Chapter 36: Half-Eaten Strawberry

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                           Ayanokoji Pov
The classrooms were abuzz as classes strategized.  I, however, had been called by Sakayanagi to discuss our strategy for the exam.  Out of coincidence, Ryuen and Ichinose were meeting to discuss their strategies.  The day after the exam was announced, Class B announced a freeze in the alliance since we were fighting on different teams.  We decided to negotiate the alliance after the Sports Festival.

The hallways were empty and I walked through them as I observed out the windows.  Some second years were gathering and talking to one and other frantically.  I saw a girl flash her phone to the others and they all seemed equally shocked about it.  One of them looked to the girl, who I could identify as Asahina.  Asahina meekly nodded and then turned away.  I wonder what's going on...

Before I new it, I reached Class A.  I slid the door open and was met with a wave of looks.  A few some neutral, the cult ones looked in awe, and some looked with feral glances.  The usual.  Sakayanagi sat at the teachers podium with her usual clique standing around.  Katsuragi had been standing up and now approached me.

Katsuragi: Ayanokoji, you came.

Sakayanagi: Since Katsuragi has yet learned his place as a pawn, he has demanded he accompany us to the strategy.  He is still in about claiming to be the better leader.

Yahiko: You would do well to hold your tongue for someone who needs a purple haired art weirdo to hold your hand!

Kamuro: Huh?  What did you just say you rat?

Sakayanagi: Fufufu, all a childish squabble.  Katsuragi, you would do well to keep your drooling mutt under control, lest he be trapped by another owner...

Ayanokoji: I hate to interrupt, but can this wait for later?  We have to flak about the Sports Festival...

Dealing with these people made me want to throw Sakayanagi off a bridge, especially since she knew my past.  Yahiko made me want to send him home in a body bag.  No one can annoy me more than some of these people.

Katsuragi: You're right.  Let's go.

Kamuro opened the door and led us to a spot no one really goes to. It's near the school basement, right under the stairs. People use it as a make out area, but no one is getting a kiss down here as of now.

Sakayanagi: So, I assume you wished to talk about the team events?

Katsuragi: No Sakayanagi-San, he wanted to talk about the new ice cream parlor.

Sakayanagi: That tongue of yours...I will be sure to cut it out when I gain control~

Katsuragi: Haah, you disappoint me Sakayanagi-San, to think you would resort to using violence.  I never thought you the type.

These two squabbled like a married couple, I feel like a third wheel on a date that will end with one in the hospital.

Ayanokoji: Wooow, I feel like a third wheel.  Want me to leave?

Sakayanagi: That is not necessary, I will be on my upmost behavior from here on.

Ayanokoji: So the team competition for the Cavalry game, I was thinking...


The meeting ended and I looked at the copy of the team roster I had in my hand.  It had been about an hour or two since we had started and we managed to get through it by deciding to use strong and weak players together.  I wonder how Ichinose and Ryuen are working together.  Ichinose is kind, Ryuen is cunning.  They are polar opposites, like oil and water. 

I checked the school forum, and I saw something...very interesting.  Rumors.  A lot of them too.  There were some that we're career ending, one involving me!

Hoshinomya is a pedoohile.

Isn't much of a rumor but still.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka enjoys hurting girls by leading them on.

Ok what the fyuck, who came up with these things?  There was one about the Elder Horikita:

Horikita Manabu is in a secret relationship with Tachibana Akane.

The forums were a buzz with all the info.  Comments sympathizing with the people, others flaming them:

Yamagod: Always knew Ayanokoji was bad but no one listened!


Sunflower: Woooooow, very convincing.

This is bad.  Someone is intentionally spreading rumors about me and many others.  Question is: Who?  It wasn't just one account that posted the rumors, but many.  Could they be alt accounts?  Maybe, but that wouldn't explain how one person can be able to get so much crappy information and have some believe it.  Many in the comments seemed to agree with these rumors, and parroting them as truths. 

???: Guess who!

A pair of hands covered my eyes from behind.  A sweet scent enveloped me as I felt something soft against my back.

Ayanokoji: Ichinose-San?

Ichinose: Yup, that's me!

Ayanokoji: How did the meeting with Ryuen go?

Ichinose: W-well I mean, it didn't go bad...

Ayanokoji: It went bad

Ichinose: It went bad.  But I can't tell you about to since we are enemies!

Ichinose wore a courageous expression, and looking into the sky.  Her pink hair shone in the bright sunlight.  Her clear blue eyes were like a pool of stars in the bright sky.

Ayanokoji: Hehe oh yeah, I guess so.  But Ryuen was suggesting something cruel wasn't he?

Ichinose: Well no, he was just mean and said some cruel things...

Ayanokoji: Even if we are enemies, Jude's no you can always talk to me and I will never judge, ok?

Ichinose: Yeah.  I'll make sure to remember that!  See ya around!

Ichinose waved goodbye and skipped off to meet with a Kanzaki who exchanged a curt nod with me.  Ichinose was a strong leader but with her friends, she was even stronger.  Ryuen was strong but he was isolated.  They were two different people, two different ideologies.  If you placed those two people on a deserted island, they might call a truce and find a way to survive.  They could hunt and forage for food, and use flint and wood to make fire.  But what happens when they runs out of food?


    One will be eaten alive by the other

Author: Nothing to say here!  If you guys have any ideas of how the Koji will handle the traitor, tell me.  I have a way in mind, but if you have a good one please share!  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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