Kushida and Horikita SS

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Horikita Pov
I was reading a book in my room while I sat on my bed, a cup of tea on my bedside table. It was Christmas and Sudo had asked me out on a date earlier. He said it wasn't a date but I heard from Onodera who gave him the confidence that it was totally a date. My phone was charging besides me as I took a sip and flipped the page.

Ring ring

It was Kushida. If I ignore it, it will go away. If she is calling me then it cannot be good for me or anyone involved. I let it stop before it picked up again.

Ring ring

Please stop calling me this girl. I tried to ignore it as I slurped the last bit of tea from my cup. I guess I have no choice but to answer.

Kushida: Horikita-San! Merry Christmas!Glad that you could answer!

She would normally answer and call me a bitch but someone else must be with her.

Horikita: Kushida, Merry Christmas. What do you need that required you to call me twice.

Kushida: Hehe, well I was wondering if you could help me with something important.

Horikita: What is it.

I sighed as I realized I was stuck in this situation for good. Come on Suzune, all your years of self control, yoga and meditation will come in handy here.

Kushida: It's better if you come to my dorm. You know the number right?

Horikita: Ok yeah. See you there.

I put the phone down and bookmarked my current page. I walked to my closet and put on my coat and wrapped my scarf around my neck. I walked out of my room and down the hall.

When I entered the elevator, I saw Ibuki, Ishizaki, and another boy from Class D. I believe he was Tokito Hiroya. Ibuki and Ishizaki stop at his sides while he was scrolling on his phone. His gaze landed on me and smiled.

Tokito: Horikita-San right?

Horikita: Yeah that is me. I remember you from when I went to the fancy restaurant at Pallet.

Tokito: Yeah I remember you as well.  As Class D's leader, it's only fair that we are on good footing.

Horikita: The leader?

Ishizaki: Yeah I beat up Ryuen!  I was tired of his shit.  And then Tokito took power.  He's not as cruel as Ryuen so that's a good thing.

I noticed Ibuk glaring harshly at the ground while Tokito eyed me up. 

Tokito: I want to exchange numbers with you Horikita.  I have an offer for you.

Horikita: An offer?

Tokito walked over and lifted my chin up with his finger and gazed into me eyes.  Ishizaki attempted to hide his laughter while Ibuki remained her same angry self.

Tokito: Are you satisfied with Ayanokoji being your boss?  I have a feeling you could be much better...

Horikita: Are you trying to get me to revolt against him?

Tokito: No obviously not!  I was just saying, I could help you in the coming exams while you take control for a bit.  Then the class will make to leader.  Then you can pay back our favors, what do you say?

Horikita: I refuse.  Why should I disrupt our class in such a way?

Tokito: Don't you want to impress your older brother?

Horikita: I-

Tokito: C'mon Horikita.  Let the offer sink in.

He handed me a sticky note with his number on it.  Do I care about catching up to my brother that much to me?  I don't know if he does to me anymore.  I respect him still but I don't know if I still respect him as much.  I feel like to catch up to him, I have to let go of him.

I handed the note back to Tokito and walked out as the elevator opened.

Horikita: I'm not interested in whatever you're offering.  Merry Christmas.

I knocked on Kushida's door and she opened it up in Santa cosplay.  I saw Inogashira behind her with wrapping paper and a very large box.

Kushida: Merry Christmas!

Horikita: Merry Christmas.

I walked in and sat on the floor next to Inogashira who offered up a meek Merry Christmas.  Kushida sat across from me.

Horikita: Why do you want me here?  And what is the deal with this box?

Kushida: Well I'm going to surprise Kiyotaka with something.  He's a good friend so I thought this would surprise him!

Inogashira: Y-yeah?

Horikita: Ok?  Why do you need us?

Kushida: Because-

Kushida hopped into the box which was riddled with holes like Swiss cheese. 

Kushida: I can't cut this wrapping paper and wrap this up myself!

My fate has been sealed.  We started cutting and wrapping up the wrapping paper so the box looked better.  Kushdia was really particular about how we wrapped as well how we cut it.  She claimed that cutting the paper and taping it to specific edges made it look better.  That was a lie but ok.

Kushida: Have you guys heard about Tokito from Class D?  He's the new leader cause Ishizaki beat up Ryuen!  And he is also being nice to all of them and even some of the girls like him!  Though they still like Kiyotaka as well.  Have you checked the boy rankings?  Tokito's the #4 Ikemen!  Kiyotaka's the #2 though...

Why does it sound like she is compensating for Ayanokoji?

Horikita: Tokito tried to convince me to help him with something and tried to use some move that was in a romance manga or something...

Kushida: Hm?  What did he ask you?

It would be unwise to tell Kushida.  She might twist it against me...

Horikita: He asked me about some information about my brother. 

Kushida: Well are you almost done with the wrapping paper?

One Hour Later

Inogashira and I were carrying the wrapped box through the halls and to Ayanokoji's room.  Kushdia opened the door and we quickly ran inside. 

Kushida: Ok!  I can finish up from here!  Thank you!  Oh and Horikita-San, Merry Christmas!

She handed me some chocolates and I walked away.  As we close the door, I saw Kushida looking towards the closet.

Author: My Animal Crossing Island has never been better!  I can back to it after like 6 months and did tons of renovation with it.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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