Fairy Tale: Kushida SS

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Have you ever heard of those fairy tales about a princess who is a troll on the inside but it is still lived by the dashing prince?  (Yes like Shrek)

Before I met him, I viewed relationships as only something to use to get things.  No one would ever love me for who I truly am

When I snapped at my middle school, the boys who said they loved me turned on me.  The girls who were my friends ostracized me.  I turned them on each other.  I found it funny as our teacher tried to calm everyone, but they shouted so loud, the teacher looked at me with disgust

That's all people would feel when they saw the true me: until Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

He accepted me for who I truly am, he doesn't judge me.  I feel slight butterfly's in my stomach whenever I talk to him, and I feel as if my cheeks are like tomatoes. 

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is loved by all, and I suppose I am no different from all his fan girls.  I am in his fan club after all. 

So this is like a fairy tale, and he is my Prince Charming...

As I saw that no one was expelled, I was happy!  I was going to approach Kiyotaka but he quickly walked off with Horikita.  I later heard he saves Ichinose.  Tch, I almost kind wish I failed and he would come save me too. 

Eep what am I saying?!  Hornyshida shut up!

Then again, I am sure most girls were having those thoughts.

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