Chapter 60.5: Assignment 2

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                        Ayanopapa Pov
I observed the stone gate to the school from outside in the black car I was sitting in.  The windows were tinted so I could watch the crowd go into the school.  Kiyotaka was somewhere in there now, using a fake persona to get higher up, just like that man Matsuo had taught him.

Shiba: Ayanokoji-Sensei, I told Kiyotaka about the meeting time and place. 

Atsuomi: Good work, I hope you were undetected in the crowd?

Shiba: Yes Sensei.

Tsukishiro: Right this way, Chairman Sakayanagi.

Coming from the school gates, I saw Tsukishiro and Sakayanagi, the man who had left me for this school.

Sakapapa: Ayanokoji-Sensei.  It's been awhile since we have met in person like this.

Atsuomi: Indeed it has been awhile, I hope time has treated you well.

Sakapapa: It has, and it seems it has treated you equally as well.

Atsuomi: Enough small talk.  Let's get to business.

Sakayanagi opened the car door and slid in.  The car was spacious inside with two rows of seats that faced each other.  In one row, I sat alone.  In the other however, was Sakayanagi.

Sakapapa: If it is about your son Kiyotaka, then it is a no.

Atsuomi: How can you turn me down so quickly?  You don't even know what I'm offering.

Sakapapa: Kiyotaka is under my protection for the next three years, and as Chairman, I cannot and will not betray the trust of my students and faculty.

Atsuomi: Then I hope you should know there are consequences to your defiance.  Sakayanagi, you were one of my most loyal advisors, and yet here you are in the way to perfection.

Sakapapa: Perfection?  This is no way to perfection.  Sacrificing countless lives for this dream of yours never will accomplish anything you must know.

Atsuomi: If some must suffer here for the future for a perfect humanity, than do be it.  They are but tools in a toolbox, cogs in a ticking clock.  And once they break, they can easily be replaced.  Like you.

I gestured to Tsukishiro who stood with a black smile on his face and surveying Sakayanagi and I.  He took over Sakayanagi's place, and was doing the work Sakayanagi could never do.

Atsuomi: On an unrelated note, how is your wife doing?

Sakapapa: She has been resting in peace, waiting for me in the sky.

Atsuomi: Such a foolish idea.  Continue your defiance, and I will send both you and your daughter to meet her.

Sakapapa: Oh please, you wouldn't take such a risk.  And you know my death would only close the school more tightly.  You would never see Kiyotaka until these three years are over.

Atsuomi: I am a patient man, if that is what I just do, I will.  But I would suggest your resign now.

Sakapapa: Why's that?

Atsuomi: You will find out.  And your daughter will suffer as well.

Tsukishiro: Sensei, it is time for us to go.

Atsuomi: I see.  Farewell Sakayanagi.

Sakapapa: Goodbye, Ayanokoji-Sensei.

He left the car while Tsukishiro began to drive.  I had a conference with the Koenji family.  Shiba had dug up some information about suspicious arms dealing...

Author: I fell asleep in the middle of writing this and woke up like I was hungover.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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