio, of Class D

Ayanokoji: Ibuki-San if I am correct, are you ok?!  What happened to you?!

Ibuki: I had a...falling out with my class.  I fought with them and they overwhelmed me so I ran.  And here we are now...

Ayanokoji: Oh that is simply horrible.  How about you come back to our camp with us?  We are making dinner at the moment, so you can gladly eat with us!

Ibuki: Y'know?  That wouldn't be half bad...

After dinner, the class had a meeting, minus Ibuki

Horikita: Ayanokoji-Kun, WHY IS SHE HERE?!

Ken: Kiyo, I know you want to hel people, but she is our enemy!

Sato: Mhm, that witch probably came to try and seduce Ayanokoji-Kun!

Sato had begun leading the Ayanokoji Fan Club and was the president of said club.  She and true other members had made themselves believe that Ibuki was after me and wanted to seduce me

Ayanokoji: Everyone, I understand your concerns!  I was thinking we could have people watch Ibuki and then try to get info for Class D's flag.

Yamauchi: Bro just step down, you aren't a good leader.  You are gonna have us lose you idiot.

Ken: Hey twit shut up!  This Kiyo we are talking about, he always has a plan

Karuizawa: Yeah and he has totes done more than you have this exam.

Haruka: Never talk about my sweet Kiyopon like that ever again!

Haruka was like a mother of my main friend group, watching over us like we were her children.  Karuizawa was using her totes Fr 543 TikTok followers energy to girl boss Yamauchi.

Hirata: I think it's a good plan!

Mii-Chan: Me too!

Horikita: I volunteer to watch Ibuki.

Akito: I volunteer as well.

The class seemed to war yo to my plan.  Phew, crisis averted...

As the night passed, everyone went to bed, however I had a trouble sleeping.  I discretely stuck out of my tent and began to take a walk.  Normally, it would be unsafe for people to walk in the woods at night.  However, in the white room, they place us in dark areas so our eyes adjust to darkness quick.

The stars shone brightly in the sky, like someone poured salt onto a black table cloth some say.  I enjoyed seeing by the stars.  They remind me of freedom, making me feel like I can fly in the sky and just watch things play out.

Matsushita: Ayanokoji-Kun, what are you doing up so late?

Ayanokoji: Oh hey Matsushita-San!  I was a bit restless so I came out to get some fresh air.  What about you?

Matsushita: Meh, same story.  How does it feel, having to deal with all the classes woes?

Ayanokoji: What do you mean?

Matsushita: Well, having to deal with people arguing with your ideas.  The two idiots always talk bad about you, but they get shut up real quick

Ayanokoji: Oh...

I pretended it be a bit saddened by that.  Realistically, most people would.  They would be saddened that people talk bad about them.

Matsushita: Ah don't worry about it Ayanokoji-Kun.  They are annoying anyways.

Ayanokoji: Haah, well I think I will go to bed for now.

I walked off back to my tent as Matsushita followed suit.

The next morning, I woke up early and I did my usual things.  I did a workout and did a run around the island, collecting spots as I went.  Over the last few days, the classes have been collecting spots all over the island.  I would say the attempts for flag capturing would start once the border of the spots met.  I managed to snag some from Class A as well.

I returned to camp to see some girls talking nervously outside the tents.  Upon my arrival, the girls looked at me with red cheeks, but a few quickly recovered

Kikyo: Kiyotaka-Kun, something  terrible has happened!

Kiyotaka: What happened?!

Mii-Chan: S-someone stole Karuizawa-San's panties last night.  She's crying in the tent right now!  What do we do?!

Ayanokoji: I-I don't know...Ade we sure she didn't just misplace them?

Shinohara: Ayanokoji-Kun, we already checked for that, but they weren't in the girls tent!  We suspect the boys of doing it.

Before I could respond, Shinohara matched over to the boys tent and shouted inside


Author: It's time for the island exam witch hunt baby!  Once again, I have nothing more to talk about, so I hope you have a great day!  See you next time I update!

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