Chapter 31: How to train your waifu/husbando

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                             Ayanokoji Pov
It was the night of the pool incident.  I enlisted Horikita to thwart the perverts plans, but it seems they have another one.  I received a knock on my door late at night, and I opened it to see Ken, Yamauchi, and Ike

Ayanokoji: What's going on?

Ike: Shh, shut up just let us in.

Against my better judgment, I let them in before anyone saw them entering my room.  The three took a seat and placed a duffel bag on the table

Yamauchi: Open it.

Yamauchi said in a grave tone.  I rounded the table and placed my hand on the side of the bag.  The bag seemed to be filled with something, so luckily it wasn't Hirata's dead body.  Unless they chomped him up.  Honestly, that's one rival out of the way I guess

Ayanokoji: Why are you so serious?  Did someone die?

Ken: Someone WILL die if you don't open the damn bag

Ayanokoji: What's in it?

Ike: Are you stupid?!  Open the dayum back!

I hesitantly opened the bag, and none of what I saw did I expect

There was a collar, a leash, fuzzy handcuffs and more.


Yamauchi: Ok listen, Kushida-Chan won't pay attention to us.  And we saw this video-

Ayanokoji: Like a porno?

Yamauchi: Like a porno.  And it was called how to train your waifu.  There was also one called how to train your husbando, and Ike wanted to see it-


Yamauchi: Regardless, we want to "train" Kushida-Chan, so she realizes how much she loves us

Ken: Y-you know, now that you say it out loud, it doesn't sound too good...

Ayanokoji: Yeah this is some messed up sheet.  Where did you even get this?!

Ike and Yamauchi: Chie-Sensei!  She said she watched the how to train your husbando video as well

Ayanokoji: Right...Sotomura told me about this

Sotomura was gonna teach me about the wonders of video games and anime tomorrow, and he told me about Yanderes

Ayanokoji: So you're Yanderes?

Ike: Yea

Yamauchi: Pretty much.  Kushida-Chan needs to know how much we love her, so we have to show her!

These guys...

Ayanokoji: Hot take: Maybe she doesn't like you, because you pull sheet like this.  You don't a train a girl, you show her affection

Ken: Words of wisdom from Kiyotaka-Sensei!

Ike: Ayanokoji-Sensei, teach me the ways of being the rizzard of oz!

I grimaced internally at that name.  People called that man that name, so it gave me ptsd.  It's starting to worry me that he hasn't found me by now.  He has probably tortured Matsuo, but I hope Matsuo is still alive

Ayanokoji: Right well here goes...

                            Kikyo Pov
It was late at night while I was cuddling a stuffed bear in my arms when I heard a knock on my door

Jesus Christ, who is bothering me now?!  I trudged to the door and pulled it open to see Manabe and her two orbiters at the door.  They had a large duffel bag in their hands and they strolled right past me

Calm down Kikyo, you can't kill them.  Well maybe I get a grip!  Just handle whatever these biatches throw out you!

Kushida: Manabe-San, Yuji-San, and Mariko-San, what are you doing here?

The three placed a bag down on the table and gathered around.  Jeez thanks for asking to come in.  Make yourself at home I guess

Manabe: Kushida-San, open the bag.

Kushida: Um, ok?

I approached the bag and gingerly felt it.  It had many things inside of it, so was it a gift bag?  No I doubt it.  Manabe and her friends weren't he type to do this

I opened it, and what was in there was deeply disturbing.  There was a collar, a leash and many other weird objects.  I covered my mouth and almost fell backwards

Kushida: W-what is this?!

Yuji: See, we were watching a video titled "How to Train your Husbando". And we took some advice from it

Kushida: Where did you even get this?!

Mariko: Well we got it from Nagumo-Senpai who got it from Hoshinomya-Sensei.  Ayanokoji-Kun seems to not be focused on us and we want to show him our love

Kushida: Ok WHAT.  You do know this is very wrong and illegal!  ILLEGAL.  You could be arrested

Kiyotaka would likely kill them if they tried it go through with it but still

Manabe: You would do it too y'know!  We all know how you are totally into Ayanokoji-Kun!

Kushida: First off, we are just friends, and second off, this is still messed up as all hyell!  What went through your mind!  Third off, even if I wanted to, I would probably be expelled and arrested afterwards!  Is a high-school crush really worth the risk?! 

Mariko: Well maybe it isn't.  But how are we supposed to win his heart?

Oh these girls should stop breathing.

Kushida: Ok girls, buckle up.  Let Kushida-Sensei teach you a lesson in seduction...


It was the morning after the event of the girls attempting to turn Ayanokoji into their dog.  I awoke refreshed after a good night sleep.  I brushed my teeth, took a bath and massaged myself

I heard a knock on my door and wanted to cry inside.  I opened the door to see Yamauchi and Ike with freakishly large smiles on their face.  Yamauchi attempted to smile charmingly but it looked like a serial killer, and unlike other girls, I do not romanticize serial killers(A/N: Yeah Twitter Girls, that's like seriously messed up)

I kicked him in the certain place while screaming and I slammed the door shut. 

                           Ayanokoji Pov
I opened the door on my way to meet Sotomura when I saw Manabe and her gang standing outside.  When I went to say something, Manabe got real up close and pressed her watermelons against my chest and aged me puppy eyes.

Manabe: Oh hey Ayanokoji-Ku-

Ayanokoji: Begone THOT. 

I casted divine smite from the heavens-Just kidding that didn't happen

Ayanokoji: Oh hey Manabe-San, I kinda have somewhere to be!  Talk later?  Ok thanks bye!

I sprinted away at top speed,  I swear they were going to kill me one day

Author: So how's it going?  I am stressed out of my kind over a group project cause neither of my group mates are talking about it and I have a tech week and the project is due next Monday.  I'm dying inside I tell you.  That's why you should always choose academically inclined people for a project!  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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